Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's wrong with the truth?

Truth Teller
Romney is being attacked for telling the truth? What do people want a continuation of the lies? What about the act of sneaking a video camera into a private dinner? Does anyone feel violated by that?
Not surprisingly, the former community organizer elevated in 2008 by the American Idol audience to his dress up role as Leader of the Free World is not running for re-election on his many notable achievements, including: 
And talk about a series of amazing coincidences, 1979 was also the year that Jimmy “King of the Useful Idiots” Carter was president, and it happened on the anniversary of 9/11! What were the chances?

I guess standing on a Chicago street corner with a clipboard and a bullhorn isn’t the best preparation for being POTUS, or even “Preezy of the United Steezy.”
Given the colossal, and very predictable, record of failure amassed by this inexperienced, narcissistic, smarmy empty suit, his only chance at re-election is to render his opponent an absolutely unacceptable alternative. Apparently, his campaign has settled on a strategy to make that happen; that is, catch Mitt Romney telling the truth. Last week’s media “controversy” was Mitt Romney’s completely correct and accurate characterization of the disgraceful performance by the Obama administration, wringing their hands, bowing and scraping over the possibility that someone in this country may have offended the tender sensibilities of people known for posting videos of beheadings online. 
 This week, the Left and the LSM are outraged by the truth about Barack Obama’s desire to make as many people dependent on government as possible. How dare people point out that he is an admitted believer in income redistribution! The nerve! Even though, the One has admitted it over and over, not that he needed to do so. He is a dyed-in-the-wool radical leftist. He has never been anything else. He has proudly trumpeted his tenure as a “community organizer.” What in the world does that mean? A “community organizer” is a person who arrives in a poor neighborhood to stoke the fires of entitlement, resentment and class envy, usually to enhance his own political fortunes, while leaving the poor people he claims to care about worse off than when he got there, despite the enactment of “programs” that throw more tax dollars down more social welfare ratholes. Barack Obama’s experience reflects that fact. 
In addition, in 2001, when Barack Obama lamented the failure of the Warren Court to be radical enough, what did he say?
If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth,(emphasis mine) and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
Just in case you need more evidence, there’s this speech from 1998, in which he says “I actually believe in redistribution” so “everyone will have a shot.” Sound familiar? Notice also the other mumbo-jumbo we hear from him today: “we’re all in this together.”
These speeches and his policies demonstrate how bizarre and ridiculous this latest alleged controversy is. Of course, it is simply a smokescreen to keep voters from seeing the obvious. 
Make no mistake. These “controversies,” and their accompanying “narratives” of the week, are driven by the Lame Stream Media working in cooperation with the other members of the Obama campaign. They are hoping to employ the Goebbels “Big Lie” strategy to cover up the truth about who Barack Obama is and his plans to complete his “remaking” (read destroying) of the country we grew up in.
The level of outrage by the Left is directly proportional to the amount of truth told about them. They hope to intimidate those who are closing in on their heinous agenda from actually talking about it. 


  1. Anonymous9/19/2012

    As a result of his comments, i am going to vote for him. He is so right.

  2. Anonymous9/19/2012

    the 19th ward demOCRATIC s have been known to sneak cameras into opposition meetings. they do it all the time. they send spys too.

    1. Anonymous9/19/2012

      That's nothing. There used to be a 19th Ward politician [NAME WITHHELD BUT HE KNOWS WHO HE IS]that would have his minions call someone and he would listen in on a 3d line. Several of those minions told me about it.

  3. Don't forget his destructive stimulus which deepened the recession and caused even more unemployment.

    Or his choice to increase the entire national debt by 50%.

    Or his strong resistance to renewing the Bush tax cuts (which are mostly for the middle class).

    1. re Bush's welfare program for the rich:

      "This is economic madness. It is policy divorced from empirical evidence. It is insanity because the policies are illusory and delusional. The evidence is in, and it shows beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts failed to achieve the promised goals."

      The author is a Pulitzer prize winning journalist.

    2. Anonymous9/19/2012

      your right, let's raise taxes!

    3. No, let's forget about tax cuts -- for everyone.

    4. Anonymous9/20/2012

      The United States now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Current economic policy response is to devalue US $$ in order to keep exports competitive. Of course, this destroys purchasing power and raises the cost of living. The battle is not taxing the rich, its a sustainable policy of creating jobs through an expanding economy. Job creation will not occur with the current tax structure in the U.S. Neither candidate has addressed these issues.
      Throw out the current tax code with all its loopholes and start over with a 10% flat tax for incomes below $100k and 25% above.
      The Bush tax cuts were a failure because they were never paid for through less spending, the same as Reagans. The GOP want tax cuts, the Dem's want entitlement. You can't have both without creating the debt time bomb we now face.
      Americans want jobs!

