Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tough guy afraid to go to the County

What's this? The County is good enough for the Blacks but not good enough for a Daley? Cook County jobs are good enough for the Daleys'. Hundreds of them. What's wrong with the jail? If you commit a crime, you should do the time where you did your misdeed. Putting this guy in McHenry Jail is an incredible display of raw power and arrogance. I'm sorry Daleys' but you are looking more and more like the Kennedy's every day. I am so damn disappointed by the Daley's refusal to do the right thing. 
Staff Reporter
Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko wants to serve his 60-day jail sentence at the McHenry County Jail rather than the Cook County Jail, citing “security reasons.”
He even agreed to pay, if need be.
The Cook County Jail’s capacity is nearly 17 times that of the McHenry County facility.
As many as 650 inmates can be held in McHenry County — including the federal detainees that jail holds.
The Cook County Jail — one of the largest jail facilities in the country — can hold about 11,000 inmates, according to Cara Smith, the jail’s executive director. On Friday, Cook County had just over 9,000 inmates in custody. McHenry County had nearly 400.
In McHenry County, most inmates share a cell with one other person. Cells have bunk beds, a desk, a toilet and a sink. There’s one basic level of security, unless an inmate doesn’t behave, McHenry County Jail Sgt. Patrick Grisolia said.
Inmates “get out, they eat, they’re in a regular day room” where they watch TV and read, Grisolia said. “We’re known for being very clean. Our facility is definitely very clean.”
In Cook County, inmates are housed in a variety of ways. Those include dorm settings in which up to 48 inmates share one large room with rows of bunk beds and their own recreational area. That’s where they sleep, eat and spend much of their time. There also are cells shared by just two inmates who eat their meals there and get out of their cell for just an hour each day, Smith said.
She said inmates can request protective custody if they fear for their safety. Those people are held one to a cell. The jail also has certain tiers intended to be gang-free.
“We have, on a daily basis, high-profile and/or vulnerable inmates in our custody, and our first priority is to keep every single one of them safe and secure,” Smith said.
Email: bschlikerman@suntimes.com


  1. Anonymous2/04/2014

    60 days in jail, for a killing, is a joke. Just be glad it wasn't your kid that this bully ran into.

  2. Anonymous2/04/2014

    Vanecko is how they raise their kids. Plenty of attitude.

  3. Anonymous2/04/2014

    Does ths realy surpries anyone? The Daleys have been above the law forever.

  4. Anonymous2/04/2014

    This is the clan that the followers of the religion of Irishness in the 19th Ward are all about. Day after day, week after week, month, year, decade.....these people have played their Irish card FAR too long. When will the idiots in our Ward wake up. You lie down with dogs you get fleas. Everything this family is involved in stinks of a dookie shoved under the carpet. They are crooked. And if you are working FOR them and doing their bidding for your punch in/punch out job....then you are guilty too.

  5. Anonymous2/05/2014

    All bully's are cowards

  6. Anonymous2/05/2014

    This post is horrible and should be taken down. It is an insult to the Daley family. After all they have done and they get treated like this. If it wasn't for Mayor Daley, Chicago would be Detroit. He did so much and now he is in the hospital, caused by the stress of his work. Stop this now.

    1. Anonymous2/05/2014

      Daley skipping out on the city leaving a 500 million hole in the budget after spending billions of our tax dollars and an understaffed police force is an insult to ALL of us. How do you know WHY he is in the hospital? You may worship at your little altar in your bedroom where you light your candles and worship this crook but did you leave room for an icon of the true Messiah ? Barry Obama ? How do you like those ticket cameras everywhere...and the privatized parking meters and the roving bands of creeps who laugh as they ticket us ? Or the 1.3 BILLION he took and then SPENT for this crooked deal?

    2. Anonymous2/05/2014

      The truth hurts huh? Would any of us have ever gotten such treatment were we in the same boat? YOU may have brainwashed yourself to think so....the rest of us know better.

