Friday, March 16, 2012
19th Ward, What's wrong with the machine?
The 19th Ward Dem Party has taken a definite left hand turn. Are you happy with that? Do they still represent your interest? If not, what do you plan to do about it?
Matt Oshea has been putting his own style on the 19th Ward Dems. His first priority was to rid the ward office of Tom Hynes and all his people. Harmening Maloney Lowery Heffernan all chased away, never to show their mugs at a 19th ward event again. Whoever is left is now drinking the kool aid. You know who they are. Next time you see them, ask "Didn't you used to be with Tom Hynes?" Their reply will be something like, "He was a bad man".
This whole "legislative scholarship" program needs to go away. I do not approve of my taxes going to pay for someone elses kid to play at college. Parents need to take on the responsibility of paying for thier kids education themselves or the adult child should pay for their own education. This is where tax dollars could be saved. This is nothing more than educational welfare for bums who want tax payers to support their kids. Tony Martin is taking care of his kids and I am sure it would be a cold day in hell that he would allow any one else to support his children in any way.
I read somewhere that Fran Hurleys kis got one of those scholarships from Senator Maloney. Is there somwhere to go to find out who Maloney has given those scholarships to over the years. that would be interesting.
The 19th ward dem party has lost all interest in trying to get ward residents hired, transfered or promoted unless its one of their relatives. Face if you ain't related your kid ain't getting into the Ag school, your wife will not be teaching in the neighborhood and you certainly will not be working for the sheriff's office. By the way look for Bill Cunningham to go back to the Sheriff's office unless his wife gets a big political job as promised.
Alderman O'Shea said we were incapable of returning the parade to its family-centric, nieghborhood friendly roots. In his letter to Mayor Emmanuel, O'Shea demonstrated his total lack of confidence in our community's ability to successfully host this event.
With his selection of such an inferior, ultra-liberal candidate for State Rep., Committeeman O'Shea displayed a complete disregard for the intelligence of his constituents who recognize the qualities and values which are required of a good candidate.
Let this be the first publicly recorded vote of "No Confidence" in Matt O'Shea.
19th Ward Pay Attention! Make the Change Now! Tic - Toc / Tic-Toc. The Housing Industry , Market, and Banking Crash is only the tip of the iceberg. With 77 million (Baby Boomers) out of 310 million Americans now eligible for retirement brings a whole new problem that will dwarf the current financial crisis. The last three months of a person’s life is the most expensive. The problem is this: In less than 8 years there will be less than one working American for everyone retired. The Insurance Companies will be paying out more than they are brining in and the Markets Will Crash and the Uninsured 401K's will be Lost. Now added to this is the "Illegal Alien" non-tax paying population, which will increase, to almost 1/4 of our Countries Total Population. The only Fix that I see is to bring back our manufacturing jobs from oversees, eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. Improve our Schools to support Manufacturing Vocations. There will be small communities that will weather the inevitable storm to come. They will survive because they are preparing and taking action now. The 19th Ward needs to prepare by electing some-one who knows the value of a Job and will work toward making sure all 19th Ward Families are ready to weather the storm. Like General Patton said " A Good Plan Executed Today Is More Valuable Than A Perfect Plan That Gets Executed At Some Indefinite Time. " As we learned from our "Gangster Era" or "Dark Past" Gambling, Casinos, Brothels, and Abortion Clinics are not the answer. To survive this "WE” will need a person of Integrity, Strength, Vision and the Know-How to Lead and secure the investments required to modernize the South Side of Chicago to meet the Global market demands of tomorrow. Go Tony Martin!
Wow i am so sick of this negativity and doomsday rah rah tony martin and bashing of fran. I am voting for the finance guy who hasn't engaged in this bs. i have read about fran and her background and i have looked into martins record. both are the same and we need leaders not whiners. we have serious issues that need to be solved in Springfield.
To the Last Uniformed Blogger, The current 19th Ward Democrats Machine Does Have A Plan. Fran is preparing for the hard times to come. She is pushing for more cheep Illegal Labor, Opening Casinos and Promoting Free Abortion to all 19th Ward peasants. Fran, don't forget to study films like American Gangster and learn how to to throw Turkeys off the truck each Thanksgiving to the disenFRANchised Peasants while at the same time continuing the age-old 19th Ward Insider tradition of handing out scholarships to friends and family.
The truth is that ALOT of us doubted whether the parade could take place without a huge drunken teenager, public urination puke fest taking place alongside it. From that angle Matt O'Shea was taking the side of the local families, many of whom could no longer take their kids to watch the parade due to these drunken hedonists - MANY of whom came from outside the neighborhood, and even from outside Cook County... outside revelers looking for the next party to crash....so Matt was not necessarily showing a lack of comfidence in US so much as the outsiders...that being said, O'Shea was out there trying to tie Dr. Scheible to Pres. Bush, who is the Dr. Evil to the liberal Democrats... Matt is a big liberal Obama supporter, as is Fran and Eddie Maloney, Bill Cunningham....etc....they try to HIDE their leftist philosophies from us, but you watch...they will make a huge mistake this fall when they try to hand out their flyers with Obama/Hurley or Obama/Lipinski....I have had many discussions with my union neighbors regarding Obama, with a jobless recovery, especially in construction! Obama is very unpopular, despite the media blowing smoke up our arses, and he is very unpopular right here in the 19th Ward !!
Easy does it Francis. The election is for state representative not to cure the world's promise. Although, I will grant you that Tony Martin is the man for the job.
