Friday, February 15, 2013

Bill Cunningham votes for gay marriage.

Cunningham could care less about the effect of this type of legislation on our pensions. Instead, he is fixated on satisfying north side gay interest so that when his mentor tom dart runs for mayor....... 


SPRINGFIELD - The Illinois Senate voted to legalize gay marriages in Illinois Thursday, with 33 Democrats and 1 Republican - freshman Senator Jason Barickman of Bloomington - in support and 18 Republicans and 3 Democrats - Forby, Haine and Sullivan - in opposition. 
SB 10 will next be heard in the Illinois House.
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  1. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Upon passage of gay marriage legislation in the Illinois Senate, State Sen. Darin LaHood (R-Dunlap) said:

    “I believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. Additionally, I have extreme reservations about the legislation not having exemptions for churches, synagogues or mosques and other religious institutions from being forced to perform same-sex marriages in their respective houses of worship,” LaHood said. “The legalization of civil unions has wreaked havoc on the services that were offered by Catholic Charities of Peoria, because the institution was banned from performing adoption services as a result of a discriminatory policy against the church by the administration of Pat Quinn. It is too bad that today’s vote was political theatre and the Senate Democrat leadership chose to avoid the most pressing issues of pension reform and the fiscal crisis.”

  2. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Thank God Democrats will finally get to marry legally. Now if we can pass legislation for anytime abortions for those few heterosexual Democrats that accidentally get pregnant when their morning after pill doesn't work, there will be no democrats

    1. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Thats why they want the right to adopt (brainwash) little kids into thinking daddy and daddy's "rough housing" oiled up and nekkid is just a-ok....

  3. Anonymous2/15/2013

    He is not listening. He will be in the front pew at St. Barnabas this weekend with his hands folded in "prayer". He is - and always has been - a liberal. He HIDES this radical strain like all the other locals do, by championing cream puff issues like - "I oppose child molesters living in the neighborhood". I saw glossy leaflets with these "bold" statements by people like Ritchie Cunningham - with glossy pictures of him in the park talking to senior citizens. How about a photo of Bill at the Gay "pride" parade walking with the "a**less chaps" contingent et al.....

  4. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Gotta admit I see a number of Irish names throughout the State that voted no. But in the heart of the Irish country this guy sells us out. What a rat.

    1. Anonymous2/15/2013

      He has failed to represent the people of Irish heritage.

    2. Anonymous2/15/2013

      Irish heritage? Have you been to Ireland?

      The Irish strongly support gay rights.

    3. Anonymous2/16/2013

      People in Ireland are a lot less tolerant of gays than America.

    4. Anonymous2/17/2013

      Simply untrue. It is a lot less Catholic as well, especially from all of the Catholic scandals. In fact, the Irish are less tolerant of illegality in the Catholic church than even the U.S.A.

  5. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Astonishing, recall asap in my view!. He is governed by political correctness and not by faith. The community needs to get the positions of Kelly-Burke and all other elected officials who hang out at the office across from dunk 'n donuts. The left is very effective at duping old machine politicians. One of these days these ding a lings will realize that they are pawns in a mass movement to follow the dreams of Saul Alinsky .

  6. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Can he receive communion?

    1. Anonymous2/15/2013

      That is between him and God. Shouldn't be talked about here.

    2. Anonymous2/17/2013

      Bill Cunningham should not receive communion. He is in a state of grave mortal sin. If he does receive communion, he is committing the sin of sacrilege against the Eucharist. It is the responsibility of his parish priests and extraordinary ministers to protect the Body of Christ from being desecrated by Bill Cunningham.

  7. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Cunningham has always been a weasel. I'm Sure Mikey Sheahan is proud of his one time protege.

  8. Disturbed2/15/2013

    This is disturbing. The divorce rate is already at 50% among "normals." Legalizing gay marriage will only worsen the situation. And people have the nerve to say the Pope is gay.