  4. I guess those who feel strongly should go to Texas. Thanks to the efforts of Obama's justice dept, voter fraud is still OK there. So anyone can vote a few times in the Lone Star State.

  5. From CNN, that radical newsfeed:

    1. Mpots: no matter how someone tries to deceive and cook the numbers, there are hundreds of thousands of fewer jobs now compared to when Obama took office, and unemployment has gone up 20% since then.

      Any mention of 'Bush' is an attempt to mislead. These are Obama's actions.

    2. Anonymous9/19/2012

      You are also forgetting about 9/11/2001.
      Millions of jobs disappeared.
      The economy shut down over night.
      That index does not count the recovery of those jobs.

    3. dmarks: I don't know what you're drinking, but I want some.

  6. Anonymous9/19/2012

    life long dem now living in florida now,straigt ticket republican from now on....btw lived in 19th ward for 40 yrs before retiring CPD,SAW HOW CROOKED THE WARD WAS WHEN I LEFT...

  7. Anonymous9/19/2012

    The above blog post is the most concise and pointed exposure of the President. He is completely in over his head. The events of the past week truly show that the media are his lap dogs. We have our embassy attacked in a coordinated way with organized fire and grenade launchers...where our Marines (without bullets) are whisked to the side by a mob who grabs our embassador and others - drags them through the streets, defiles their bodies and murders them in the most vile way. Burn our flags and our embassies around the world. All on September 11th ! Obama hides in the WH til after 10 AM the next day. Issues a 5 or 6 minute press conference. Takes NO questions and then leaves to go to Las Vegas for a fundraiser all while claiming that the attacks were not pre planned but just the result of a youtube video. The media immediately jumps on what they consider the most newsworthy part of the day...Romney coming out to condemn these actions ! The media are the lowest frauds imaginable and we all must remind others around us that they are ALL Democrats and liberals and are protecting this fool in the WH !
    Down goes Obama ! Down goes Obama !

    1. Were they frauds for Reagan? When 241 Marines servicemen were killed in Beirut?

    2. Anonymous9/19/2012

      reagan never got even with iran over that bombing,but payback is coming soon very soon.

    3. Anonymous9/19/2012

      They hated Reagan too! They treated him like they treat all conservatives (they hate them) and categorize them as either A. Dumb or B. Evil and ALWAYS Racist... I have never heard more racist talk then from the Fighting IRish of the 19th Ward Democrats anywhere else in my life. I dont recall Reagan leaving town without taking questions - nor would or should the press ever have allowed him to. The first ever Obama press conference floored me. The press sat obediently while Obama (apparently looking at a list) called on the press in what felt almost like jumping up and yelling questions, no interrupiting him over and over like they constantly did with Bush (Dumb conservative or was he the evil one?....wait maybe he was both...and of course he was racist - goes without saying.

  8. Anonymous9/19/2012

    First, I have been involved with politics since college. I can tell you that I have never seen such an inconsistent, flip-flopping candidate as Mitt Romney in my life.

    In fact, Ryan and Romney---talk about a clownish Bert and Ernie campaign---take public positions in opposition to even each other. See, e.g., Romney (or Obama) care.

    Second, that jobless figure is grossly underrated when you include both the underemployed and those in despair (i.e., given up on finding work).

    Third, the initial downgrade by Standard & Poor's was due to the tea party brinkmanship in not allowing an increase in the debt ceiling. The next downgrade by Egan-Jones is due to policy by the Fed. Resv. Finally, the Fed is stating, yes, we are in a depression - they just, literally, got the memo. So the economy is like a vampire victim. The Fed wants to give the vampire victim a blood transfusion of more cash. However, instead of giving the vampire victim a blood transfusion, the Fed gives it to Count Dracula (the largest banks), believing that somehow blood will flow back into the victim through the fangs of the vampire.

    Fourth, debt. You kiddin' me, Willis? Ryan and Romney tax cuts, plus defense increases, will send the debt soaring. If you are running around supporting Robney (as in Rob My social security) on this issue, then there is no hope. I am wasting my time.

