Sunday, March 2, 2014

Is this BS or what?

Wayne Allyn Root on 9 Dead Bankers

Wayne Allyn Root 
By Wayne Allyn Root
Something very big and very bad is happening. Prominent bankers are dying in droves. Have you ever heard of 8 bankers committing suicide in a matter of just a few weeks?
A 9th banker was found dead only days ago. What is driving successful bankers with families to kill themselves in droves?
Here’s the tipoff that this is a very big story: the mainstream media is not covering it. There’s 9 dead bankers (and counting) and the story isn’t even mentioned in the national news? That itself is a major news story.
Bankers are dying so fast, you’d think they were all dentists. You get the joke, right? Dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession. Sometimes you need a little humor to brighten up a very dark story. But keep in mind at no time in history have 9 dentists all died under mysterious circumstances in a matter of a few weeks.
Why are so many bankers dying? Is the media asleep at the switch? Afraid to dig deeper? Ordered not to investigate? By whom? The government? Or is the media perhaps afraid for their own lives if they dig deeper? You think that sounds a bit absurd? Well not really. A Wall Street Journal reporter named David Bird, who covers the commodities market, is missing. As in gone. As in never seen again. He left his home on Jan 11th and never returned. Was he working on this story?
Something smells rotten in Denmark. Because 9 dead bankers and a missing reporter should be a huge headline story.
And if anyone has been watching closely- 5 other major bankers died in either suicides or mysterious circumstances in 2013. That’s 14 dead bankers.
Someone is going to win a major journalist prize for investigating a high-profile story like this. But for some mysterious reason, no one in the mainstream media seems interested. Doesn’t that alone make you nervous?
This story is real. The dead are:
William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG.
Karl Slym, 51 year old Tata Motors managing director.
Gabriel Magee, 39-year-old JP Morgan banker.
Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a US investment bank, and former Vice President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve.
Richard Talley, the 57-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado.
Tim Dickenson, U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG.
Ryan Henry Crane, 37-year-old executive at JP Morgan.
Dennis Li Junjie, 33-year-old Hong Kong banker.
James Stewart Jr., former CEO of the National Bank of Commerce.
James Stewart? You know something very bad is going on when a bank CEO named Jimmy Stewart is found dead. I guess it’s not such “a wonderful life” afterall.
How they died is strange and mysterious too. Two of these successful bankers jumped off the roof of their high-rise office buildings. Just like that bankers decide to take a stroll off the top of their office buildings? One of the bankers was ruled a “suicide” after being shot 8 times from head to toe with a nail gun.
Am I the only one who finds this creepy and worrisome? Do you know anyone brave or insane enough to commit suicide by nail gun?
So what’s going on? I’ll give you two theories.
My first educated guess is we are headed for an epic economic collapse. The mainstream media has fed the public lies about a non-existent “recovery” and dutifully reported the government’s manipulated economic reports (filled with fraud). But these bankers are smart guys who know the truth. What’s coming is very, very bad. As I argued in my national bestseller “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” we are entering the Greatest Depression of all-time.
What caused this economic Armageddon? Spending, entitlements and debt. Who caused it? Government, led by corrupt, ignorant and reckless politicians. If I were the lead detective on this case, I’d be investigating who had the most to gain from a cover-up. My investigation would start and end with government collusion, corruption, bailouts and bribery.
Governments all over the world have taxed, spent and printed us into oblivion. America’s debt crisis will make Greece look like a walk in the park. This is too big to “paper over.” When America collapses, the entire rest of the world crumbles with us. Even creative and corrupt government bureaucrats making up fraudulent economic statistics can’t cover this one up. There is no way out from the coming crash. I’m guessing that knowledge might cause a banker who sees the writing on the wall to take a walk off the roof of his high-rise.
But that still doesn’t explain shooting yourself with a nail gun 8 times from head to toe. No one wants to die that slowly and painfully. That sounds more like torture to me. And torture is what leads to murder. Perhaps some or all of these bankers were murdered. Perhaps they didn’t walk off their high-rise buildings. Perhaps they were pushed.
Perhaps the Colorado bank CEO was being “questioned” when the nail gun went off…8 times. I guess the interrogators didn’t like his answers.
But why would someone murder bankers? My educated guess is these are smart guys who knew too much. Perhaps they knew about government manipulation and fraud. Perhaps they knew their banks were not in the wonderful shape their manipulated balance sheets showed. Perhaps they had information about government collusion and corruption in the banking system. Perhaps they were threatening to expose government’s lies and fraud. Perhaps they knew about the trillions in derivatives held by banks and Wall Street firms about to implode and take world economy with it.
I’m just making educated guesses. But something is very wrong. Something bad is coming. 9 dead bankers is a very messy start, of a very big story the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about.