  9. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Too many of our citizens do not know who their enemies are. No matter who you are, virtually everyone has someone or some group, whether for good cause - or not, who hate you. The left hates religion and especially the radical gay activists, HATE the Catholic Church. Here is a very creepy quote from the 2nd biggest mass murderer in human history, Old Joe Stalin....
    "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." At least Joe knew the results of what he wanted to do...these useful idiots we keep electing in the 19th Ward are too dumb to know what the results of their actions will be.

  10. Anonymous2/15/2013

    As a straight, Irish, Catholic, and married man with three kids in Mt. Greenwood, I used to be neutral on this issue but support gay marriage.

    He voted the correct and just way. Look at some of the comments here, pretty scary: Saul Alinsky, Old Joe Stalin, . . . and I prefer not to read into them too deeply because they are ironically too shallow.

    Soon enough tomorrow gays will marriage, but the Saul Alinsky people will still be in their own corner spouting about something else that is barely comprehensible.

    Bill Cunningham, you vote the right way but also the way of the future. And, believe it or not, these people talking about Stalin, never liked you. You vote was just and wise.

    1. Anonymous2/16/2013

      The above poster is only pretending to be normal in order to have credibility. In reality he is a creep.

    2. Anonymous2/16/2013

      I think the scary quotes are from mass murderers, not local folks who simply would like to see the institution of marriage remain what it has been for centuries upon centuries. You suddenly have a change of heart -and therefore the discussion should be over. When you want to topple an instittuion like marriage and change it forever, it is up to YOU to prove to others WHY it should change. Calling us shallow while offering no reasons WHY you suddenly favor homosexual marriage.

    3. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Were you happy to see the homosexual activists out protesting at downtown churches denouncing the Catholic Church?

    4. Anonymous2/16/2013

      This guy is full of s,,,. He is not a father from the Wood. Why would a loving father of Irish descent suggest that gay this or gay that is a good concept? Only if he has an ulterior motive I guess.

      He is the same guy that post here from time to time in favor of gays.

    5. Anonymous2/16/2013


  11. Anonymous2/15/2013

    Krushchev was right, "WE WILL BURY YOU FROM WITHIN" Nice going cunningham &dems.Commies.

  12. Anonymous2/16/2013

    Earlier someone mentioned Stalin and his view that the key to undermining us was/is to go after our morality,religion and patriotism. This was largely the work of a group of Jewish intelectuals led by the likes of Adorno, Marcuse,Reich and other german Jews that Hitler threw out from the so called Frankfurt School. These people knew the old Marx dialectic was a failure
    and armed with some of the latest Sociology measures and Freaudian perversion set out to ruin our beloved country. It started at Columbia at the incitation OF CHICAGO'S FAVORITE SON ONE JOHN DEWEY WHO LEFT HERE AND WENT EAST.
    Many of our neighbors and friends were victims of this shi__ at university in the 60's and 70's and their kids got the full boat of political correctness, immorality, and the like. The latest chapter is the duping of the mainstream democrats and witness this crazy homo vote a few days ago in Springfield. On the north side Chicago has the distinction of having a congressman who champions homo illegals. Not kidding! I could go on and on but the next group ripe for conversion are the millions of kids like many in our hood who are buried in debt and unemployed and at best underemployed because they kearned nothing at university.

  13. Anonymous2/17/2013

    Well we Irish catholics can voice are dismay at Cunningham when he marches at the Southside Irish Parade. He'll be the guy in the green leather assless chaps. .

  14. Anonymous2/18/2013

    Those few of you who hate Democrats, accuse everyone of being communists, and adamantly oppose gay marriage. You know what? That is fine and good.

    But it offends me how you embarrass my Irish heritage and religion. I keep hearing "Irish Catholic" as if we are this unified group who believe that Saul Alinsky is waiting in the weeds.

    Stop saying "Irish Catholic" as if all of us Irish and Catholic are all going to your kool-aid parties.

    1. Anonymous2/18/2013

      If you support the destruction of the human family, then you cannot consider yourself a Catholic, and being Roman Catholic is a requirement to be Irish.

