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Has failed to lead. |
Murph, what is more relevant to our integrated community is Obama stepping into the Trayvon Martin tragedy. What happened was horrible and tragic but for the President to inject himself and race into an already volatile situation, only serves to fan the flames of racial hostilities in this country and this community. Didn't our President learn anything about inappropriately injecting himself into these types of situations.In his failed "Beer Summit" nothing was resolved between the Black community and the law enforcement community? The President's actions appear to be a stupid campaign ploy or a dangerous and thoughtless knee jerk reaction to the incredibly stupid and deadly act of one cop wannabe. The President should allow the local and, if need be, federal criminal and civil law enforcement and court systems do their duties. Now we have the New Black Panther Party calling for race war, disguised as a bounty on this goof. Imagine if the KKK called for an illegal bounty on a Black offender of a white victim. The President should immediately denounce this hate group. We have come to far as a country and a community to let the insane actions of one disturbed individual ruin this progress. The President shouldn't serve to set back that progress. Many of our community's sons, students, players, neighbors, classmates, teammates and friends also look like Trayvon Martin.
I heard the President's remarks about this tragedy and liked what he had to say...until he did not go far enough. As the first black President he had the responsibility to tell all the loud mouths to back down and let the system work. He did not and his silence gave tacit approval of Sharpton, Black Panthers etc...if more violence comes from this tragedy, Obama shares some of the blame. My suspicion is he is allowing this to gain momentum in a cynical ploy to try to get his monolithic black support fired up...after all it is kind of hard to get that community excited about double digit unemployment, $5/gal gas, daily neighborhood gang killings, and high food inflation...
ReplyDeleteEven better would be a complete accounting of the facts. Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch patrol who shot the victim, is Hispanic with African-Americans relatives. Now we have Obama, Pfleger, Sharpton, Farakhan, Jesse Jackson, the Miami Heat, New Black Panther party, et.al., reacting irrationally to a misrepresented event that occurred nearly a month ago. Without disrespecting the victim, where is the truth in this story? Why does the media ignore the facts and instead flame mob reaction?
ReplyDeleteWhere was the media in reporting last Fridays rally at the Daley center organized by the Catholic church to protest the Obamacare mandate requiring employers to pay for birth control and abortions?(“Chicago Rally for the Religious Freedom of Catholics”), an event attended by thousands of supporters????
This Ward needs to have its voice heard and decide whether or not they support their southside heritage. Starting with our own Beverly Review, which time and again ignores reality in favor of sugar coated stories from political hacks. If not, the 19th Ward, and all its residents, which include a great many city workers, will be sacrificed by Rahm and become another Englewood.
BTW, the Crime Index for Sanford, FL, where the shooting occurred, is "3", with 100 being the safest. Explains quite a bit.
If Obama and his media thugs can keep the public's attention on the event in Florida, America's attention is not on the Obama economy.
ReplyDeletewhen the truth comes out that it was self-defense the shit will hit the fan in florida and most likley the big cities in the usa,prepare for riots!
ReplyDeleteIs it true that he was a gangbanger kid???....If you go on Det. shaves site, the story is there ...hope it all comes out soon ,so the truth be told before more people get hurt!!!
ReplyDeleteStella Foster gets it so right in her Sun Times column today when she asks "Is this going to be another excuse to start a riot?" Furthermore, she bravely backs up her bold and truthful question with "That's right I said it."
ReplyDeleteif i had a son i wouldnt want him to look like tom dart,