What happened? |
As reported on that other blog, a call for help went outto all police from CPD on Sunday, from a location about a block from Daley Center. The request for help was sent to Sheriff Dart and he responded by saying he had to think about it.
This is the kind of story you don't want to hear about.
It's pretty bad. No excuse for a law enforcement agency refusing to help another law enforcement agency in an emergency.
ReplyDeleteBlame Dart, not the agency. His intention was to not deploy his people, no matter what. Sheriff's Department still has my respect.
DeleteCPD cop.
Thanks CPD cop. You don't know the half of what went down. They kept a tight leash on us and ALL of us are sick and pissed off over this.
Deletetom dart should move to seattle!
ReplyDeleteBet he wouldn't have said no if it involved poor, innocent puppies. What a joke he is.....when is he up for reelection? Hope everyone remembers this.....
ReplyDelete2 loooong as* years....
DeleteGive prisoners tools (weapons) to build caskets for the indigent;
ReplyDeleteWillful abandonment of his sworn duty;
Unlimited conceit, lack of humility, and gratitude;
Our Sherriff;
I bet he was Valedictorian of Mount CARMEL.
Here is another one for you. Dart had deputies hide in the Daley center making 45 bucks an hour while ISP kicked was out of the building by Dart's Chief cause he thought the Riot Gear was intimidating to the protestors. 100% true..
ReplyDeleteBlogger Update. Deputy at scene confirms State Police were in fact ordered removed from the Daley Center lobby by Chief Jackson. Source says the Troopers were trying to cool off and take a water break. Source says Chief Jackson was livid cause she deemed them to be intimidating the public in full Riot Gear.
98% true. The "Deputies" did not make one dime of OT. The shifts were arranged in such a way (suspect I might add) so no Deputy (SP another story, no disrespect meant) would get OT.
DeleteAlso sneed of sun-times reported Dart's negligence also.
Where’s the help???
Scoopsville: Sneed is told Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart coughed up zilch in the way of security for the NATO summit, according to a ticked off top security source who asked not to be identified.
◆The upshot: “They’ve giving us nothing,” said the source. “The Sheriff’s office was asked for personnel, and all they gave up were eight vans to transport prisoners.”
◆The buckshot? “It’s a political thing,” said a source close to the sheriff’s office. “It goes back to a sort of blood feud between Dart and Mayor Emanuel.”
◆The flipside: “I’m told we were not asked for anything except for help if it’s needed,” said Sheriff’s spokesman Frank Bilecki. “And we are prepared to do that.”
How did frank Belecki wind up working for Dart. I think it was just last year when he was carrting Dan Hynes coat around. I thought Dart and Hynes are sworn enemies
DeleteIs there a way to remove a sheriff via impeachment? Does anyone know. ?
ReplyDeleteGood question. And are the feds investigating why federal money went to an agency to provide support and security that was ordered to stand down???
ReplyDeleteI am with CPD. I wasn't downtown, but all agencies on standby were deployed on Sunday especially. The Cook County Sheriffs were in the basement of the Daley Center wanted to assist, but Dart showed his testicular fortitude and gave orders for them not to. Numerous members from the Sheriffs
ReplyDeleteOn Sunday when all hell broke loose, every agency on standby, except the Sheriffs Department were deployed. Numerous members of the Sheriffs Department, who were on standby in the basement of the Daley Center apologized. But they are not the ones at fault. They were ready to join in assisting CPD, but Tom Dart, who showed what a P*ssy he really is, ordered them to stay put. He is a coward, just like CPD's former Police Superintendent. I have truly gained complete respect for Supt.McCarthy. Top Supervisors from all the assisting agencies were also shoulder to shoulder during the melee. Tom Dart is a political hack who has no clue about being a police officer or running the Sheriffs department. I hope the message gets out that Dart refused to deploy his officers when their assistance was needed. I wasn't downtown, but I would have gone in a second if the district sent me. Time to vote Tom Dart out of office and put someone in place who has a police background to properly run the Sheriff's Department as it should be. He is just a political hack who wants to get his picture on the news for things he had no involvement in. Instead of potraying himself as a hero, he should be commending his people who do the work. I don't care if Mickey Mouse is Dart's opponent, I will never vote for Dart.
ReplyDeleteThe very real and most troubling aspect of this is the realization that Sheriff Dart put more effort into saving puppies and black whores than he did to help CPD, who actually asked for help. The idea of ordering a sit-down in such a situation is just repulsive and mean spirited.
ReplyDeleteDart has lost his way and should just resign now. We need someone less political and with better leadership skills in that job. I suggest Garry McCarthy.
Could it be that Dart really is a wimp? Was he like this as a kid? Does anyone remember?
DeleteTom Dart is one of the biggest losers I've ever seen. He is NOT a cop by any stretch of the word. What's a matter Tom, scared of real police work? Were you too busy raiding a puppy mill? Had a big prostitution sting going (rack up those misdemeanors)? Would you even know how to process a felony arrest if you made one?
ReplyDeleteDart should stick to recuing little puppies. Ain't the PO-lice, never was, never will be. Just another Commie [Democrat] Politician.
ReplyDeletemy son went to school with him in beverly and he was invited over to party at a kids house while the parents were away and as young kids will some kid got hold of a keg and cases of beer, dart said nothing left the party and called the cops and said unsupervised teens at a house with beer bein served, kids all takem=n into 022 and parents called, he admitted he did this about a year later to another kid,
ReplyDeleteDART is just a plain no good COWARD!
ReplyDeleteDart's massive ego got in the way of common sense. He ACTUALLY told his staff that the only way the CPD would be assisted by Sheriff's officers would be if CPD Superintendant McCarthy called PERSONALLY and made the request. That's what you get when you have a political hack lawyer playing policeman.
ReplyDeleteThey need to stop letting politicians run the Sheriff dept. All they know is play politics and make name for themselves. They don't know how to act as law enforcement agency. This guy is so out of rack.