Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fran Hurley, Kelly Burke and Bill Cunningham

Each voted in favor of gay marriage yesterday. 


  1. Anonymous11/06/2013

    At least Cunningham sends his kids to public schools.his kids to Catholic schools. The other two I don't even want to look at.

  2. All three indicated that they would do just that.

  3. Anonymous11/06/2013

    I received some nice glossy ad literature from Fran and Billy showing them talking to cops, a nice elderly lady in the park, and some children. They wanted to protect pensions, keep our taxes down !?, and were against child predators. They never mentioned they were going to vote for gay marriage. Not once. They are sneaks. Remember them come election time.

    1. Anonymous11/07/2013

      If you actually took the time to do a little research on them before you blindly walked into the voting booth, you would have clearly seen that they are nothing more than MACHINE PUPPETS.
      You got exactly what YOU voted for!

    2. Anonymous11/09/2013

      I didn't vote for them. I am merely pointing out that they HID their views on this subject from us. They NEVER sent any pamphlets telling us they would vote for gay marriage. EVER. Also they ignored any wording to protect religious freedom. That is outrageous. Obviously someone posting here is probably not a brain washed liberal who votes the Democrat line. The 19th Ward machine was not going around telling us they were supporting this bill.

  4. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Thank God they finally let Democrats marry each other. Now if we can get free abortions, contraception, legalize drugs, free food stamps, relaxed child sex laws we will finally be the party of Roosevelt and Kennedy.

  5. Anonymous11/06/2013

    These votes by those elected " representatives " of the people did not represent the people. Its a shame that something like the union of those who wish to spend their time in those relationships can be equated with the marriage I enjoy with my wife of thirty-five years. I believe they deserved some protection and consideration for their "commitment " to each other but it NOT a marriage.

  6. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Astonishing! Three Roman Catholics to boot and please this is not a civil rights issue. Simple minded pawns, they are, in the midst of a corrupt regime and Illinois is doomed.
    I think the cardinal said and I'm paraphrasing that this madness is tantamount to
    denying the laws of gravity. I suppose lawyers specializing in pre nups and divorce are pleased.

  7. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Now that we're past this hurdle I would like to propose to my dog and marry her. She doesn't speak and she fetches me beers...she's perfect.

  8. Tom Thelan11/06/2013

    And each claim to be a catholic!

    they are dishonest fakes!
    they cannot be a real catholic and support Gay marriage, the active practicing of homosexuality, and abortion...these politicians named.. THEY ALL DO!

    this is all against catholic doctrine.
    currently our priests and bishops do not posses the courage to call for them to stop taking communion, the body of Christ!

    they need to simply become Lutherans or seven day Adventists.

    these fake Catholics actually had the nerve to place an advertisement in St. Christina church bulletin to support ACA "Obama care" along with their pictures encouraging us parishioners to "sign up".
    Obama care forces all participants to pay for abortions, to pay for the abortion pill for girls as young as 13 years old, WITHOUT parental consent or knowledge if the child seeks the pill from the school or doctors.

    and since when did our church's allow political advertisements in our church bulletins????? do these political sleazes have NO SHAME or respect for us?

    these three knuckleheads support Obama care, the lie that they have told us over and over again! As a retired Chicago police officer, I am being told my Medicare now and other benefits are being canceled and I need to switch to an exchange program, for $470 more per month and with a $5000 deductible?????

    I am spitting mad, and these esteemed politicians from our own neighborhood who are supposed to protect have sold us ALL out once again!

    as a catholic and a retired 71 Police officer I am sickened, I supported these guys for 40 years here in Mt. greenwood, they have sold us out and lost their souls all for their own gain.
    hell will burn hot with them.

    1. Anonymous11/07/2013

      It does;t make sense to blame the priest for something that appeared in the bulletin. He is busy with things far more important and for that reason has delegated management of the bulletin to an outside contractor.

    2. Anonymous11/09/2013

      The priests aren't THAT busy. And especially such a politically charged entry in their bulletin. Of course the priest new.