    Fifth, record number on food stamps because we are in an economic depression. Illinois had the largest foreclosure filings in August. Yet, the Fed said we were out of the recession in "June of 2009."

    Sixth, if you are blaming Obama for the murder of an ambassador - just never mind. Just never mind.

    1. Anonymous9/19/2012

      You are wasting your time on this blog..this is for us who cannot always tell the lefty lunatics protesting for ever more money who live on our blocks what we really think of them - or we will get a few parking tickets etc..harassed by the local DemocRAT party - the party that does NOT represent our interests! Just read a letter in the Southtown by an Obama supporter (surprise he was a professor!) telling us how we who support Romney are really voting against our own interests! Yes we are all just stupid and you know it all...we come here to get away from brainwashed leftist ideologues like you! We are out of work, we are out of patience and we are done with the DemocRATS...Socialism does not work anywhere it has ever been tried. Face it - the Democrats are now the Socialist Party of America....go on the Socialist Worker party web site and compare it to the Democratic Party is chilling! P.S. Hitler was a Socialist too !

    2. Anonymous9/19/2012

      sounds like another brainwashed Dumbocrat...don't you people ever learn...don't vote the for the truth

  9. Anonymous9/19/2012

    Does Fran support Obama or Romney?

  10. Mpots: There was no 'Bush welfare program for the rich'. Time for a fact-check:
    1) Most of those who got to keep more of their own money under the Bush tax cuts were middle class.

    2) Most of the money kept by the American people due to this plan was kept by the middle class.

    3) The tax cuts resulted in a large increase in money coming into the treasury.

    4) Deciding to steal less money from someone is not a gift. Not 'welfare'. The Bush tax cuts gave $0 to the rich.

  11. Anonymous9/19/2012

    How do I explain to dmarks that the opposite of everything he believes is true?

    1) My God. The Bush tax cuts overwhelming supported higher-income earners, and it reduced the capital gains and dividend rates. Frankly, from this comment, I cannot tell if you are serious or being facetious. I have never seen anyone state that the Bush tax cuts benefited the middle class the most. Trying to think - but I do not even think Karl Rove talks like that. Please do correct me if I am wrong.

    2) Not sure if you are stating the same thing just differently or trying (or made) another point.

    3) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeck! Where and what and how and who is telling you this? Even the nonpartisan Congressional Budge Office (CBO) stated that the Bush tax cuts resulted in at least 3.3 trillion added to the national debt. There was a LOSS in revenue. If you cut taxes, which is revenue, there is a loss in revenue. Our wise leader Bush at the time did not say, OH, let's cut spending in the equivalent of the taxes. Thus, there was and INCREASE IN DEBT and DECREASE IN REVENUE.

    4) Bush tax cuts gave $0 to the rich. NOW I KNOW YOU ARE KIDDING! Now I am punked and you were just being facetious (as I suspected) but I am down to point 4 - ha ha.

    Let me try four ridiculous ones too:

    1) The recession ended in June of 2009;

    2) The fundamentals of the economy are strong;

    3) Mission Accomplished; and

    4) During the RNC---this is becoming a clownish party, respectfully to my Republican friends---my brother Bush kept us safe.

    1. Anonymous9/19/2012

      "The fundamentals of the economy are strong?" I dare you to tell that to half the guys right on my block who are union tradesmen and are NOT working ! NOONE is hiring...a gallon of gas is double what it was when the Messiah took office, our national debt is up 50%...this is the worst "recovery" in 50 years! Read an Economics book or better yet get a job - or open a small business and you will understand what the real world is really about. Taxing people MORE puts a drag on economic growth and the top 10% of income earners pay well over 75% of every tax dollar received - Obama wants everyone to "pay their fair share" - (code words for - I am a Socialist and I want to take from the haves and give to the have nots)....You didn't build that...i know alot of smart people...when i heard him mocking small business owners and entrepreneurs I KNEW he was MY enemy...but keep typing out your propaganda will be a few less envelopes stuffed for the Socialist in Chief Re election campaign... you are "converting" noone here !

    2. Anonymous9/19/2012

      "The fundamentals of the economy are strong" is a quote of Senator John McCain's (R - Arizona) in 2008.

      You really missed my point;it is the second of a list of four of the most ridiculous political quotes I have heard in five years.

  12. Anon: think about what you are claiming. How can a tax cut give one cent to anyone? Letting you keep more of your own property is not a gift.

