Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama's Perfect Storm

GAFFNEY: Obama's perfect storm - Washington Times


  1. Anonymous10/30/2012

    First, the author is biased. He is a "peace through strength" type. He wants to spend and spend and spend and spend on a force capacity to confront a Soviet empire that no longer exists and never will return.

    Worse, this "non-profit" 501(c)(3)---meaning they will tax us taxpayers more to cover the loss of tax revenue from this "non-profit" or increase the nat'l debt to cover the loss. This so-called "think tank" associates with ilk that would have made Bush the Younger president for life. Please look this one up yourselves.

    And, if I ever seen an expansion of the concept of "think tank" let alone "non-partisan" and "non-profit," this is a perfect example. The author is the president of the Center for Security Policy. Again, worth it to look up.

    Tangent on so-called "non-profit" organizations: it is tempting at times to incorpoate an Illinois corp. and apply for 501(c)(3) status. Call it the "Center for Freedom and Safety." Obtain grant money. Get inflated "director salaries." And never pay taxes. I am at least fair, though, I would tax all "charities" and "religious organizations" (including Scientology and the Church of Latter-Day Saints). Yes - Scientology is tax exempt. No. I am not joking. Look this one up too.

    Second, it appears that the opposite of Frankenstorm is true; i.e., Obama appears swift, decisive, and not partisan. In a word, a "leader". Sorry this author's theory did not pan out well at all so far at least.

    Last, it is hard right and their "think tanks" that are trying to politicize the tragic murder of four Americans in Benghazi. And, because of that, I will not take the bait and make it a political issue.

  2. Anonymous10/31/2012


  3. Anonymous10/31/2012

    who the hell even reads this rag. i know mister "leader" is same one from vilified every candidate he ran against since his stapling papers to light poles in the alley just 10 years ago.put the kool aid down. he is the worst example of a leader. follow the timeline in benghazi,not 2 not 4 not 6 but 7 hours went by before all these people were killed. bush didnt kill them.he didnt want to offend his brothers in arms over there??? i would have thought that atleast he would have airlifted them out but dont leave them there to die. wow,what a leader.

  4. You have the give the man credit for how he handled Sandy. Chris Christie's comments are the proof in the pudding.