  15. Anonymous2/18/2013

    What else would you expect from a Beverly liberal? You are a joke to your faith and your neighborhood, stop trying to be so politicaly correct and have some integrity. Do you know how to stand up like a man?

    1. Anonymous2/19/2013

      Well said !! I am embarrassed to be part of the disintegration of what was in times past a great, powerful and moral religious clan. We now have only phoney inbred children of parental priviledge who would sell their granny to the sharks for food - just to get a couple of bucks...or a couple of votes. It is sad to see how far we have fallen. You fools will have your children and grandchildren berated for their forefathers actions, as if we were bad people. The textbooks are already being re-written. Almost every society for century upon century have recognized homosexuality for the deviancy it is. If that offends you too bad. I will say it until it is illegal to say...which is what is behind these perverted radicals actions.

    2. Anonymous2/19/2013

      Tom Dart roomed with Obama and got Obama to march in our parade. He is a somewhat closet lefty just like Obama. Make no mistake about these guys - they are true believers in the cause of Socialism. The Democrats are now the Socialist. Just listen to any speech any one of them gives and more importantly look at what they do with legislation. Constant tax hikes, spending increases, and go along with anything that dynamites the traditions of our nation. This is the Political Party that BOOED the Boy Scouts at their convention. Look it up..

    3. Anonymous2/19/2013

      Dart is a commie who cares only about his own ass and nothing else. If in doubt about that ask his brother Billy.

    4. Anonymous2/19/2013

      Dart roomed with OBAMA? This I did not know.

  16. Anonymous2/18/2013

    Vote these people out , simple. All of them. Until we show them we're serious ,this will not stop. All this appointment shit has to,end too.

  17. Mary pat McDermitt2/19/2013

    Bill Cunningham should not receive communion. He is in a state of grave mortal sin. If he does receive communion, he is committing the sin of sacrilege against the Eucharist. It is the responsibility of his parish priests and extraordinary ministers to protect the Body of Christ from being desecrated by Bill Cunningham.

    This is true, ALL of our chicago and county of cook elected officals are out of grace of the roman catholic church, my question is this, what are we fellow catholics to do about it?
    i say when you see these orangeman taking the santctified body of christ, when then leave the mass tell them directly to their face they are sinning against christ and his church.
    it takes the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.

    Mary pat McDermitt

    1. Patrick T. Sullivan2/19/2013

      Mary Pat, it is about time that someone addressed this very point. These people are engaged in the tearing down of morality and they are not going to get away with it.

    2. Anonymous2/19/2013

      It is Copernicus' birthday; he was one of the founders of modern science. Copernicus was put on the Index of banned books. It was around that precise time that the Catholic Church underwent a transition from intellectual and cultural competence to defensive against all that is . . . new.

      The proposition by Mary pat McDermitt is to tell people, "directly to their face," that they are sinning. In addition to the celibacy law and ordination of women, eucharistic openness is a reform I support.

      Interestingly, Mary pat McDermitt, in light of the Pope's recent and sudden resignation, what are your positions on papal infallibility and papal primacy?

    3. Anonymous2/20/2013

      Mary Pat is more honest and more informed than you. She is talking about Catholic legislators who like to use the Church as a backdrop for their agendas but do not seem to have a problem with supporting specific government that attacks directly the Church they want to make use of for their own purposes.

      So because some members of the Church in the middle ages were unaware of some scientific fact that means we should support homosexual marriage? And what does the Pope resigning due to ill health as an 85 or 86 year old man have to do with anything other than your apparent unhappiness within the Church? If the most fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Church are wrong in your mind - then why dont you go start your own church? You could call it the "Anonymous Church of Openness".

    4. Anonymous2/20/2013

      What we really have are Irish politicians who use the Catholic Church while publicly thumbing their noses at its most fundamental beliefs.

      Last year when North Carolina was voting to ban same sex unions, writer Andrew Scott Card wrote legalising gay marriage was "not about making it possible for gay people to become couples.

      "It's about giving the left the power to force anti-religious values on our children. Once they legalize gay marriage, it will be the bludgeon they use to make sure that it becomes illegal to teach traditional values in the schools."

