Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is a life worth?

A $20,000 fine and 60 days in the McHenry County jail.


  1. Anonymous2/01/2014

    Mayor Daley taken to Northwestern Hospital a few minutes ago. Condition unknown.

  2. Anonymous2/01/2014

    Sham justice has become the norm across the country particularly in large metropolitan areas. Examples are many and for starters google therememberance project and you may not sleep tonight.

  3. Anonymous2/01/2014

    THATS nothing,had a old country irish sgt, over in 022 that waS CAPT fairguys STOOL pigeon.he blew a kid away in 007 yrs ago got a big cover up through his clout when they wanted to fire him and later he became a sgt in IAD investigating wrong doing by other cant make this shit up,

    1. Anonymous2/02/2014

      022 has ALWAYS been one of the most Corrupt units in the CPD.

  4. Anonymous2/01/2014

    maybe his son Patrick was using him as a punching bag again...

  5. Anonymous2/02/2014

    Daleys stroke was the direct result of creep nephew. Prayers for the mayor please. He has done so much good for our neighborhood.

    1. Anonymous2/02/2014

      The mayor had done some good but also ALOT of bad. He has delivered the white ethnics to the progressive radical left who have open contempt for their heritage. He was arguably mobbed up and spent money like a drunken sailor and jumping ship right as he sailed the ship of state into the rocky shores. We are stuck with cameras everywhere, private company ticket whores trolling our side streets. Underfunded and understaffed police department...and no money left in the coffers....Out of room but could post here for hours..(I think maybe you mean he has done so much good for ME.)

  6. Anonymous2/02/2014

    Daley is little more than a vile, bullying, thieving, louse.
