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An everyday guy. |
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A family man. |
WAUKESHA, Wisc., Aug 12 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan home to a tearful welcome in Wisconsin on Sunday in a celebratory event that produced a flash of anger from Romney over what he considers dishonest campaigning by President Barack Obama.
Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman elevated to Romney's No. 2 on Saturday, wiped away tears and choked up as he and Romney made a dramatic entrance on stage in front of a crowd of around 8,000 to the theme song of the movie, "Air Force One."
Clearly reveling in the moment as the native son come home, Ryan told them: "I'm a Wisconsinite through and through."
"My veins run with cheese, bratwurst, a little Spotted Cow ... and some Millers," he said to laughter. "I like to hunt here, I like to fish here, to snowmobile here. I even think ice fishing is interesting."
The Nov. 6 election is more than two months away, but Sunday's rally had the intensity of a typical late-October campaign event. It showed how Romney's selection of the Wisconsin congressman as his running mate has injected new energy into a campaign that had struggled to move beyond Democrats' efforts to cast Romney as a wealthy former private equity executive who cannot relate to middle-class Americans.
Romney hopes the enthusiasm produced by the No. 2 pick will generate a spark that will help him erase a lead Obama has produced in recent polls of voters.
"What a homecoming for a terrific guy," Romney told the Waukesha crowd. "I guess you think I made the right decision, the right choice? I know I did."
When a heckler tried to disrupt the event, Romney unleashed frustrations at the Obama campaign over a television ad produced by a pro-Obama group that all but suggested Romney shared some of the blame for the death of the wife of a steelworker, who lost his job and health insurance when Romney's Bain Capital bought the company.
Compare this guy to some of the self described leaders for the 19 th ward. There is no comparison. Our people fall short. So woefully short.
ReplyDeleteThe best part is..He's not a lawyer. He has an economics degree so he knows how to add and subtract and knows that if you spend more than you take in it creates a deficit.
ReplyDeleteit's too late the banks run the country ,the NWO is at hand, you can blame both parties,prepare for the coming riots!
ReplyDeleteIt is not too late !! If you think so then why do you bother ??
Deleteim prepared for the unrest, i hope you are too!
DeleteI will start with "He's not a lawyer." His wife is. Honestly, you have got to do a bit more research. I know this is extensive, but go to www.google.com and type in "Paul Ryan." Pull up a Wikipedia article, and you will find that he majored in "political science." Most majors in political science tend to at least aspire to attend law school. Who knows why he did not.
ReplyDelete1) His wife is a lawyer.
2) His father is a lawyer.
3) His grandfather is a lawyer.
4) Try Google.
Now, the even more ridiculous one, "He is normal."
I suppose you mean "average," though we are all average on average. Normal is an different matter altogether. Who knows how or what measure or method you use for "normal."
This guy, Ryan, is anything but for the "average" person. Whether he is normal—I do not know.
Is this how normal (average?) people vote?
1) Supported expansion of Medicare prescription drugs when Bush did (but supposedly wants to cut Medicare);
2) Voted to DEREGULATE the banking/financial industry (look how well that worked out and helped the economy; it destroyed it);
3) Voted for bank bailouts (this really helped the "average" or normal person, who got nothing in benefits except for higher nat'l debt and deficit);
4) Social Security (wants to privatize it, which would help his buddies in banking/finance—yet another benefit for them);
5) Wants to INCREASE defense spending (Thought he wanted to cut the debt and deficit? Could it be he is a recipient of substantial "campaign" donations from the defense industry and contractors? My gosh, this is IN-DEPTH research);
6) Voted for war in Iraq (that worked out great, and the costs of it will have repercussions forever; and we do not even get the oil wells: BP and Russian (RUSSIAN!) firms of all countries—sounds a lot like the Soviet Empire and British Empire benefiting from us); and
7) Pro-life, opposes same-sex marriage, etc. (this is to get the dumb-conservative vote)
Romney: has supported and opposed every position for votes: spending, gay marriage, wars, bailouts—yes, every issue, he has supported and opposed.
