Thursday, November 14, 2013


Paul Mitchell said...

Mr. Engler asks, "Were not Quinn and Moylan [and I might add Sullivan and Cross] listening..." to Cardinal George on the subject of gay "marriage"?
Why should they? What consequence has ever been visited by the Church on a Catholic politician who speaks and acts against Catholic teaching?
It's not like they're going to be made sorry!


  1. Anonymous11/14/2013

    Recently, I received my "19th Ward Quarterly" paper.

    I contains a couple of publicity pieces about State Rep Hurley and Senator Cunningham, but no coverage on their Pro Same-Sex Marriage votes.

    I thought it was odd that they wouldn't want to share this "success" with the community.

    1. Anonymous11/15/2013

      Hurley, Moylan, Cunningham, Rita and any others in positions of moral leadership will be judged for their failure to lead.

    2. Anonymous11/15/2013

      They are phonies - period ! They largely hide their liberal views from anyone they don't think is "on the team". I have spoken with them many times and they pretend to be moderate - and even conservative in some cases. But they are kool aid drinkers. Have no doubt.

  2. Anonymous11/14/2013

    And I remember 2 versions of Rhapsody in the Rain, one had the verse that went "And in this car, our love went much to far" and in the cleaned up version it went "and in this car, love came like a falling star".
    Man I loved the 60's. Super CFL and WLS's Silver Dollar Survey....thanks for the flashback, I think I'm having a senior moment...........

  3. Anonymous11/14/2013

    Nothing was said regarding homosesxual marriage in the Catholic pulpits of the 19th Ward. After all, there was tee time looming at Ridge Country Club with a nice luncheon afterwards to attend. Don't wish to rock the boat.

    1. Anonymous11/15/2013

      Wrong, it was the only topic at St.Cajetan. The boat was being rocked, thank God.

    2. Anonymous11/15/2013


    3. Anonymous11/15/2013

      I stand corrected I guess. In truth I would not know who is or is not at Ridge CC. I have never been there - like the vast majority of those who live in the 19th Ward. I think my daughter was invited to go swim there once though. I am also glad to hear something was said at Cajetans....nothing at Fisher, Barnabas (except maybe PRO), or CK. or even Margarets....If they had all got together and held a rally or showed concern and encouraged the laity to do something....enough pressure would have been put on our turncoat least Hurley. But your points are well taken.

  4. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Mary Cvank08 November, 2013

    If a male dog engages in intercourse with a female dog, if the female dog is fertile then they will likely produce offspring....cute little puppies.

    If any male animal has intercourse with an animal of the same species but opposite sex...I.E. a female animal they will produce off spring.

    If a male of the human or animal species engages in sexual activity of another male, or if two females of the animal or human species engages in sexual activity with one another it is IMPOSSIBLE to procreate or produce an off spring, thereby bringing that entire species to extinction!

    It is simple science really; healthy animals and humans are by the laws of nature drawn to and attracted to each other in order to procreate and forward their species.
    The degenerative effect exists and occur when: two of the same sexed species engage in sexual activity against "natural selection" according to Herbert spencer's theory:
    "Survival of the fittest" is inaccurate for two important reasons. First, survival is merely a normal prerequisite to reproduction. Second, fitness has specialized meaning in biology different from how the word is used in popular culture. In population genetics, fitness refers to differential reproduction. "Fitness" does not refer to whether an individual is "physically fit" – bigger, faster or stronger – or "better" in any subjective sense. It refers to a difference in reproductive rate from one generation to the next.[6]

    Again simple science, If homo sexuality was a natural action by means of ability of a species to reproduce, then it would not be an issue, however science points out that NO SPECIES CAN SURVIVE defying the natural laws of selection, that species will become extinct.

    So whether your beliefs are spiritual, or scientific, you end up at the same conclusion.
    The active engagement of homosexual activity, over the laws of natural selection, ARE NOT a natural act of opposite sexual attraction and sexual engagement for a species, homosexuality is counter to the "natural law" of animals and humans; of natural selection, therefore the practice of homosexuality is un natural act and counter to the animal or human species.

  5. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Nonscientists discussing science with a combination of homosexual political theory. Sure. it is funny, if nothing else strange; yet, as inscrutable their "scientific" and political theories are, they sure are funny. Incomprehensible? Yes. Funny? Usually. lol.

    As George Bush said, and you can google it, let's coexist with the fish. His dad by the way witnesses a gay wedding ... GASP!

    1. Anonymous11/17/2013

      The mayor of New York has a lesbian wife. I thought you were born that way ! That is some of the pseudo science of the left. Why are such a high number of lesbian women victims of sexual abuse by males ? Why are such a high number of "gay" males also victims of sexual abuse by males ? Also they are often sons of very domineering fathers. In short, they seek out approval of a father figure in their gay relationship....something they never got from a father who was abusive or so demanding that they could never measure up. (High numbers of children (males) of Religious Pastors and military men. But I know all of us who still believe the fundamental belief system of Western society for over 2,000 years (until just this decade....or in Obamas situation,,,a mere 19 months ago) alas we are hateful, bigoted , stupid, irrational, lacking in "scientific facts".

  6. Anonymous11/17/2013

    The Catholic Church in America is a very conservative organization, piloted by a group of generally, very liberal, Bishops. They were quick to threaten ex-communication during the civil rights struggles, as good liberals, but have lost interest since gay marrage is a liberal psition and they won't offend their friends.

  7. There is a separation of church and state last time I looked. Nobody is saying that Catholic churches must allow homosexual marriages. The Catholic Church in America is NOT very conservative, and never has been, in matters of sex. Whole swaths of married couples either left the Church or simply kept their own counsel in matters of birth control. I'm getting the idea from most people on this blog that their position is anti-sex, basically. Homosexuals would be accepted if only they wouldn't engage in sex.

  8. Anonymous11/20/2013

    MPots yes you are correct!
    obviously however you don't understand and are NOT catholic, it is NOT debatable from a catholic standpoint, it is church doctrine.
    so you are either Catholic or you are not, and that is up to each human being to decide fro themselves what their religious beliefs are.
    However if you are catholic you cannot engage in homosexual activity.
    also you cannot be a politician who supports: abortion, gay marriage, or homo sexual, sexual activity. very simple.

    if you want to engage in homo sexual acts MPots, or if you want to be a supporter of homosexual acts, abortion or gay marriage, then you cannot be a catholic!
    but there are many other fine churches you can join that will welcome your homosexual tendencies and embrace your right to act out in your homosexual activity MPots.

  9. Anonymous11/18/2019

    If I get paid less than $600 in an official job before tax season, do i still have to
    do taxes? It doesn't matter whether it's before or after tax season. Each
    tax season is for the previous calendar year (January 1 to December 31).
    If you make money between January 1 and tax season, it
    goes with the next year's tax season.
