Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chris Christie touts his record, Romney's, in keynote speech

Chris Christie touts his record, Romney's, in keynote speech


  1. What did they promise Christie? Like Colin Powell before him, he's a man ill-used and dishonored by his own party. Romney a truth-teller? When he can't even own up to his own healthcare plan? When he can't even tell us how much he paid in taxes (or didn't pay in taxes)? The man was an architect of offshore job transfers and pension downgrades, but of course, this is being touted (and swallowed by many) as an "accomplishment."

  2. Anonymous8/29/2012

    This blog is a small oasis in the 19th Ward...We cant stand the 19th Ward DemocRATS...we see the lies, the self serving crap they dish out, we see their nice new (usually foreign) cars that they buy with our tax dollars...we see the big home additions they put on their homes...and the WORST?...they have the nerve to complain to US about how bad they have it...while they are on their front lawn mowing it for the third time this week after washing their car and going to the store to buy the booze for their parties because it is summer time and they are off work on summer vacation, furlough etc...we are sick of them complaining when they make more than many of you can cut and paste your stupid liberal Democrat Obama talking points but you are wasting your time on this site...we are the rebels of the 19th Ward and if you come to my door this fall with this crap you may get unceremoniously grabbed by the collar and swiftly removed from my have no idea the level of anger out there for this imbecile in the WH and those of us who havent worked full time for our shop in years...screw you....

  3. Anonymous8/29/2012

    Obama never even managed a lemonade stand...his only management experience was to organize liberal nut jobs to go and picket banks to pressure them to make loans that they did not want to make...big surprise that many of those loans have gone belly up and who has to pay? The taxpayers of couse... Obama seems to be almost obsessed with finding new ways to take from those who have made something to give it to someone who does not have it....i drive in the inner city and just about every liquor store is populated with a dozen or so able bodied young people sitting around doing nothing...please dont say it is because of racism...they do NOT want to work...they have been destroyed by the welfare state...Clinton had it right. Workfare not welfare! The average household in America has 4.9% LESS disposable income since after the recession officially ended...thanks Obama...I paid $4.59 for a gallon of gas today - the highest I have ever paid....thanks Obama...higher food costs under Obama....higher unemployment than when he took office! 42 months of unemployment above 8% (he promised 5%) 5 trillion more in debt...(we had 10 trillion when he took office from ALL prior Presidents put together)...thanks Obama....the lowest number of new business starts in 30 years!....highest black unemployment in 28 years....Obama is a failure by any objective measure...(p.s. he hasn't met with his job council in months!

    1. Herbert Hoover was a great success in business, but he drove us into the Great Depression. Business acumen is not an indicator of presidential prowess. Reagan never managed a lemonade stand either, but his white house, by all accounts, was one of the best run in the last 50 years.

      Newsflash: Workfare is in place. The black denizens at the liquor store you will always have with you. Compare the outlay for welfare with the size of corporate tax breaks and incentives, which the Tea Party and its adherents in Congress have no intention of changing. Your anger is misplaced.

      Re disposable income, I don't know where you get your figures, but the chart contained at this sight -- -- a company whose charts are used by the Wall Street Journal, etc. -- tells a different story altogether.

      Blame Obama for gas prices? Again, misplaced. Try the oil companies who take your tax money and then screw you back. Food prices, well you got me there. I suppose you'll blame the drought on Obama as well.

      Unemployment is almost back to what it was when Obama took office in 2009 -- it stands now around 8.3%, compared to the 8.2% he inherited. See The only thing he promised was that it would be at 8% by November, and it may well be.

      His debt is bad, no two ways about it. As bad as Bush, though noboby talked about it then like they talk about Obama's debt now. Keep in mind that Obama added accounts to the debt, for instance, two wars were not on the books, technically, under Bush. Obama added them.

      Your jobs claim is off -- way off.

      In short, the talking points/half-baked truths/lies you gleaned from current RantRadio and the Republicans they fostered need serious adjustment.

      I want you to keep this in mind: I'm probably not voting for Obama. I just can't stand the nonsense that passes for "fact" in blogs like this one.

