Senator Ted Cruz of Texas began speaking at 2:21 PM EST and continues to speak against funding Obamacare in an upcoming Continuing Resolution vote on legislation the U.S. House passed last week. U.S. Joint Resolution 59 funds the federal government while defunding the Affordable Care Act.
Senator Cruz says he plans to continue talking until he can no longer stand - with hopes of getting his Republican colleagues to join him in an effort to stop Obamacare - a "job killer." Now into his seventh hour of speaking, Cruz read "Green Eggs and Ham" to his young daughters from the Senate floor.
Thus far, Illinois' U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has not committed to vote in support of Senator Cruz' efforts. Probably because he identifies closely with certain elements of the democratic party. C-SPAN 2 is carrying Senator Cruz' efforts HERE
It won't matter because the media and no information voters already blame the other party . Why not we have a Teflon president thanks to the prime time news......
ReplyDeleteA man in search of a headline.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...if someone disagrees with you it is because he wants a headline. That could be true if the headlines you were likely to receive were positive. That assumption is wrong. You see Ted Cruz is on the wrong side of the issue in the minds of the mediocracy. In fact he is their number one enemy. He is a true conservative, with a back bone, with a great background, a great debater, an Hispanic, and therefore a potential threat to the left wingers who dominate the media. He could threaten their control of the White House in 2016. I agree he is trying to get the media to focus on him. The media ignores, downplays, spins, or tries to turn the tables whenever Obama gets himself in a situation where it will look bad for him politically. The main stream media have taken sides - with the leftists. That is who they are, that is who they cheer for and the Democrats are THEIR PARTY.
DeleteEven the Republicans hate this Canadian. I never saw a Dumber bunch of people, than these tea- baggers, You gotta be pretty STUPID to fight for Millionaires, and Billionaires. That IDIOT Ron Paul talks all the time, how we gotta get rid of SOCIAL SECURITY, guess what, that Moron is on Social Security. Soooo ... much for practicing what you preach. Why even vote, Corporate america owns your mind, and when they own your mind, they own your vote. They write the laws, and pay a tribute to that Whore congress , to vote for them. You have no say so, in this government
ReplyDeleteI am sure you are for Obama. By the way, he got more money from Wall Street than the Republicans. He is completely in line with the big banksters want. (Like that word, Bankster?) I saw it on a sign held by an Occupy Wall Street guy while he was defecating on a police car...or was it urinating on the hot dogs that a vendor was trying to sell on the street.. Obama does what the banks want. He also has had us in two wars for close to FIVE YEARS of HIS Presidency. He did NOT close Guantanamo. He is forcing another Welfare program down the throats of Americans that will drive UP the cost of the taxpayer significantly (myself included). Meanwhile the rich Health Insurance Companies will get huge spikes in profits, AND big "corporations" will get to just KICK their employees OFF their health insurance policies. All with the approving nod of Obama. I believe that the Republicans like Cruz fight for ME.....not a billionaire, not a millionaire....middle class tax PAYER. We pay while the do nothings get the free this and the free that and the Link Card and the free cell phone and on and on and on....Yeah I must be brainwashed not to love the liberal Democrats. Thanks for waking me up.
ReplyDeleteAs usual the guy who uses the sexual reference "tea baggers" sounds like a 30 second spot on WCPT (Communist Party) radio. By the way I will be on Obamacare and I hate it. Thanks for the 80 percent increase in my monthly premiums. I have no CHOICE. Neither does Ron Paul - he must be in the Social Security system moron. The IDIOT Ron Paul is a medical doctor, unlike you the janitor...(no offense to janitors)
ReplyDeleteCruz is no more of a Canadian than your Messiah Obama is a Kenyan. Or any child born of an American parent overseas. I am sure you make fun of the "birthers" but then you go off "birthing" yourself. DemocRATS are scared to death of Cruz. He is smart, a great debater, an Hispanic, and a principled Conservative Republican. It is what nightmares are made of in the camp of the Socialst Party of America. By the way go on the Communist Party web site and compare it to the Democratic Party and union web sites....very very similar...if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.....hmmm
ReplyDeleteWhat brilliant analysis you bring to the issue. Let me attempt to sum up your complex analysis. "Republicans are dumb". Just for the record you might try to mix it up with some other brilliant leftist arguments: "Republicans are RACISTS". "Republicans are HATEFUL". "Republicans are GREEDY". Simply use these arguments and vary the last word occasionally and you are a bonafide "Liberal"...(or insert "Progressive" for Liberal). But seriously thanks for helping us all out on this site.
ReplyDeleteWell ... at least i got some attention here, and no i'm not for OBAMA, I think it's a tossup for worst president , Obama, and Bush Jr. I do love the Fox talking points though, LIBERAL ... SOCIALIST .. LIBERAL DEMOCRAT ... see those terms are used as a slight by the right, just as Teabagger is, by the left. I only used RON PAUL as an example, because i saw that he was getting Social Security, while railing against it publicly. Sooo ... in essence RON PAUL, is a socialist, and I hope intelligent people here can see the hipocracy. As far as the guy who was complaining about the Link cards, and Obama phones ... uhhh buddy, I agree with you, and wouldn't you agree with me about Corporations, not paying taxes, thats of much bigger concern, to me. If we stopped all corporate Welfare ... I MEAN ALL ... this country would be doing fine. Also, I would venture to say, that everybody responding to my original post, who called me LIBERAL, SOCIALST, LIBERAL DEMOCRAT .... knows someone, either in their family, or close to them, that is on some type of assistance, including Unemployment, which is a Socialist program. That tax deduction, for your home, thats Socialism at work Pal. I don't have all the answers, but when I see one family worth estimates, of over 115 billon dollars, fighting to keep employees under 40 hrs. per week, so they don't have to pay benefits, somethings wrong
ReplyDeleteTea Bag is a pretty crude term to use. Nationally run single payer health care, (which Obama is on record supporting) is really the definition of Socialist policies. Yes you are correct in much of what you say. My statement regarding Ron Paul was that just because he is contributing to Social Security, which is socialistic, does not make HIM a socialist and you know it. He has no CHOICE. That is a good example of why we oppose Obamacare....you have no choice! Democrats are control freaks and want to run peoples lives....the people who run the IRS, the people who run the Post Office, and every govt welfare program. These are the people who will decide what, when, where, and how you will receive medical treatment. To us that is scary. Why liberals do not seem to see the Brave New World they are creating is astounding. Liberals used to stand for free thinking, freedom from coercion.....no longer. Barack is the perferct face for "Big Brother"
Deleteto each according to their needs,the prolitarian must be the sole producer and connsummer of all maunufactured goods and agricultuural produce.the capitalist elite must be deprived of their means to wage economic war against the prolitarian by any means possible and any and all manufacturing apperortise must fall into the hands of the state to be used by same as it seems neccesary, The Beverly Bolshivek
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you are not Frank Hurley posting here? Or maybe little Billy Cunningham? Or maybe the Pension King Maloney? Or is is out darling little liberal....Tommy Puppy Champion Dart ? Yes Beverly is now a reliable leftist enclave..
DeletePlease open up a dictionary and try to get at least most of the words spelled correctly....it kind of helps your argument if you know how to spell the words you are typing.