Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Some Agendas Push for a Race War


Margo 2By Irene F. Starkehaus - 
Even though the George Zimmerman trial is symbolic of much that is wrong in American culture, the event is not the leading indicator of social decay by any stretch of the imagination. We've had enough legislative fiat, executive ordering and Supreme Court induced, extra constitutional anarchy in the last four years to prove that point, but the national bloodlust toward and around George Zimmerman before charges were even made against him for the disastrous death of Trayvon Martin…found guilty in the press because his surname sounded too Caucasian… was a stunning display of brutality even if it was not completely unexpected.
The event has been kind of a Babe Ruth moment for conservative journalists and bloggers though – which is not as interesting as it sounds, by the way – because all they've had to do in order to deduce fallout of the George Zimmerman trial was stand at home plate, point ballpoint pens to the centerfield bleachers and knock the story out of the ball park. The disingenuous responses to Trayvon's death have been taken from such an overused template that it's hard to deny the worn out emotion. One could hardly fail to hit a home run in assuming how it would end. There is nothing so inadequate…so dissatisfying as predictability when it comes to people living down to expectations, and of the infinite outcomes possible with millions of autonomous Americans acting to throw off the odds maker, there were only two that were actually likely given the PC era in which we live.

Either George Zimmerman would be found guilty in spite of all evidence to the contrary in which case the nation's conservative, constitution-loving people would be throwing up their hands in dismay at the Left's state-of-the-art triumph over justice, or George Zimmerman would be acquitted in which case America's low information voters would be granted passage to burn down their towns and villages in an effort to upgrade their TVs to HD. It would seem that we have the Christmas season and now the riot season but it's six of one and half a dozen of another really. In the end, so calibrated to materialism have our people become that we have created just another excuse for the accumulation of stuff for the sake of accumulating stuff…because that's what riots are about now…this time in the name of feigned outrage over justice denied and even then, that outrage comes off as a bad Flat Stanley moment – two dimensional and delivered with government-induced efficiency to a city near you.
Some say that the Zimmerman trial is reminiscent of the sensationalism associated with the William Randolph Hearst brand of reporting and the kangaroo judiciary of the 1920s through 40s. I think that this may be true. Yellow journalists scored the hit of chaos that bored pop culture junkies were looking for. They crafted an image of Zimmerman as a wingnut racist making a vigilante beeline for the first black teen that he could find for the sole purpose of brandishing his weapon and shooting someone – anyone – as long as he was black. The MSM didn't have to be accurate. They only had to emote and wait for results. And the results were precisely what you would expect. When yellow journalism reigns supreme and unchecked, these kind of ginned up race wars will happen and since the MSM is highly invested in keeping the African American community as marginalized victims, the narrative didn't have to be made precisely to spec so long as all the media outlets would link arms and echo the big lie.
In the case of George Zimmerman, the manufactured narrative could not be supported by evidence and (for whatever reason) this seemed to make an actual difference to the jury. He was acquitted but Zimmerman is the recipient of overt threats of retributive vigilantism from the African American community...who cares if he's guilty or innocent. It has been decreed that he will play scapegoat for the injustices that white slave owners leveled against slaves in the period before the Civil War by handing over a pound of his own flesh.
Sidenote ~ For the purposes of this story, I'm trying to forget the borderline jury nullification that can occur when a judge instructs a jury on creative conviction options that were not part of the original charges against a defendant because that takes us off the point…although, try as I may, I cannot fathom how suggesting an optional child abuse conviction for a person acting in self-defense wouldn't signal to everyone in the courtroom that the jury should feel free to do whatever it takes to get the "creepy-ass cracker" convicted of something. I guess we can all forget it for now since Zimmerman was acquitted in spite of everyone's best efforts.
Ultimately, American political leaders at least appear content with the idea that gangsta justice threatens to give George Zimmerman what a jury of his peers did not…I mean, those political leaders who are not currently pursuing additional federal charges against him on the basis that he's a racist even if the FBI believes there is no evidence of this.
The leadership on the Left walks away a big winner of course because they flourish in the warm glow of dissention between racial groups. They understand that when Black Americans feel no social responsibility to respect the legal process and cope with verdicts of this nature, those individuals begin to view themselves as living outside of the shared culture…and voila! We have Balkanization which is the fastest way to subdue and replace freedom with the machine politics that they peddle.
The leadership on the Right is always the big loser. That's what Republicans do best, it would seem. So they permit this scapegoating as either a) a form of anticipative reconciliation for everything from slavery to the Texas Two Step…in which case, they are once again in for some disappointment or b) a validation of everything they have been complaining about since Rodney King first begged for peace and civility on behalf of the American people.
To this end, black Americans – in succumbing to the chaos and dissention – are willingly handing over their individualism because the leaders of the Democratic Party's cult of inequity and despair have told them that rioting and anger are the only logical next step and their last option.
The so-called white community…though one might suggest that there really is no such thing… in turn chooses to react by distancing itself further from black Americans who seem determined to self-destruct on an overdose of anger and government intervention. Odds are that this is where we are headed because that's the logical next step in this nation's ongoing race war. Dark skinned and light skinned people will move farther apart until there is nothing left to connect us but our shared economic and social collapse.
It's what will most likely happen.
Wouldn't it be great if we could do something that is not preordained for once in a century and change the outcome of the race war to something a tad more unexpected? Wouldn't it be marvelous if we could illustrate the cult-like qualities of the Democratic Party and zero in on those individuals of African descent who are signaling that they'd like to be freed from their captors? Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could offer them something akin to the Underground Railroad…kind of sneak them out one at a time and show them a world where they really are something more than the color of their skin.
What are the chances of that happening?


  1. Anonymous7/18/2013

    Just when I think the media cannot get any worse, they sink to a new low. Apparently they have decided to beat the drum endlessly over the subject of Zimmerman and Martin. They know exactly what they are doing and what it could lead to - and it is exactly what they want: Racial animosity and possibly violence. They are fanning the flames. I am starting to see horns growing out of the heads of these people. They are pure evil. They are the most destructive force in our country today.

  2. Anonymous7/18/2013

    In case you hadn't heard, one of your neighbors was attacked and beaten in front of his home on 101st Seeley Tuesday night by 3 "hoody wearing youths". No mention of it in the news, by Eric Holder or Al Sharpton, no protest or march, or cover of Rolling Stone. Though I'm sure the Beverly Review will mention how pretty the flowers on that block look.

  3. Anonymous7/21/2013

    if i had a son he would look like Reinhardt Heydrich