    3. Anonymous11/09/2013

      The priest are plenty busy. Maxed out.

  9. Anonymous11/06/2013

    I challenge all the other 19th ward office staff both elected and otherwise to state their positions on gay marriage. Also prior elected as well. So Dart,Bileckis,both Hynes,Sheehans, etc.

    1. Anonymous11/07/2013

      The Hyneseses are finished. Tripped up by greed and lacking the common sense or balls to get back in the game. I do not care what they have to say about anything

  10. Anonymous11/06/2013


  11. Anonymous11/06/2013

    if this was a civil rights issues then the black ministers would be leading the charge. all of the black ministers stood with the catholic leaders in opposition to gay marriage

  12. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Does this mean bisexuals will be able to marry both a man and a woman at the same time ?

  13. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Hey, I'm into my dog too. Maybe they can pass a law for us like minded people too. Thanks Bill and Fran. I know you can do it.

  14. Anonymous11/06/2013

    As a born again Bible believing Baptist, this bothers me like my Catholic friends, but let us has a rational discussion on this topic.

    One has to answer this question, "Is marriage a religious institution or a civil institution or is it both?"

    If it is a religious institution, then the government needs to step out of it and allow churches to decide who gets married and who does not. Now the most conservative (religious that is), would never allow folk to remarry except in the case of a spouses death.

    If it is a civil institution or both a civil and religious one for that matter, we have to allow gays to marry. Equal protection under the law is fact. How can things be separate but equal? Remember there was a time when I could not share a drinking fountain with another race.

    To take it one step further, what if all Christians were not allowed to drive on Sundays? What if the government said, Christians were not allowed to have a manger scene in our front yard? We do enjoy many freedoms in this country and we have to accept those that are different because we too are different. Again, equal protection under the law

    I do not like it. In fact, homosexuality disgusts me to such a degree, I cannot even say it here politely. I hope and pray, God does not judge this nation for our lack of reverence for him and his laws. Ultimately, those that have voted for this will meet their maker.

    To say it is a Republican or Democrat thing is not fair. Look at Senator Kirk. It is extremely dangerous when the other side defines its opponents. When liberals talk about conservatives, they immediately go extreme by discussing the tea party, Fox News watching, nut cases. As conservatives talk about baby killing, gay loving, fruitcake liberals. It sickens me that people just cannot have their own views, opposing I know, respected by both sides.

    For myself, I am a fiscal liberal with very conservative personal views on life. I do not impose my beliefs on anybody.

    Again, I do not like what our politicians have imposed on us. They certainly did not follow the mandate this neighborhood has given them. Good luck to all this next are going to need it.

  15. Anonymous11/06/2013

    Been a 19th warder all my life and his doesn't surprise me in the least. Political prostitutes.

  16. Anonymous11/06/2013

    As they say in the Democratic Party these days, “at this point what difference does it make?”.

    Even if most 19th ward democratic votes disagree with same sex marriage, only a handful would have the hair on their ass to vote against the democratic state senator and state rep.

  17. Anonymous11/06/2013

    One day the politicians will be hanging from the light poles don't forget Quinn and Durbin. A disgrace to this once principled country.

  18. Anonymous11/07/2013


  19. Anonymous11/07/2013

    Dear Bill, Fran & Kelly,
    Congratulations. You've joined the Springfield panderers. Is that still against the law in this state? Voting your conscience as opposed to representing your constituency can sometimes make "transparent" politicians "one tremors". So I guess the real question with regard to priorities is whether its more important to vote the way - - tells you or to represent the morals and values of your constituency. You're all about transparency? Yes you are and we can see right through you. All this political correctness bullshit that basically ignores the middle class votes of those who sent you there, of those who tolerated the endless stream of garbage you stuff in our mail boxes when you're looking for our support. Tell you what, next time around, when you send your volunteers door to door, when those robot phone calls and focus group analysts are polling as to our voting preferences, save the call, save your postage and printing costs and direct all your campaign literature to - -, because you represent him, you're certainly not thinking of us.

