Imagine the effect on our pension funds
Two Illinois lawmakers said Thursday they will seek legislative approval of gay marriage when the General Assembly reconvenes in three weeks, answering Gov. Pat Quinn's hope that he could sign same-sex marital rights into law as early as January.Rep. Greg Harris and Sen. Heather Steans, both Chicago Democrats, declined to say the status of roll-call votes in each chamber during a conference call with reporters. But Steans said "we're in striking distance of being able to get it done."
And it's those frustrating social conservatives that just keep harping on topics like this, right?
Most LGBT (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender) efforts strive to not exclude any particular sexual orientation. Will the law being pushed in January also include marriages between transgenders and bisexuals?
Attempting to preserve the traditional family as the gold standard for children's exposure to both mother and father role models is reasonable, not bigoted.
Once this becomes law, it will be impossible to repeal. The definition of marriage for Illinois will have changed forever.
This whole system will eventually collapse onto itself.
ReplyDeleteThe effect on our pensions will be marginal at the very best; it will have no material impact whatsoever. Not sure how many people actual believe a broken pension system is going to "finally" break because (of all things gay) marriage. Ha! ha!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I think the pension system will be bankrupted, having absolutely, positively, unambiguously (that sounds like a gay word almost) nothing to do with gay people marrying. lol.
Simply put, promises regarding pensions will not be kept, and this is not the result, nor can it ever possibly be, because of gay marriage.
Come on - get serious on a very serious issue.
A ridiculously momentous potential change in the law.....and where is the coverage?....Where is the DEBATE ? Where is the media?....Where is the Catholic Church? Listen....can you hear it ?.....that is the sound of crickets chirping....NOTHING ! Where do our Representatives come in on this issue? Has the Beverly Review inquired?.....The answer is NO! You see the to sucker punch us with little or no debate....little or no coverage by the radical media.....and now it will be LAW ! The scary part is what this will mean to people of religious faiths whose whole belief system will not change just because 75 radical legislators have made a decision. Will we as Catholics, be allowed to have our belief system anymore? Or will we be violating homosexuals' "civil rights"?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think Catholics will not be allowed their belief system anymore? What does one have to do with the other?
DeleteOnce homosexuals become another "protected class" for civil rights the next step in the radical homosexual agenda is to call for "protection" from "discrimination" and "hate speech". Already we are seeing that in CA where they have pushed legislation making it a crime to "change" homosexuals through therapy to integrate into the heterosexual life Canada they are already attacking churches that still teach that homosexual BEHAVIOR is sinful. The average voter who is fair minded is only getting one perspective. Why can't they be happy with civil unions? ....Because "marriage" holds deep connection to religious beliefs and practices.....remember the homosexual ACTIVISTS are the ones who sneak into Catholic church services, receive the holy eucharist - then stamp on it or do other hateful things considered profane to believers....or engage in lewd (and worse) behavior in the churches or on the steps in "protest". I do not fault you for your sincere question, but my answer is just a grain of sand in the underground fight that is taking place - that is being censored by the media...
DeleteThe sad fact is that homosexual behavior has always been considered deviant and unnatural in ALL of Western societies !!! WHY?- because the biological reason for sex is pro creation. Therefore nature (or God) wired us to be attracted to members of the OPPOSITE sex. If you are attracted to the SAME sex then most societies have ALWAYS believed that there is something just not quite right.....the psychiatric community always called it that way until the radical pro homosexuals wormed their way into changing this from a disorder. We should and do love our family, friends, neighbors and coworkers who are "gay" - but most homosexuals know in their hearts that there is something wrong. I believe in the rights of homosexuals but NOT when it tramples the religious rights of the vast majority of the rest of us....
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church will not be granting marriage ceremonies to gay folk, so how is this trampling your religious rights? By the way, unless you regard Greece and Rome as non-Western societies, homosexuality was not considered deviant in either Greece or Rome.
DeleteHomosexuality was considered deviant in those societies as well - in their are correct that homosexuality WAS accepted in these pre Christian societies LATER in the eras of their decline. Acceptance and prevalence of homosexuality has been always been considered one strong sign of the moral decay of a society.
DeleteThe far left seems to be running the show down there these days. This is the most absurd measure in Ilinois history. Illinois with a very conservative,family oriented tradition is actually considering a measure that effectively ends the nuclear family as we know it. Witness recent press accounts with Cullerton hand holding with illegal aliens in support of granting licenses to people who are in violation of federal statutes. The good priest down in Pilsen managed to convince the leader to come on down and I have it on good authority that this was the brainchild of a far left radical organization. Similarly this LGBT
ReplyDeleteinitiative is also supported by neo Marxists and they know how to mainstream their initatives by using mainstream political consultants.
Moreover,this would indeed hurt pension systems because there will be a herd of LGBT's running off to get married in order to get widows pensions.