      The true Church that our liberal politicians around here belong to is the Democratic Party. Their most sacred rite is the killing of unborn babies from which noone who wishes to rise to elected office is allowed to dissent from.

  18. Mary pat McDermitt2/20/2013

    The Pope is "of man" therefore as a man he is fallible, that is the church’s position actually not mine.

    You are obviously not a catholic; if you were you would certainly understand catholic doctrine as it pertains to this and other issues recently discussed here.

    You may believe what you will, I certainly am not trying to change your view, but I am asking that politicians have some sense of shame, some sense of moral fortitude not to blaspheme the core doctrine of the faith of some 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world.
    However the indignant arrogance of any political person to portray themselves as "in good standing" Catholics, in order to pander to a few extra votes and then turn around and support Gay marriage, or be pro-abortion, these are anti-Catholic beliefs and contrary to our teachings, therefore they are not really Catholics are they? No more than to say you are a Democrat and then voting republican.
    I say again, these fake Catholics should have the decency NOT TO RECEIVE the body of Christ in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church! Sure attend mass hear the readings and the gospel, pray and partake in the holiness of the lords word (in fact this is highly encouraged for all of those still living outside the adherence of the churches doctrines), however our doctrine is very clear; do not take the body of Christ unless you have received reconciliation, disavowed previous actions and maintain a good and constant standing in the church. I am truly sorry if this offends your inner sense, but these are the facts of being a true Roman Catholic.

    The same applies to Male Ordination and celibacy! they are Doctrine, if you want that become Angelican, or just create another religion to make it all work out for you.

    Mary pat

    1. Anonymous2/20/2013

      OK. So what is your opinion on papal primacy and papal infallibility? You completely, even conveniently, dodged my question. "Of man" does not answer my question, and then you launched into a political/religious diatribe.

      You may not know this, but the early mass was much different. Today, people are limited to looking on and watching the sacral drama of the clergy (genuflection, use of incense, etc.). In fact, the priest used to stand with his back to the people. Communal Eucharist is one of the best things about mass, and you have a really awful take on it.

      It is interesting---actually bizarre---that you have such an emphasis on communal Eucharist. I support Eucharistic openness and see it as an opportunity to bring and introduce others to the Catholic church. You see it as a way to exclude others, even Catholics.

      You keep referring to "doctrine" and then at times "core doctrine." Your diatribe is even too convoluted for me to unpack.

      . . . moving on.

      The Catholic Church is three institutions:
      1) The Curia;
      2) Institute for Works of Religion (aka the Vatican Bank); and
      3) The rest of us.

      The three, united together, could powerfully radiate the love of Christ. However, I will save this discussion for another day.

    2. Anonymous2/21/2013

      The priest never used to stand with his back to the people. The priest used to face God with the people and the priest should still be doing this today according to the rubrics for the Mass of Vatican II.

      Do you believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?

  19. Mary pat2/25/2013

    Again you have no understanding of Roman Catholic doctrine,
    you obviously ARE NOT catholic and frankly that’s ok, If you want your own nicely stacked religion based on what is easy for you, go start another, but do not claim to be catholic, if you do not follow the doctrine you are not, again i am sorry sometimes the reality and magnitude of clear reality hurts. If you wish to re-affirm your catholic position, you must reconcile, change your assertions and maintain a consistent obedience to the church’s doctrines...VERY difficult I will admit, but so is carrying a 200 pound cross after being bludgeoned whipped and scourged.
    The doctrine of papal infallibility doesn’t mean that everything a pope says is perfect, right or even true. It also does not mean that a pope cannot sin; all popes like all humans are sinners.
    The catechism is very clear, on what our beliefs are...even regarding "papal primacy and papal infallibility" the doctrine of papal infallibility has to do with the popes teachings authority. If the pope makes a formal declaration as head of the church on a matter of faith and morals, then Catholics believe that that falls under the realm of papal infallibility. Read John 16:13
    Mary pat