Ryan: I have never seen such an inconsistent politician in my life. He wants to bring fiscal austerity to the USA by cutting the average (or "normal") person's benefits in Social Security. He wants to eliminate the estate, dividend, and capital-gains taxes; he will pay for this by shifting the tax burden on the the average (or normal) income earner.
This man is anything but normal, and his family are all lawyers.
The above was written by a socialist. You can tell.
DeleteHa! ha! ha! A "socialist" - how so? I was expecting a "liberal" accusation here and there, though I consider myself a real conservative. Perhaps that is what he meant by "normal" - real.
DeletePaul Ryan is anything but a "real" person; he is anything but a real conservative. This man would strip every institution of securing a middle-class in the public and private sectors and the regular (real) people pay for it.
DeleteI think he is a "real" person unless you think he is of the Reptillian race secretly taking over the planet? And since when does someone getting a "political science" degree mean you should become a lawyer? I know alot of buddies of mine, (liberals of course), who got their Poli-Sci degree and work in the private sector...and because his wife is a lawyer then so what, and his grandfather, his neighbor etc....who cares? For me - he is a conservative minded pragmatist who is pro-life, anti tax guy who will help the ticket !! He is also from Wisconsin and could help put Wisconsin in the Republican column this time...He is as "real" and as "normal" as any politician I have seen on a major ticket in awhile....Obama is the weird beard pipe smoking faculty lounge liberal professor know it all who couldn't park a bicycle straight kind of guy from my view !!!!!
DeleteHow is anything that I said even remotely related to Obama or even remotely indicate that I support Obama in any way?
DeleteThe response are . . . not at all congruent with what I said: socialism and Obama.
I simply took Ryan's own record and exposed it. I showed that his whole family is full of lawyers.
Ehh . . . never been accused of being a "socialist" before, but I think it is actually very amusing. I have been actually accused of being a "fascist" - go figure that one!
spoken like a true dumbocrat!!!!
DeleteWell done on the list of "normalcy." and by the way, the Catholic bishops, who I guess are socialists, don't care for Ryan either.
DeleteAs I’ve said before, 80-90% of lawyers in Illinois have a simpy English or History or Poly Sci degree because its easy to get a Straight "A" GPA in 4 yrs of undergrad study. Then it makes getting a passing score on the LSAT easier. So someone who has a poly sci degree and isn’t a lawyer, equals I have a poly sci degree but couldn’t pass the LSAT or I have a GPA of less than 3.5 (out of 4).
DeleteThat’s why you hardly ever see a lawyer with a undergrad degree that requires lots of math. That’s also why you see a lot of them doing only wills and closings and walking down LaSalle street talking to themselves.
You speak the truth my friend, Lyin' Ryan is nothing more than a Koch brothers funded vulture capitalist that is hell bent on destroying the middle class. The goal of these people is to possess ALL of this countries wealth. They believe that we, the middle class are mearly indentured servants to what they perceive as there kingdom. Beware of those who want to take away our rights to collective bargaining as they have done in his home state of WI. This is just a part of there plan. Deregulation of the banking industry, come on, those greedy bastards will gouge us to kingdom come if given the chance. Ryan subscribes to the trickle down theory. Ya, sounds hood on paper, but the inherent greed of the 2% absolutely dooms that theory to failure, for us, the middle class. Progressive solutions are what will get this country back in the right direction. We the Middle class, the Majority class, should control the bulk of the wealth of this country, we are the ones who get our asses up each morning, head out to work and keep this country moving, our young people fight their wars, for the benefit of the 2%. think about it, where are our cheap gas prices, where are tha good jobs for our returning GI's, what are the so called job creator 2% doing? I'll tell you what they're doing, ordering there lobbyist bribed puppets in congress to vote down every job creating program that the president proposeses. They are playing with our future, our countries future, all this so they can have it all to themselves. Please beware of these snakes. They will use your religious beliefs, and your patriotism to falsely strike fear into you only to further their greedy agenda.
DeleteThat is what I was thinking. His whole family are lawyers and he has a poli sci degree but never attended law school.