    2. Anonymous8/30/2012

      Any defense of the current shills in office is misplaced, including our local leadership. Will you be kissing the butts of the 19th ward shills when they come to your door mooching for a vote of confidence they don't deserve. I know that the 16 Trillion dollar deficit isn't all the dummycrats fault. However, it is not acceptable and we have to let the incumbents know that this is not acceptable. Not only is it not acceptable on a national level, but neither is it acceptable for Illinois and Chicago to have our credit rating downgraded again because of all the theft and political corruption which is well entrenched even here in the 19th ward. I am tired of the chumbalones that keep begging the 19th ward for favors. Mooches all of you! But congratulations, you finally have civil unions in a bankrupt state. No Dummycrats this year.

    3. Anonymous8/31/2012

      16 trillion dollar deficit?

    4. Anonymous8/31/2012

      16 trillion in debt with an annual deficit over a trillion which translates into a trillion in new debt You can't find it in the budget because the dummycrats haven't done one in three years. Budget is not in their vocabulary. Their mantra is if you can't get people to give you their money voluntarily you find a way to get from them on their tax bill. For example, the Beverly Arts Center where the 19th ward wants to get the park district involved so we all have to pay for it. They don't stop.

  4. Anonymous8/29/2012

    Romney made 100 million dollars or so...i would call that an accomplishment! He paid more taxes from just one of his ventures than you will pay in 10 lifetimes! Romney was a turnaround a business Doctor...the patient came to him when it was sick (going or about to go out of busines..die)...arguing that Romney closed businesses is like saying that uncle Bill came to the ER when he was having chest pains after years of booze, bad food and smoking....and because he did not make it...then somehow the Doctor killed him...only someone with no business knowledge or experience would make or believe such an asinine statement ! Obama is going down... I predict a mini landslide....p.s. Biden was his first decision...what a buffoon he has turned out to be....go see the movie 2016 Obama's Dream and bring a friend, (espcially one who is out of work - it shouldn't be hard to find one)

  5. Anonymous8/29/2012

    Chris Christie has more leadership and courage in his chubby pinky than Obama has in his whole skinny body!

  6. Anonymous8/29/2012

    Just saw Paul Ryan give a great speech. I cannot wait to see him debate Joe Biden. I also cannot wait to see Romney debate the Teleprompter of the United States. Ryan clearly has the knowledge of the budget beyond even those in Cong Budget Office. This shows that he mastered his job and Biden is going to come off badly. Biden has been in the Senate for over 20 years but is too intellectually lazy to master his job...Ryan did and Ryan will own crazy old uncle Joe. Watch the convention and you are seeing the beginning of the end for the Obama administration....good riddance to him and his Chicago political hack cronies

  7. Anonymous8/30/2012

    Mpots you are full of shit.this man in the WH admitted he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii and Indonesia when he was on the Harvard law review staff yrs ago, he already lied that he was born here,thus he already upsurpded the U s constitution,his fiscal policies are nil.we are deeper in the red then ever ; so get over it sir, the ppl in the 19th are fed up.

    1. Anonymous, your mother wears army boots. I know it's comforting to feed your own your delusions, I sympathize, but you should learn how to type and spell. Presidential candidates are fully vetted by the government before they get anywhere near the White House, but that's apparently not enough for you and the other nut jobs nationwide. You're just a bigot, and like voting officials in the South before the Voting Rights Act, you want blacks to guess how many jelly beans are in the jelly bean jar before they vote. Ef U.

  8. Anonymous8/30/2012

    Illinois Credit Rating downgraded again Today. Keep voting for shills like O'Shea, Hurley, Cunningham, Maloney and other likey 19th ward hacks. Illinois and Chicago are screwed.

  9. Anonymous9/01/2012

    m pots. are you a minority, if so it shows,,,or are you a lace curtain irish liberal not that theres a big difference,,,,

    1. A minority? No, not me. Neither am I a lace curtain liberal. You obviously embrace the obvious, and think that common sense is not something needed on this blog. Apparently, people assigning names to what they write is not common on this blog, either, but then, I can understand that someone writing so much of this slog wouldn't want to be identified with it. Keep complaining, boo-hoo, keep yourself in the middle of the forest without a compass, take your petty resentments and race and religious hatred and calling it a plan. Stimey or Mittsy, it makes little difference -- I don't care who you vote for, anonymous. Whoever you choose, it will allow you to stay mired in that tar pit of yours for at least another four years.
