Sunday, November 3, 2013

The sun will soon set on the Liberals

Economic stagnation + high unemployment + high government debt + high taxes + a sense of hopelessness = BACKLASH by 20 somethings. 

Talk to one of them. The anger is slowly building and will eventually result in a conservative renaissance as young people look for viable options. After all, it really should be about them. 


  1. Anonymous11/03/2013

    High taxes for who? The middle and lower class. Historically speaking, the upper class is paying less. When did this country have its greatest economic boom? Post WWII. What was the top rate from 1945-1980 anywhere from 94% to 70%. So, you want to solve the economic problem. Raise taxes on the top earners. This would provide for infrastructure improvements, stabilize the stock market, and cause real investment into the middle class by giving them jobs. Remember it is the middle class that really drives the economy. We buy the Fords, Chevys, etc. This country is fast heading into a two tier system. The royalty and the peasants.

    Here is an Interesting website showing the history of income taxes on the 1%.

    1. Anonymous11/04/2013

      The top ten percent pay well over 70 percent of ALL dollars collected. How should one person pay the same amount of taxes as say....500 other people....YET the Socialist left which you so clearly are a member of are STILL not content...."From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs". I don't know if you were paying attention to the Eastern European/Asian continent over the past 30 years....where people took pictures of that loser off their buildings and burned them ....and those Asian tigers in the West embraced Capitalism and have become wildly are holding on to a failed system. Republicans support the system that made America the most dynamic nation in history....too bad they stopped teaching these facts in the schools for the past thirty years....time to take back the education system, just as we are creating a new media....Success is better than a handout any day...and in the end someone will look in the mirror and want to live a life of freedom and accomplishment...not peering out the window waiting for the post man to drop off the monthly government welfare check....hopefully

    2. Anonymous11/04/2013

      You could tax the rich at 100%, and seize all their assets and it wouldn't pay for a drop in the bucket. Not with entitlements and trillion dollar deficits.

    3. Anonymous11/05/2013

      Excellent Comment in fact most comments on this subject have been excellent, yet I agree with the theme of the youth unemployment. Elder neglect and youth unemployment and underemployment is awful.

      The young and old are beyond now like the rest of us just suffering in this damn depression. We are seeing disaster, crisis. 2008 to 2015 is apparently a banking bailout and seize homes ("collateral") economy. Without, by the way, a corresponding resurgence. It is very troubling. And, our society, deserves better.

      No more bullying banks. Very sad.

    4. Anonymous11/05/2013

      Please look at the facts of our booming economy from 1945 to 1980. One cannot dispute the facts that those taxes paid by the 1% during that era. The debt is out of control because the country does not take in enough revenue. How can we change that? Working on infrastructure improvements is a start. People need jobs, jobs bring in tax revenue. Some ideas include: Bury the electric lines like they do in the burbs, rework our viaducts, many other improvements that are desperately needed.

      Don't knock Socialism. I am sure you like our Socialist roads, our Socialist Police force, Socialist libraries, and of course our Socialist Fire Department. Unregulated Pure Capitalism does not work either. We all come to appreciate the FDA, USDA and OSHA for keeping us somewhat safe. Pure Capitalism would eliminate such agencies, as the masses would vote for products and careers with their wallets, if the foods, drugs, or working without safety gear does not kill us first.

      Asian Tigers in the West? Forgive me for not knowing which country you are referring to as I have never heard that term before. Japan? Their economy has been stagnant for at least two decades. Or God forbid China. Let's all make a dollar a day while Nike or Reebok charge $100 dollars a pair.

      I implore you to check the website, I referenced in my original post. It concedes that raising the taxes on the wealthy is not the end all be all. Here it is again:

      How do you propose we rescue the middle class? The economy is really driven by them. Instead of name-calling, let's come up with solutions. Just like you, I am opposed to cradle to the grave generation after generation of welfare checks. I believe, as I am sure you do we do need a safety net for the unfortunate, disabled, and folk with bad luck (like losing a job).

      So again, I ask you, how would you solve the unemployment, underemployment, debt, sense of hopelessness we have? I really do not think either political party has the answer.

    5. Anonymous11/06/2013

      Amen Brother, and How is it that these Idiots that make maybe 25 - 30 K per year stick up for Millionaires . It's IDEOLOGY brother. People like MURPH hate the idea of anything that has LIBERAL connected to it, while all the time taking it in the rear from Their Right wing Heroes.

  2. Anonymous11/03/2013

    Whenever I talk to the 20 something crowd I am always reminding them of the FACTS regarding our economic situation.....and explain why Obama has made a bad recession much worse. They are often stunningly ignorant of basic Economics but are a very smart and open minded group. They were just sold a bill of goods by the most sophisticated organized spin machine in human history! But living at home and making $11/hour after graduating from the University of Illinois will eventually piss off even the most naïve and brainwashed among them. The future is wide open.

  3. Anonymous11/03/2013

    And they will go to Lindsey Graham's Republican party? In fact, what is needed is a really liberal party. But for the electoral college, gerrymandering, and campaign finance, today's Republican party would not exist. The Republican party needs to splinter among several groups.

    A "conservative renaissance" among 20 somethings? Absolutely the most laughable comment made by you, Murph. You cannot be serious.

  4. Anonymous11/03/2013

    "sun will soon set on the Liberals"

    No it won't

  5. Anonymous11/03/2013

    Let us hope that the youth have not been indoctrinated beyond the ability of reality to get through to their brainwashed minds.

  6. Anonymous11/05/2013

    20 somethings turn 30 somethings and get married and have kids. That is when the real world kicks in and they escape the Matrix.

  7. Anonymous11/05/2013

    LIBERALS TAKE NOTICE,whats happening now in what happened in Germany prior to Hitlers rise to power ppl lost all hope of a fair govt,inflation was on the rise,liberals in govt, and schools chose to teach what THEY beleived in and went against in grained beleifs of their Gov Quinn listening with his same sex marraige portfolio which he signed into law today???

  8. Anonymous11/07/2013

    liberals are simple minded, they lack deep thought
