America has Turned Into an Orwellian Nightmare

Washington, DC—Before the early-1970s most Americans did not have a photo ID. Pictures were not on driver’s licenses. You could board airplanes without ID and you along with your luggage were never searched. You could travel the roads unmolested without those sobriety checkpoints. Cops were never searching bags in city subways.
Taxes and bogus fines did not rise to the level of slavery like they do today. There were no photo radar and red light cameras generating millions for private contractors that kick back cash to politicians campaigns.
Entrances into government buildings did not have security checkpoints. There were no surveillance cameras and cellphones that kept a total history of every call you ever sent or received. There were no black boxes in your car to tell government agents about your driving habits.
If police stopped anyone it was painfully slow for cops to even get driving or criminal histories. Now they have instant digital access. Stores did not have shopper’s cards recording every cash purchase you make. Credit cards were not often used and there was no such thing as a debit card.
The military was precluded since the Cicil War from engaging in law enforcement practices against Americans on our own soil. You could not be detained by government without probable cause that you committed a crime and even then you had a right to bail, lawyers and Due Process of law.
There were many fewer search and seizure exceptions allowed by court decisions. The failed Drug War was little more than a lame excuse to steal liberty and privacy.
Today we have the Patriot Act that brings additional draconian provisions every time Congress meets.
Some people say the threat terrorism changed all of that. That’s simply a bold face lie! We have had a Civil War and two World Wars and never suspended civil rights. Okay our Communist President, Franklin D. Roosevelt allowed the roundup and detention of Japanese and some German Americans during World War Two. That was beyond disgraceful and un-American. But of course Roosevelt became a curse on America and fundamental freedom.
Now, a new Berlin Wall of sorts is being erected to prevent Americans that owe taxes from travel outside of the USA. I guess jailing and shooting anyone trying to leave is next.
Since the 1970’s we have surrendered so many civil rights and our privacy to our despotic politicians. The judges they appointed have not done their job of protecting Americans from utter tyranny.
Folks we are in a full-blown police state complete with Gulags and non-stop construction of yet more places to detain yet more Americans. If you think this is somehow necessary you’ve either been brainwashed or you are incredibly stupid.
What will it take for Americans to stand up and reject this horror? We have become a nation of cowards and fools. It’s only a matter of time before this nightmare invites a holocaust of biblical proportions. We must do something while we still can.
From a favorite blogger.
"We have become a nation of cowards and fools" - So true !
ReplyDeleteI tried to explain some basic economic facts to a liberal school teacher friend of mine. It was stunning how clueless this person was on the most basic common sense economic principles upon which people and society operate under. I literally could not get the person to understand that a million dollar earner - even paying a lower rate - still pays tons more than the average earner at ANY rate of taxation. We are just going along with what we think we need to do to get along with our neighbors, etc...Americans used to be such independent minded individuals but now all we want is to "fit in" or be accepted by the group....we have become cowards and fools exactly !!
There is a hidden historical blue print for the destruction of our Democratic is the history of the fall of the Roman Empire. We truly are the new Roman Empire. Read any unbiased history book on those times and you will see that the Democrats are the plebians who forced so many "reforms" and who weakened the resolve of the people - weakened the armed forces....handed out bread and circuses to the masses to get their vote - and retain political control. In their case that was the beginning of the end. Will it be ours? We could very well live to see the end of America as we once knew it - and loved it ! Get out of your comfort zone and get involved -
ReplyDeleteI truly agree. They have been scary the sheep. AKA
ReplyDeletethe people for generations. We are no safer today,because of all this so called bullshit. Sorry, have to call like it is. I agree with the article. If you think that you are any safer because of a traffic camera, think again.