Friday, July 5, 2013

A Mind Altering Experience!

I was driving the other day listening to the news on WBBM radio. The first story was about how there were over a million people at the gay pride parade and everyone was just so happy and gay. (There were only 250,000 people there, most of them to gawk at the gay parade participants, most of whom I would venture to say are not that happy). 

The very next story was about the pedophile problem in Milwaukee and how the bishop conspired to shelter certain assets (churches) owned by the archdiocese. 

A few moments later there was a story about the removal of a cleric from oversight at the Vatican Bank.

The story after that was about the demolition of St. James Catholic Church on the south side because of   "obsolescence" (it was implied that there is no need for it any longer).

Four sad and deplorable, false light stories, designed to affect the thought process of "low information people".  All of this, yet not a mention of the beheading of a Franciscan priest in Syria by a group that is about to be armed by the United States. No mention about the cost of Obama's trip to Africa either. (I consider both of these items much more news worthy). Years ago, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Pearl, was beheaded while on assignment. That story was front and center for a few years. How is it that the beheading of a priest on assignment, is not just as newsworthy? 

I have to wonder who is behind these stories? What group has a vested interest in getting such bs stories out while at the same time withholding the real news? Who is behind these attacks on our society? I urge everyone to question every story in the media as to the possible motive behind it. 

In disgust, I changed the radio station to Relevant Radio and have kept it there all week.