    How can you claim this? Or do you think that if a mugger steals your wallet and does not take your shoes, it means that your shoes are a gift from the mugger.

    As for the other facts, check them out instead of lying.

    Right after the Bush tax cuts were passed, and for several years after, federal revenues were higher, not lower. It is all in the Treasury Dept web site.

    And it has nothing to do with Karl Rove: the people who benefitted overwhelmingly from the tax cuts are middle class. You had best research matters next time.

    1. Anonymous9/19/2012

      dmarks, I cannot believe there is someone out there---in my neighborhood, no less---that defends Bush.

      Brace yourself, seriously, for this: . . . even the establishment of the Republican party do not defend Bush; he is persona non grata.

      The establishment of the Republican party have instituted damnatio memoriae upon Bush. When the ancient Romans wanted to punish a person, the goal was to erase any trace of the person's existence. You will not find Bush at the RNC; his brother was there and said that Bush "kept us safe" - not sure who really believes this stuff in September of 2012.

      Frankly, I am not sure how anyone can be a Republican at this point, but I am particularly astonished anyone would defend Bush's policies.

    2. Not sure that dmarks is from the neighborhood.

    3. One third of Ward 19's residents in fact vote Republican. That's a lot of neighbors there, Anon, whom you do not think exist. And they make the informed decision to vote in a way you disagree with. "Frankly", you are rather out-of-touch with your neighbors and their interests.

  13. those who understand need to vote period. the fools who just can't see what the dems have done are lost and will never be found. Reagan? really..... that was 30 years ago. the here and now is what counts. why can't we keep our own money.?????? f#*k those big spenders in Washington. Vote with your wallet

  14. Anonymous9/19/2012

    I wonder if all the union members on the Ward will pull a Republican ballot? I am not a fan of either of them. But,outside of the tax cuts and other items. I will not pull a Republican ballot for the due fact Willard is a right to work advocate. I know people with union cards that are die hard. Then they just feed me that Fox news socailism dribble. Going back to the tax cut issue. Its amazing to listen to people discuss tax cuts,like they are Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. The common working man under any party never has had a seat at the table for many lifetimes. So vote for who ever you like, that's your right. Just make it the best informed vote that is possible.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2012

      I have never been able to reconcile why a union member---a dying breed indeed---would vote Republican.

      The socialism stuff of Obama. The irony is that the Bush tax cuts, including the Paulson bailouts, were reverse socialism. I suppose you could say that Obama continued those policies.

      Speaking of unions and teachers, one reason why I stayed out of that "debate" is because I support the students and did not feel comfortable on either side. Nevertheless, I support the teaching and learning of civics. Even basic civics. As you know, the Congress controls spending, the purse. During the Bush Admin, and someone can correct me if I am wrong, there was pretty much always Republican control of the Congress. During the brief period of Democratic control of Congress during the Obama Admin, the Bush economic policies were continued.

      I am not aware of any "socialist" policies other than the bailout of very large banks, very large insurance companies (mortgage insurers and derivative insurers such as AIG), and auto manufacturers.

      We have socialism and subsidies (defense, contractors, oil, energy, medicine, etc.) for very large corporations.

  15. Anonymous9/20/2012

    Surprised that the "Pickle Joyce" fans haven't signed on yet and let us know that he's an Attorney and with his leadership skills the ship of state will be steered toward calm waters and all our problems will be solved.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2012

      Don't be such a hater

  16. I think it's time to vote for a third party in Illinois -- any third party, take your pick. If you want to send shivers down the backs of Obama and the noble fathers of the Republican Party, vote a third party.

  17. Anonymous9/20/2012

    Thanks for posting this topic. A lot of people in the 19th ward are part of the 47% Romney is speaking of-maybe not on some type of government aid, but dependent on the local government or union. It is comparable to a drug addict addiction to his or her drug dealer. Where would they be without the paycheck from tax payers or union job. I can understand why these people are voting for Obama even it is for self serving and jealous reason.

    Look at the state of the 19th ward the City of Chicago and Cook County. Get out while you can change is coming.

  18. Anon: Why would union members vote Republican? For one thing, most union members are forced into unions, and are 'union members' against their will. Republicans favor giving workers a choice in this, while Dems strongly favor the forcing.

    As for the correction, the Dems took over Congress in the last two yeafs of the Bush admin. This caused the big collapse. This is also when the big corporate welfare started.

    As for the subsidies you name, I haven't found evidence of subsidies to oil. Have you?