These so called legislators were hired by voters in their district . It is up to those districts to burn their phone lines up to vote against this if it their will. Legislators are supposed to vote the will of their constituents. Not their own private fucking agenda. This need to be publicized and people need to fight.
ReplyDeleteBe grateful you get a pension I get to work until I die. Cut all the pensions its just another form of welfare. Why should my tax dollars help pay for pensions when I don't get one?
ReplyDeleteBecause the people you elected (basically your agents) entered into legally binding contracts to provide these pensions.
DeleteWell then elected officials should make all private sector companies offer pensions too! Try to live on 1600 a month social security thats if I even make it to 62. How can you save for retirement when you never get a raise? Taxes keep going up I pay 700 a month in taxes for a small ranch house in my cook county suburb it's like another rent payment on top of the mortgage.
DeleteWhile technically accurate the fact is that the system is broken due to public sector unions. The Unions back Democrats almost exclusively....The Democrats win and then use their positions to vote for better terms for the Public union....who in turn take some of that money and give it to the Dem politican.....the fact is that we the taxPAYERS have noone representing our pocket book interests at the bargaining table....over decades now this whole monstrosity has grown far beyond what taxpayers can possibly afford...and the sick FACT is that union people are demanding the electorate pay more for their pensions....and those taxpayers are making on average....FAR LESS than the public sector union is reverse Robin CANNOT is face the have all liberal Democrats running the STate and even they arent offering you anything....what part of "we are broke" dont you understand ??? Why dont you get your union stooge leaders to tell their made liberal Dem politicians to cut back on the handouts to the loafer link card welfare bums ??
DeleteWhy not write a letter to Obama about your concerns. He cares about people like you. By the way, wait a month or so until he returns from his lavish, taxpayer-funded Hawaiian vacation.
ReplyDeleteA couple of you are dramatic about gay marriage. Boo-hoo. Gay couples should have the same marital rights as straight couples. You make to big of a deal about gays getting to marry.
ReplyDeleteprobably coming from a gay.
DeleteNot the fact that they are getting married but rather that this is just a step in the homosexual agenda...they are out to ban dissent from their lifestyle and the Christian churches are their number one the entire is not simply that Adam wants to marry is what is already happening in Canada....even left wing socialist France is up in arms over it....Read something other than Rolling Stone or what not....they demand "tolerance" of Christians but they HATE Christians and openly mock and defame us (they being the radical LGBT "community" lesbian, gay bi sexual, trans gender etcetera....) p.s. If they want everything to be the "same" will we then close down the scummy bath houses in "Boys Town" and the Casro District of SF where men meet in dark rooms to engage in anonymous unprotected sex....even in the age of AIDS ?
DeleteI still cant help laughing when i see some of the "couples" holding hands.....they just look know..the 60 year old lesbian couple that look like two old librarians...or the lesbian couple where it is obvious who wears the "pants"....Have you ever sat next to a transgender "woman"....sorry but it gives me the creeps....they still have their adams apple and their voices sound like the walking dead.....I knew a lesbian couple where one of them actually played on the Chicago woman's football team...she was more masculine than most of the metro sexual texting 20 something Obamatons in River North !
DeleteHey Murph all you self-righteous Irish liberal Catholics need only blame yourselves..... You Beverly fools and the rest of Democrat fools in our county/state keep voting this rigged self-centered cabal back into office year after year.
ReplyDeleteOk yes that is a harsh indictment I admit however it must be true by proof of circumstance, but if you are so enlightened, so educated, so intellectual, then why do you keep falling into the trap of these charlatans?
You really are dumb ass intellectuals or you are intentionally acting as miscreant opposed to the better good of our society
Hey Marybeth, watch who you call names. I ain't no liberal.
DeleteI think a large part of the problem is that the 19th ward residents are playing the system. It works for them. When they relize that they have lost half their pension, they will cause a backlash. Until then......
There were alot of votes for Romney in the 19th Ward - probably among the highest in the city....Beverly has alot of business owners, and the rest of the ward has alot of cops, firemen etc....We are heavily Catholic so please do not paint everybody with such a broad is just that too many of our local voters are hog tied by the Democrat Machine and the goodies that go with neighbor is ex military, and conservative....but he voted for Obama ! Why? He believes the crap his union is shoveling him...when this guy of all people - told me he was going for Obama - i had a sick feeling we would lose. I hate to say it but the economy looks ready to slide back into a recession that will be worsened by all the new hidden and above board taxes and fees these looney Dems will force on us... maybe it will take more pain for these people to wise up.....p.s. you should read this blog a little more before posting and you will see that most of us are conservative type traditionalists that are utterly sickened by the leftwing turn our local, city, State and Federal "leaders" have taken....
DeleteOne last comment and I am done - I promise.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that the imagine used for this "discussion" is "The Thinker" by Rodin . . . who was gay! EEeeep!!!
oh, my God! Take The Thinker down!