Thursday, September 5, 2013

Breaks bread with Asaad last month, wants to bomb him this month. How does that work?


Photo: AFP
Democrats and Dictators. Secretary of State John Kerry (and wife) dining with Syrian President Bashar al-Asaad (and wife).


  1. Anonymous9/05/2013

    Here is one last chance for you Democrats to come to the realization that your Party - and especially Kerry - are liars and frauds. Kerry supported bombing in Iraq when Clinton (Democrat) was President. He opposed intervention in Iraq when GW Bush was Pres (Republican). He opposed intervention in Syria earlier this year when Obama opposed it (Democrat) - and now he SUPPORTS bombing in Syria NOW that Obama supports it. Hmmm I sense a pattern. Kerry is a complete phony, just like his finger owwie (his war injury) that got him shipped right out of Vietnam after about 90 he could come home, accuse his fellow band of brothers of murder of civilians "reminiscent of Genghis Khan"** (remember to pronounce it "Jenjis" in the snobby east coast accent he used). Oh and don't forget the medal he threw over the fence to the White House in protest. Yes this guy is now Sec of State. He will say and do ANYTHING to have this position. A perfect fit for his boss O-Bomb-ya

  2. Anonymous9/05/2013

    typical 2-Faced Democrat commie Traitor and Hypocrite

  3. Anonymous9/06/2013

    Phony bastard.

  4. Anonymous9/06/2013

    You do understand that, as Sec. of State, he is required to suspend his own policy preferences for those of the Admin?

  5. Anonymous9/06/2013

    I hope Elizabeth Warren runs for Pres.

    Hillary Clinton, 500k in jewels:

  6. Anonymous9/07/2013

    amen to the 1st blogger here. he tossed the medals he never earned over the fence and back stabbed the guys that served,he had a photographer follow him around in nam behind the lines taking his picture for further political purposes then he purposely cut himself on some jagged metal in order to get a purple heART and then when he ran for pres he came out with this swift boat bs in which he never served,hey wouldnt he make a great beverly politician with these credentials????

  7. Anonymous9/08/2013

    Hey at least JK served and didn't run behind politcal clout or daddy's $ to get over in the Guard, reserves or teach until your lottery ## came up high. Hell there are hundreds of Beverly boomer scammers who ran from service

  8. Anonymous9/09/2013

    well the real skinny on JFK was that the navy was going to pull him out of the Pacific in ww11 because he was going to be court martialed for not having a staffed watch on the pt boat so they made up some bull shit via daddys clout that he swam away and wrote some bs on a coconut in order to be picked up.IT NEVER HAPPENED PEOPLE,HE GOOFED UP AND LOST HIS BOAT AND GUYS GOT KILLED,,,then they spread it nice and thick and the yahoos back home 19 years later bought the bill of goods and super narrow back was born.WOW. i think im getting a woody writing this...
