“Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel must have felt a tingle go up his leg when he announced last week that red-light cameras would be coming Jan. 31 at 18 Chicago intersections,” said Tobin. “He is looking forward to the additional millions of dollars that will be funneled into city coffers to fund the lavish, gold-plated Chicago government-employee pensions.”
“Emanuel stated that such cameras have reduced accidents, but this is either a sign of ignorance, or a lie.”
“One report after another has shown the reverse is true: Red-light cameras increase accidents. But they also increase revenues for municipalities, which is why politicians love them.”
“The National Motorists Association website has a sampling of these studies.”
- Los Angeles | KCAL TV A local TV station fact-checked the city's claims that their ticket cameras reduced accidents and found that the opposite was true. At 20 of the 32 intersections studied, accidents increased and several intersections tripled their accident rate.
- Washington, D.C. | Washington Post This report showed an overall increase in accidents at red-light camera intersections of 107 percent.
- Portland, Oregon | KATU News KATU News reviewed city statistics and found a 140 percent increase in rear-end crashes at the intersections where red light cameras were installed.
- Fort Collins, Colorado | The Coloradoan Ft. Collins, Colorado has experienced an 83 percent increase in the number of accidents since red light cameras were installed.
- Oceanside, California | North County Times This report showed a 800 percent increase in rear-end accidents.
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Weekly This article showed an increase of 10 to 21 percent in accidents in intersections with red-light cameras.
“Taxpayers are being nickel-and-dimed to death by greedy politicians, except we’re not talking about nickels and dimes. In addition to having to pay out big bucks, motorists are suffering increased injuries caused by rear-end collisions. Only politicians and orthopedic surgeons are benefiting.”
Like the Speed Cameras arent?
ReplyDeleteThis should be an easy one. Let's start a call in campaign to Matt O'Shea. Tell him we do NOT want these cameras. They are just another way to pick our already over taxed pockets ! Tell him you never remember hearing of ANY sort of rash of children being run over in front of schools and parks. If so we would have heard about it....most of us live near parks...has ANYONE been hit in the past say....FIVE years ? Tell them we know it is B.S.
ReplyDeleteOver and over and over again - our liberal Democrat politicians stick it to the taxpayers. It is stunning how tone deaf they are to the plight of the middle class. Like Obamacare they hide their true intentions behind all the flowery rhetoric and bleeding heart fake compassion. It is power that they want...power over you...oh yeah and your money too...
ReplyDeleteThen why do you keep electing democrats????