Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quinn is living on Graham Crackers and Water!



  1. Anonymous9/04/2014

    I've seen Quinn person. Believe me can live for at least 6 months on nothing. He is a lardass. Having never worked a day in his life apparently led to his awful condition.

  2. Anonymous9/05/2014

    they don't come any more stupid than Pat Quinn. Good example of a Bar Exam passer that should never be elected to public office.

    1. Anonymous9/06/2014

      They say never never ever, for any reason at all, hire a lawyer that didn't pass the bar on the first try. There is something wrong with them.

      Quinn wants to get hired but he is a bar flunker.

    2. Anonymous9/06/2014

      The I guess we should fire most elected officials.

    3. Anonymous9/06/2014

      Yes...for that reason....and many many more.....especially the ones with D in front of their names as they are in control of EVERYTHING around here..and basically it sucks around here

  3. Anonymous9/06/2014

    lost all respect when i saw him praying with the Muslims in Bridgeview at the mosque,dosent he realize these ppl hate us,oh i forgot FDR used to attend weekly Buddist services right after Pearl Harbor..

  4. Anonymous9/07/2014

    Just saw his ad with him pushing the lawn mower.....looks like he's been grazing more than mowing.

  5. Anonymous9/08/2014

    Graham crackers are much better then lies and bullshit he has been jamming down our throat.

  6. Anonymous9/17/2014

    Fat PAT, the Fat PIG, Quinn, could live on crackers and water for a decade, and still be overweight. what a fuckin pig, eats like a hog in heat at every Buffet and freebie Dinner he can scam his way into. Durbin = another fat pig who lives high off the hog on the Taxpayers Dollar, while doing nothing except Bankrupting the State of Illinois, along with his thieving pals Quinn and Madigan. .

  7. Anonymous9/17/2014

    Democrats will always shake your hand with one hand, and stick a knife between your shoulder blades with the other, if ya know what I mean.