    Tax cuts are not 'reverse socialism' of any kind. All it is is government plundering a little less of the people's property. Tax cuts by definition are not subsidies, and involve giving $0 to people.

  19. Anonymous9/20/2012

    I can tell you why ALOT of union members i know will vote against Barack Obama...they are NOT working. And try as you might to try to convince them that the s**t sandwich you are handing them is really good...they are not buying it. Electricians, carpenters, roofers, painters, sprinkler fitters, concrete and masons, landscapers, fence builders, ALL the people producing the products for these people, the sales forces and support people...on and on. The COUNTRY is going down the tubes union or non union... Obama is "transforming America" allright...into a loser Socialist regulated European model of decay. Meanwhile the Democratic Party is kissing the a**es of people here illegally - who are helping to take jobs from Americans...Democrats are in control and Democrats OWN this economy...and Obama will be gone this January ! I really would hate to be a door bell ringer for the Democrats this fall. You never know who will answer the door - but you can guarantee they will be at home - because - they are out of work !!

  20. Anonymous9/20/2012

    Gosh should I not vote Republican? Geez after all - these local Democrats are all for us union guys right? Hmm let's see

    City of Chicago - all property taxes keep going up and up. All fees, license fees, parking fees, cell phone taxes, even if I lease a car...they tax it..
    County of Cook - run by of the highest income taxes of thousands of counties all across America....
    State of ILLinois - Governor - a Democrat..the State Senate run by Democrats, the State House run by Democrats...we have one of the worst fiscal situations of any state in the Union! Oh yeah thanks Governor Paddy Quinn for the 67 percent tax hike you gave us - that really helped me and my family during the recession...oh and thanks for taking the measly credit for math and science books from the Catholic Schools...that helped my family educate my kids !
    And of course the Federal government - President Democrat (wants people to "pay their fair share") Obamacare taxes will make me pay for 30 million who do not insure themselves...that will help me too!
    Gosh - thanks for reminding me why a union guy like me ....sitting at home hoping for a day's pay...should vote for the Democrats !

  21. Sister Mary Catherine9/20/2012

    SAID...Anonymous19 September, 2012
    First, I have been involved with politics since college. I can tell you that I have never seen such an inconsistent, flip-flopping candidate as Mitt Romney in my life.

    Your ramblings are pathetic!
    Very simply, Democrats & liberalism is a road to nowhere!
    Look very simply; the Dem's have run our country as a party for nearly 90 years by a 4/5 margin. They run our county and State for the last 70 years by a similar, yet higher margin, look at us in Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio and many others that can be pointed to.
    What is the common thread...ALL have been democratic controlled for 3 generations....and ALL on the verge of bankruptcy!
    Obviously you, like most Democrats are either very stupid or you have surrendered yourself and your pride to the theory of greed, taking a handout and you just keep voting them back in office no matter how horrible they are, you simply look the other way…you make me sick, like a mother who turns her head while the drunken husband rapes his 13 year old daughter over and over and pretends she never knew it was occurring, you simply hope you will die off before the money is all gone…shows the workers of the world in private sector that you are all fat, greedy, lazy, sled centered pigs, you care nothing about the future as long as you get yours!
    As long as I have my public civil servant sector job with the city county or state, I don’t care…..after all its my right to have free insurance!
    So how has all of this been working for us?
    Oh yea I forgot, Obama is great!

  22. Anonymous9/20/2012

    But Tom Hynes is a friend of Barak Obama's and Tom wants you to vote for Barak..

  23. Anonymous9/20/2012

    Obama is consistent about only ONE thing - growing government. Otherwise he has flip flopped on among other things:
    A. the war in IRaq - virtually his entire campaign for Pres was about getting us out of Iraq..."in 90 days"..."in 6 months" Within the first six months I will begin withdrawing...blah blah blah....Instead he took over almost exactly as Bush did...

    B. GITMO - he promised to close it...but then changed his mind.
    C. Trying accused terrorists in Federal court...changed his mind.
    D. Promised the hispanics "immigration reform"...but never did.
    E. Promised unemployment would not get above 8% with his stimulus...But it DID and has stayed there a record 40 months!!
    F. Promised to cut the deficit in HALF..."oh i meant raise the deficit by half"
    G. Cut unecessary really he DID promise that !! HA
    the list goes on and on and on...if you had a blue and white "War is not the Answer" sign on your lawn HOW can you vote for this liar ?
    Obama the Destroyer !