  1. Anonymous3/02/2014

    What exactly is your point?

    1. Anonymous3/03/2014

      I think it is more of a puzzling question the blogger poses. Read the article linked. It is very strange. It may be that people "in the know" who may become future whistleblowers....are being erased. A possibility.

  2. Anonymous3/02/2014

    The Anglo-American economic model is based on the notion of free markets and free trade. However, if you work in banking, you realize that this is (a) false and (b) results in huge economic and income disparities. I think it is a matter of conscience rather than imminent economic collapse. You cannot sustain an economic and political system based upon banking domination: (1) dominant, (2) get bailed out for errors (fraud?), and (3) (fraudulently?) dispossess the American middle class. It is unsustainable, another bubble that they decide---and insure against, but they will bailed out the insurers too---to create will burst.

    I like the German model. I never lived in Germany, but I have visited. It is based on smaller and medium-sized export companies that are highly efficient. Unions play an integral part and are well represented. The world sends to them raw materials, and they create world-class products. Moreover, they also design the engines and parts of those world-class products. You will see nuclear energy power and numerous factors operating safely and efficiently.

    Somehow we let banking take true charge of both our economy and elections (funding both Republicans and Democrats). Once in charge, they took risks, insured somewhat against them, created bubbles, got more rich. Shockingly, however, engaged in and continue to engage massive, widespread foreclosures.

    So, banking, finance, insurance is more powerful, more consolidated, and less regulated than ever. ... hold on for the next crisis and bailout.

  3. Anonymous3/03/2014

    It reminds me that you can get away with extraordinary offenses if you can just get yourself called Reverend or Banker.

    Pay no taxes. Steal homes. Take money. Bailed out. Free land. No oversight.

    We should all be both the bank and the church. See the Institute for Religious Works (which Pope Frank, bless his heart, is attempting to reform). Remember Joseph Smith heard an "audible" instruction from God to establish the Kirtland Safety Society.

    You must be on guard when members of the banking establishment or clergy start asking for money, land, or otherwise.

    1. Anonymous3/03/2014

      So bankers and clergy are the same? Karl Marx was discredited over a century ago....take a break from reading your Union monthly letter before you turn into a bomb throwing nut. Right now you just sound like one.

    2. Anonymous3/03/2014

      Ze Capeetaleests are ourrrr eenemies !! Keel them ! Keel them all !!

    3. Anonymous3/03/2014

      Bankers and the clergy are not the same. The point is that when you combine the two, things get really freaky. See the Kirtland Safety Society or the Institute for Religious Works.

      The other point is that you never see arrests for institution frauds or cover ups.

  4. Anonymous3/05/2014

    they know what joe six pack dosent,the country is about to take a big economic hit,we predict that by this summer the bottom will fall out and if you think we live in a rust belt with closed industrial plants just wait to see entire neighborhoods abandoned and boarded up,ppl you cant be alaways be buying on plastic and then wait for the bills to come in,the dollar has no backing,our money is worthless in europe,we produce nothing,our stoves,refrigirators,clothes,cars are all made overseas,but on the other hand maybe a economic disaster would be good where we would have to use up,fix up. wear out like the depression of the 30s,it made stronger ppl....