DeleteDoes not make sense. He probably bombed the LSAT.
Some of the above were taken from the Obama playbook. Isn't that right comrade?
DeleteI guess we should all vote a straight Bolshevik party ticket again to re-elect Obama. And wasn't it fun last time to part of history and elect the first black president!
ReplyDeletePro-life, against same sex marriage,Catholic and wants to reduce the deficit! Wow! We hate those kind of politicians in the 19th ward. Those doorknockers are really gonna demonize this guy.
ReplyDeleteCan I buy a Che Guevera T-Shirt anywhere?
ReplyDeleteWhen the doorknockers come by for the 19th Ward candidates, ask them, "Does your candidate support the re-election of Barack Obama?"
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! And when they do you tell them "gee sorry, I know Fran is a good guy and all, but I really think Obama has been a terrible President and if your guy supports him then I cannot support your guy....or gal?
DeleteWhen was the last time you saw a 19th ward office door knocker? I haven't seen one since Hynes left.
ReplyDeleteMatt O'Shea doesn't have any door knockers.. he has a few people who show up on Election day and boss the Judges around.
All the unions workers are with Obama. They think he is going to take care of them.
ReplyDeleteObama has really taken good care of all the unemployed electricians that I know.
Deletefunny thing is most of these union men view themselves as conservative people. in reality they are as far to the left as the welfare moms and the fags because they also crave that govt ckeck.
ReplyDeletePaul Ryan's financial disclosure: http://clerk.house.gov/public_disc/financial-pdfs/2012/8206200.pdf
ReplyDeleteAnything but normal/average person. Plenty of deferred-income investments, trusts, royalties, mineral rights, etc. His wife actually just inherited like 5,000,000.00 (five million dollars). Plenty of dividend income, taxed at different rates than "ordinary income" earners. Plenty of capital gains, taxed at different rates than "ordinary income" as well.
They say it is members of Congress who do the most well financially because they know what laws they pass that have economic consequences. Ryan appears to ME to take full advantage of it.
Keep in mind that the above writer voted for Obama last time and will vote for him this time too.
Deleteand so did al gore and george bush and bill clinton...........etc.......
DeleteThis guy just shows his envious class warfare attitude...if you want to know what is wrong with the new generation of Americans, especially the unionists who make ALOT more than the truly "average working family" in Chicago just read the above...it could not have been said better than if Che Guevera, Saul Alinsky, Reverend Wright, or any other America hating left wing socialist foolhad written it...it is marxist baby talk !!
DeleteWho cares how much money he makes you envious pitiful internet troll. It is obvious that this poster stumbled upon a small segment of the media not yet brutally controlled by liberal change agent zealots of the religion of socialism....ha cannot accept the fact that ALOT of 19th Warders are traditional Catholics....We Hate socialism...Americans have traditionally hated socialism....and we still do....the only reason Obama got in power is that the media LIED and CONCEALED to protect him....but there are too many of our friends, family members and neighbors out of work to fool enough of us this time...too many boarded up businesses and we know too many small business owners that will talk your ears off explaining how the "good folks from the government" have stuck their foolish noses into the private sector and have become massive human and bureaucratic monkey wrenches clogging the free enterprise system and screwing it up.....gonna go buy me one of those tee shirts..."this is my business - and yes I DID build it"
Deleteif you truely want to take back your block your ward your city from the incumbents ,vote . this is our time to show big government that we don't want what they're selling.
ReplyDeleteExcellent point. We have to remind people that Democrats have basically controlled the Federal government since 2007 when they took over Congress and Bush was a lame duck....They have been running things for almost six full years...and look at the results. There are no jobs, the taxes are going up, food costs, gasoline costs up...remind your neighbors that since when does the guy in office get to blame the prior President - even after his four years are up? If you have a job for four years and your boss brings you into his office because everything is going to hell under your management, do you think you would be able to blame the last guy before you ?? What crap. You would be out on your a## - and hopefully we can fire Obama this fall! Speak up and get out of your comfort zone...pitch in and help the Republicans...even if it is just this one time....be an election judge for ONE DAY !!