Saturday, September 7, 2013

`I sit on the Board of Trade, I will cut you in half."

Does anyone know who this a------ is?
Metra brawl: `I sit on the Board of Trade, I will cut you in hal - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News


  1. Anonymous9/07/2013

    Truthfully, one time I did not realize I was on a quiet car---this was a time when it was just implemented---and the fatest kid rebuked me. At that very moment, I did not realize I was on a quiet car. Is a quiet car the "absolutely, completely quiet car"?

    Life is short. Enjoy it while it lasts. I cannot imagine being so annoyed about noise that I would create a noisy scene. Then again, they say our culture wears headphones not to be disturbed by others; while other cultures wear headphones not to disturb others.

    Grab some a beer/wine, sit in your yard, enjoy the remainder of summer is the sense that I get when I viewed the video.

  2. Anonymous9/07/2013

    this is south side irish entitlement to the nth degree,love these narrowbacks when boozed up,they ride around on floats on st, pats day with a phonie brouge and talking jive about the ira in ireland and brits out blah blah blah but cried like little girls when the draft was in force during nam and had daddy get them in some college for a deferrment when they were so stupid they couldnt tie their shoes,the guy from ireland that used to come on this site knew his people and we do to....

    1. Anonymous9/08/2013

      I did not realize that ALL riders of Metra Rock Island line are of Irish heritage. It is amazing that you can deduce this just from a few seconds of sloppy video with people arguing and jostling. You Sir (or I do not have the ability to determine someones gender from a blog post) - you should get a job with the NSA or CIA with such astounding abilities. Only one would probably have to pass a psych test....oh well it was a thought.

    2. Anonymous9/08/2013

      Oh I also did not realize that NO South Side Irish people served in the military during Viet Nam. I realize too that you have almost non existent grammar skills and do not understand any punctuation rules. Hey but lets not point out that someone hurling hateful, bigoted accusations on a web log cannot understand or even be bothered to use spell check or to form complete or even coherent sentences. Good thing you took the four hours to peck out this six line diatribe for us all. You must be a pillar of the community yourself. Or are you the guy that sits in the library all day to keep warm, periodically pulling out your block of government cheese to gnaw on.

  3. Anonymous9/08/2013

    Whats so important about the Board of Trade? 2 Board of Trade guys can take on Seal team Six and leave them as dead bodies?

  4. Anonymous9/09/2013

    The incident doesn't involve "southside Irish," and wasn't on the Rock Island. It happened on the Burlington Northern line which goes out to the western suburbs.

  5. Anonymous9/09/2013

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  6. Anonymous9/10/2013

    do see alot of south side guys tho putting on the old sod brouge on st pats day ..the irish in ireland hate us, better wake up to the fact...
