Saturday, September 21, 2013

Obamacare is about to get the national discussion it never got!


CapitolWASHINGTON - Illinois conservatives may be encouraged by comments made on a conference call Thursday with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ).
“It’s time to realize that the power of our government is in the hands of the people,” Salmon said. “The great tsunami, as the Senator called it, or the tidal wave of phone calls, coming in to every congressional office, every Senate office, demanding that their voices be heard, that this atrocity that will kill jobs, that will kill our economy, that has already hurt countless people, and will continue to hurt more and more people, by forcing them out of their jobs. Every fast food chain in America has changed their full time staff to part time staff. That’s not what the president promised everybody.

"So, we’re going to hold the line and I believe that the Senate [GOP] is going to do everything it possibly can to beat Harry Reid on every front on his chicanery and overcome. The most important thing of all is we’re unified. The conservatives in the House and the conservatives in the Senate are united. We’re not going to stop with anything short of a victory.”
Thursday, at another DC meeting with conservatives, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) said he is seeing Republicans in Congress unite. “What I’m seeing in this conference and I’ve been here for almost nine months, is a calling together,” Yoho said. “And I think what you’re seeing in members on both sides of the aisle recognize our problems are bigger than Republicans and they’re bigger than Democrats. This is a time in our nation’s history when we need to come together as Americans. I’m seeing that in here. And I’m seeing that cohesiveness develop. And let’s pray and hope that that’s what continues happening for this country to go on forward to make a better stronger America and a more competitive America.”
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said at the same event that he is excited about the vote’s prospects. “I’ve been here for two years and nine months and for the first time, we’re going to have a vote on must-pass legislation on what most of us were elected on,” Huelskamp said. “And I think that’s a good thing.”


  1. Anonymous9/21/2013

    I wish you would quit printing these stupid Arse articles, even a sixth grader knows that, not only do the demacrats control the Senate, but the President has veto power. These Repube Teabaggers have no power, all talk. Mark my words, the Affordable Care Act is gonna be funded. and implemented. Trickle down economics never worked, a phony concept, that really trickles up to the one percent

    1. You my friend, are a true loser.

    2. Anonymous9/24/2013

      Low information people like Murph, who probably watches Fox , and listens to that Drug addict on the radio, are the real losers here, they are shill's for corporate america. Why attack the messenger, it's your money going to fund, the fleecing,of this country

  2. Anonymous9/22/2013

    Every day Obamacare gets less and less is no longer popular with the Unions, it is not popular with the government workers, it is not popular with entrepreneurs. It is only popular with those who perpetually have their hands out looking for freebies. Illegals will love it. MOST people who have health care already (and do NOT need Obamacare) are seeing their monthly premiums skyrocketing...I know mine will nearly double. Oh yeah those big corporations that the Occupy Wall Street nimrods rail against....well they don't mind because now they can just drop coverage for their employees altogether!!! So Obamacare supports the interests of the wealthy, the lazy poor and attacks the middle class. It will be interesting to see the reactions by the Beverly mind control Democrats when they realize that Obamacare is just another massive WELFARE plan that will rob them of more money in order to benefit those who add little or nothing at all to our tax coffers. They are the takers.