    Maybe your open minded approach might narrow when you come home some night and find your sons and daughters in compromising positions with someone of the same gender. And from that point on, the future generations carrying your family name may be of a different ethnicity since Adam and Steve can't bring a child into this world on their own. Fran, Kelly and Bill, lets face it, you f------ up.

  20. Anonymous11/07/2013

    lets see. fbi checking us out ,us not knowing it,drones flying over checking on us,ppl on east coast told they cant say prayers at city council meeting because some jewish woman who should know better says its unconstitutional,cameras all over the place to video us while we drive,go shopping.go to the john and now the sodimites are allowed to marry each other with the blessing of the 19th ward no knowledge pollitacally appointed hacks,hey you wanted change folks,you should of been careful what you asked for,,,,

  21. Anonymous11/07/2013

    Illinois' gay marriage bill that awaits the governor's signature doesn't force religious clergy to officiate at same-sex weddings or compel churches to open their doors for ceremonies. But similar safeguards aren't spelled out for pastry chefs, florists, photographers and other vendors who, based on religious convictions, might not want to share a gay couple's wedding day.

    The lack of broader exceptions worries some who fear an erosion of religious freedoms, even as supporters of the law say it will eliminate discrimination.

    "We're going to have to wait for lawsuits to arrive," said Peter Breen, an attorney with the Thomas More Society, a socially conservative legal group.

  22. Anonymous11/07/2013

    The troika above as well as their leaders namely Maddy and Johnny and of course
    the scores of Catholic school trained ward healers always equivocate when challenged. Clearly their private Christian lives run contrary to this abomination.
    Ask any of them if they would really have no problem with,'guess who's coming to dinner' when junior brings home his beloved.

  23. Anonymous11/07/2013

    Thanks to our courageous state legislators for ignoring the bigots, homophobes, and racists that frequent this spot. The Neanderthals are living in the last century and have taken over this spot to propagate extremist right wing nonsense far outside of the mainstream. You know and can tell by your vote totals that we the voters support you and your service to us and our community. Keep up the good work. Always do what you think is right.

    1. Anonymous11/09/2013

      Typical liberal who in the first sentence of debate throws out insults. If you think opposition to homosexual MARRIAGE is right wing nonsense and outside the mainstream then your god Obama was a right winger outside the mainstream just 15 months ago. Homosexuality has been considered deviant behavior in virtually every society. It was in ours until just the past few years. There is something not right about you if you are attracted to the same sex. A much higher than average number of women who are lesbian were abused by a man as a youngster. Many male homosexuals were also abused by a man or had disordered relationships with a father figure. These are psychology facts that we have known for years. Typically a liberal likes to pull the "science card" out because they considered themselves more enlightened. Yet you cannot see or will not see the facts as they are. Biology and reproduction and God or Nature has created the biological urge for sexual intercourse in order to procreate. You are (by Gods or natures design) DESIGNED to desire the OPPOSITE sex.

  24. Anonymous11/07/2013

    Why would this surprise anybody? These political whores do what they are told to do. If they didn't, they might actually have to go out and get a job. Their only qualification is their wilingness to sell out to the highest bidder. NO democrat will ever get a vote from my family again. NONE

  25. Anonymous11/07/2013

    That's fine. Will be moving from Mt. Greenwood soon to a Republican run state in the near future. Wont be my problem anymore.

  26. Anonymous11/07/2013

    I will be volunteering for every candidate who runs against these puppets ! These people have absolutely NO shame ! My GOD, what is happening to our state & country ?

  27. How does this bill affect you people? Have you even read it?

  28. Didn't the Pope say something about not judging gay people? I guess he's not a good Catholic either.

    1. Anonymous11/08/2013

      Not about judging gay people, it is about redefining marriage. You had civil unions which were about equality and providing benefits. That was equal. Gay marriage is redefining reality to conform with gay agenda in a way that will benefit lawyers everywhere. Let the lawsuits begin!