    3. Anonymous2/05/2014

      If some jerk Daley relative punched a young relative of yours who was half his size - and killed him - would you still think this post was horrible?

  7. Anonymous2/05/2014

    got to agree with blogger about the irish bs in the 19th ward,was in Ireland recently on a business trip and found that the class distnction over there is almost Victorian.They blame us for Afganistan,the blight of the blacks even as their country is getting swamped by the Somolians,Muslims etc,they make fun of the "yanks" behind their backs and consider us 3rd world yahoos and just love to stick our loss of industry in our face at every oppurtunity and nothing we do is good,edicational, or fourthwright in their eyes,but on the other hand look at the trash movies and tv shows we send to them,here comes hony boo boo,Seinfeld,Cops,and other assorted trash,they seem to have particularly picked up on and denounce the SouthSide Irish business and have the hee haw for the over weight, sweaty,mismatched clothing wearers of this clan in general.at one time all of europe in its entirety stood in awe of the YANKEE but no more,our money is no longer worth anything and if it is it is inflation mode,was in two places where they would not take travlers checks or green backs,a first,only Euros and they seemed pleased about it,so think again about your friends and who you lay down with,youmay get fleas...

    1. Anonymous2/05/2014

      I was in Ireland last year and have to say that the contempt was quite pronounced. I didn't feel that welcome. I don't think I will be back there anytime soon.

  8. Anonymous2/05/2014

    the only folks that are probably been beloved and worked hard for the 19th ward more are Tom Hynes and rosemary bilecki

    1. Anonymous2/05/2014

      They have done NOTHING for me. Maybe for you. You may have that job with no fear of being fired. YOU may have that pension from one (or maybe two, and even three) - if your wife works for the guvment. too. Or all you kids. The above posts are what the MAJORITY of residents think of YOU behind your back. Most of us are not on the guvment dole and we look down on, and are starting to resent the fact that while you have it so good...you NEVER SHUT UP...whining and complaining. Go back to your overpriced ranch with the second floor addition your two Japanes cars and watch your idiot Messiah Obama on your Korean big screen.

    2. Anonymous2/05/2014

      The reason Chicago is not Detroit is that Harold Washington died. The city has far more diverse resources and businesses than Detroit. Detroit mainly had the auto industry. Daley did nothing for Chicago that where he did not pocket something for himself and his greedy horde of hangers on...like you.

    3. Anonymous2/05/2014

      A Dictator may be feared.....but not loved.

  9. Anonymous2/05/2014

    The Irish are now pretty much like the rest of the Eurotrash....they all hate America. Well good. You can always go back there. Nobody dragged you over there. The Irish USED to actually like America but they have become part of the EU and are now rotting like the rest of the European countries. They have the Socialist disease. We are starting to smell a little ripe ourselves. Time to clean house in 2014 !! Get active.

  10. Anonymous2/06/2014

    time to vote all the rats out the real police

  11. Anonymous2/06/2014

    A few recent conversations in the ward suggest something like,"Oh for Pete's sake
    let's get by this,I mean like you know it's really not the Daley's fault and besides the Klotchman kid started it." It seems to this observer that the ward faithful can't seem to see the reality of the political culture that runs contrary to the notion of political activity exits for the commonwealth. These ward folks see it for personal gain for
    me and mine . Policy what's that? Just sample any neighbor or friend on this site and check the incredible pensions per household . Hundreds of warders are extremely well off and gamed the system with cushy political jobs for multiple family members and obtained second pensions with clout. Y'all were broke the
    rating agencies remind us and the commonwealth be dammed and personal wealth is the rule of the day. Let's name a few names.

    1. Anonymous2/06/2014

      I will tell you when some of these 19th warders were in power, they were some of the meanest bastards you could imagine. Mean and out of control.

  12. Anonymous2/09/2014

    dont forget STVENSON our guy in Libya was annaly raped had human crap stuffed down his throat and was dragged behind a car till his own ppl didnt know him,BENGHAZI GET OVER IT....
