Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Case for Impeachment

Andrew C. McCarthy is a former top Pentagon official and terrorism expert who prosecuted the so-called “blind sheik,” Omar Abdel Rahman, for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Paul Bedard reports for The Washington Examiner, May 20, 2014, that in his new book, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s ImpeachmentMcCarthy makes the legal case to impeach Barack Obama for:
  • Destroying the Constitution by picking and choosing which laws to enforce.
  • Using the Internal Revenue Service to harass conservative groups.
  • Making changes to Obamacare that don’t appear legal.
Faithless ExecutionMcCarthy said, “You have to make the public case that the president has to be removed. I’m trying to make it.” He hopes his book can build the political will in Congress and the nation to take the unusual move last used against former President Bill Clinton following the Monica Lewinsky affair.
“The victims are people who care if America is the America of the Constitution,” he said at a small briefing about his book due for release June 3.Amazon is already selling it.


  1. Anonymous5/24/2014

    Unfortunately he will never be impeached. He has the shield of skin color to protect him. The media will NEVER EVER EVER ....under ANY circumstances allow him to be impeached. And more unfortunately he and his band of merry revolutionaries are carrying out ever more extreme actions with no concern at all for what the people want. The media may have had their eyes opened regarding who he really is....and isn't ! But they will not take him down. Fortunately he has already lost a ton of good will with the American people and his power has been severely reduced. If we can just get a Republican Senate we could pretty much eliminate any future threats. Then the task of electing a Republcan President in 2016 must be our ultimate goal My feeling is that it must be or have on the ticket Hispanic. We, unlike the Democrats, have many elected Hispanics that could do the job....Susanna Martinez, Marco Rubio, just to name two top tier possibilities. And DO remember to tell your union buddies that our "pretty good local Democrats" have backed this extremist ALL the way. I laugh too at how many times I have been in the local taverns talking politics with some folks who are the most racist people you will ever meet....yet when Obama comes up....they are for him . Politics makes very strange bedfellows and Barry Obama is VERY strange.

  2. Anonymous5/24/2014

    If he is Impeached, do we get Biden. Reid or Pelosi?. We need an emergency election to rid us of these Anti American Democratic Party.

  3. Anonymous5/24/2014

    i seriously thought that a military coup would have taken this idiot out of office by now..

  4. Anonymous5/24/2014

    I do not know what it is, but I am beginning to think that you do not like Obama.

    Dude, you have got to get off this horse.

    ... backs away (slowly).

  5. Anonymous5/24/2014

    maybe you ought to stop talking with "the most racist people you will ever meet" but you are right Obama will never be impeached because if he was this county would go up in flames.

    1. It's not about racism. It's about competence.

    2. Anonymous5/25/2014

      So you condemn someone who, during a conversation, are confronted with people who blurt out racist attitudes...rather than the people who utter them? You cannot always be precognitive regarding what people WILL say during a conversation that often is not even about race etc...the point is that many of these Democrats , especially in the 19th Ward, are hypocritical phonies.

  6. Anonymous5/25/2014

    That would be pretty hard to do. There are a lot of Democrats in those bars.....and a lot of racists. And a lot of Obamaites. And a lot of people whose lives are not better off after 6 years of Obama...but they wont admit it. Funny, actually. "Gee my house is still worth a lot less than six years ago...." "why is that"...."gee I got a lot less work these last six years from the union hall....geez why is that?" a lot less in the bank than before and prices are goin up and up...geez why is that?"....." health insurance has gone up like $2,000 this year...hmm wonder why" ...Oh yeah...Bush

  7. Anonymous5/26/2014

    I am going to read this book.