  29. Anonymous11/07/2013

    I can't imagine putting a penis is another man's anus. That organ is for getting rid of excrement not as a receptacle for another mans sex organ. As far as Im concerned going the wrong way on a one way street is criminal. We have no problem wondering how f'd up somebody would have to be to drive westbound in the eastbound lanes of an expressway, so how come this type of activity has all of a sudden become so socially acceptable to our elected officials who are supposed to be "our" voice in the legislature. The world's just going to hell and these people are gassing up the bus to drive it there. The whole thing makes me sick.

  30. Anonymous11/07/2013


    Holy smoke. 30 responses. I am afraid to read them. Let's keep in mind some of these people (freaks?) are right of His Holiness the Pope.

    Excellent point.

  31. Anonymous11/08/2013

    fran you will be back at the office on western working for the ward again time in springfield will be short i told you so mike told you how to vote and you did it they threw you under the bus ha ha ha ha good bi

  32. Mary Cvank11/08/2013

    If a male dog engages in intercourse with a female dog, if the female dog is fertile then they will likely produce offspring....cute little puppies.

    If any male animal has intercourse with an animal of the same species but opposite sex...I.E. a female animal they will produce off spring.

    If a male of the human or animal species engages in sexual activity of another male, or if two females of the animal or human species engages in sexual activity with one another it is IMPOSSIBLE to procreate or produce an off spring, thereby bringing that entire species to extinction!

    It is simple science really; healthy animals and humans are by the laws of nature drawn to and attracted to each other in order to procreate and forward their species.
    The degenerative effect exists and occur when: two of the same sexed species engage in sexual activity against "natural selection" according to Herbert spencer's theory:
    "Survival of the fittest" is inaccurate for two important reasons. First, survival is merely a normal prerequisite to reproduction. Second, fitness has specialized meaning in biology different from how the word is used in popular culture. In population genetics, fitness refers to differential reproduction. "Fitness" does not refer to whether an individual is "physically fit" – bigger, faster or stronger – or "better" in any subjective sense. It refers to a difference in reproductive rate from one generation to the next.[6]

    Again simple science, If homo sexuality was a natural action by means of ability of a species to reproduce, then it would not be an issue, however science points out that NO SPECIES CAN SURVIVE defying the natural laws of selection, that species will become extinct.

    So whether your beliefs are spiritual, or scientific, you end up at the same conclusion.
    The active engagement of homosexual activity, over the laws of natural selection, ARE NOT a natural act of opposite sexual attraction and sexual engagement for a species, homosexuality is counter to the "natural law" of animals and humans; of natural selection, therefore the practice of homosexuality is un natural act and counter to the animal or human species.

  33. Gone Fishin'11/08/2013

    Madness, madness: like passing a law that says turds don't stink. Monique Davis represents part of our ward, and she spoke forcefully against this.

    “Let’s not be naïve, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.” --Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, on legal recognition of sodomitical unions in Argentina

    1. Anonymous11/09/2013

      The 19th ward then and now never liked Monique Davis. They even secretly ran Vince Keating a Republican from the 18th ward to run against her in 1992.

  34. Anonymous11/08/2013

    I learned recently that a majority of Illinois residents were against gay marriage based on a Simon Public Policy Institute poll. Hmm, well it seems to me that reps.
    are obligated to vote the wishes of constituents. Perhaps, the esteemed NationalOpinion Research Center at U of C would be willing to conduct such a poll
    on the ward so our elected officials might gain information from constituents rather than the House and Senate leadership.

  35. Anonymous11/09/2013

    As Bishop Fulton Sheen once said "Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong - even if everyone is wrong. Right is right - even if no one is right". I believe we will look back on this day with extreme regret. People wonder if this is against the Christians and call them Neanderthals etc....But the very day this law was passed there was a case being brought against a business for not wanting to deal with homosexual marriage. You will not be allowed to not accept them. That is purely un-American. Tolerance has gone too far. Gay sex puts a person in a much higher risk category for many diseases. The anus was not meant for sex. Biologically and morally.