To the Anonymous voter who stated they are voting for The Finance Guy who hasn't been engaged in this bs. I understand the desire for a little more Civility. I believe the Candidates for the most part have both been civil, and its the passionate candidate supporters "like me" that are trying to shake it up. Thats because the reality is all is not well in our 19th Ward. Election day is fast approaching and I hope you reconsider and take a good look at all the candidates one more time, keeping in-mind what the 19th Ward needs most is "Real Change In Direction" not just a slight course correction. I look forward to a little Post election Kum Ba Yah. Your fellow 19th Ward Neighbor
Now that the Old Democratic Machine has been replaced by the LEFTY version,19th Warders need to leave the Democratic Party that has already left them,and create a strong 19th Ward Republican Organization,whose Ward Committeeman has,BY LAW, all the same legal rights and powers of the Democratic Committeeman. And before any Lefties start with the "Race" BS,Race has NOTHING to do with it. It's about the Left-Wing Democratic Party's WAR on America and its effects on our everyday lives. Besides, O'Shea & his brood aren't giving away free garbage cans and if they were,it wouldn't nor shouldn't affect your vote on the CRITICAL ISSUES of our times.
The democratic party is at war with America. The locals are no different. They have chosen to embrace abortion, gay marriage, mandatory birth control. You dont't hear Matt Oshea objecting to any of that do you. All you hear from him is silence. Sorry Matt but leaders need to take positions and lead us.
Sounds fine. First O'sheas secretary and the elites need to defeated in the primary democratic race. They only hope that we of the angry masses vote republican in primary. Then they can save face and likely win in November. Lets hand them their asses in primary and get behind the guy who didn't get a legislative scholarship for his kid because of his ties with 19th ward.
In her interview with the Sun Times Fran Hurley counts volunteering at Marist's concession stand as community service and part of her qualifications for being state rep. The truth is that working the concession stands is mandatory at Catholic schools or additional fees get tacked on to your tuition bill. Everybody knows that Fran is opposed to paying for tuition out of her own pocket. Elevating Fran to a higher position for which she is not qualified is an INSULT to ALL WORKING SINGLE MOTHERS who do work 2 and 3 jobs to pay for the education of their children.
Matt doesn't need to comment on abortion, gay marriage, or birth control. Those aren't ward issues. I don't want my alderman messing around in those areas.
Never have so many unhappy people assembled in one place. This forum could do many things, but it seems to be very appealing to the negative windbags in this ward who have to rant on here because their friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers can't listen to it anymore. Try advancing some valid points and topics instead of using this to tear everyone else down.
Matt DOES need to comment on these issues even though they are not ward issues. Matt is also the Democratic Committeemen and he is attempting to force these unqualified extremely liberal candidates down our throat. Matt O'Shea certainly has forgotten where he came from. Somewhere along the way he turned from being a public servant into a politician. His negative attacks on the other two candidates in this race will not be soon forgotten by the families, friends and relatives of these candidates who live in our ward.
This is probably written by one of the Warders feeding at the public trough. You just don't get it. WE are sick of our tax dollars going as rewards for people who dont work, link cards, welfare, free breakfast and lunches for school kids. You are right that we are unhappy and the truth is the ONLY reason many people vote for the Democrats in this area is that they control the JOBS for many folks here. Being snotty and insulting is the only arguments you have - who can actually defend giving 200 per month to people for food, and FREE CELL phones !! Democrats are pandering to illegals who are taking jobs ! Try pushing this crap at the bars on Western. You will find out how out of touch you are !
Many valid points have been made here. I'd like to point out that this blog likes to blast Matt Oshea while praising his father-in-law, Skinny Sheahan. Don't be fooled, they are one in the same. Yes, the parade was a hit, but my sidewalks are crumbling, my water bill just tripled, my income taxes keep going up and Illinois' deficit is on par with Greece. Don't tell me there isn't a problem with the public school system and that lengthening the school day is the answer, because its not. I don't get to run up my pension with overtime the last couple years before retiring at 50 but many of my neighbors do, while I keep working to pay for it with my taxes that should be repairing my sidewalks and cleaning up my schools instead. I'm paying my own kid's college tuition, why are political hacks getting scholarships for their kids? How is it our last two governors are in jail, but nothing happens to the guy who really runs things here in Madiganistan? Until we replace all these political cronies with new representation, term limits, and NO PENSIONS for ELECTED OFFICIALS, we can expect more of the same political shenanigans, higher taxes, and no relief.
I hold all elected officials to a high standard. I see no reason why Skinny Sheahan should be held to that standard. He is retired and spends most of his time in helpful pursuits, the SS Irish Parade being one of them. That parade will pay dividends to our neighborhood for years to come. The people that tried to kill it or failed to support it, are shortsighted.
Regarding Matt, he didn't work against the parade. He is the alderman. He could have stopped it with one phone call. He merely attempted to walk both sides. He needs to start standing up for what he thinks is best for the neighborhood. He may be surprised as to how much support he will generate.
Maybe not directly, but as a few posts above point out, he is the Committeeman for the Democratic 19th Ward Organization. He DOES have an impact on these issues when it comes to his support for candidates for the State House and Senate....that is our point! And we KNOW how liberal the local party has become and they have awakened a sleeping giant of Reagan Democrats and traditional minded people who are not in favor of the far left. I will be voting Democrat in the primary just to vote against the obviously Resume challenged Fran Hurley. By the way disgruntled does not begin to tell you how ticked off many of us are with these liberal hacks being picked to represent us. When we see ticket cameras going up everywhere, ticket drones walking down our streets in the middle of the night looking for any ticketable infraction, massive hikes in our fees and a huge 67% income tax hike foisted on us by Democrats - being disgruntled and angry are natural and respectable emotions to express. I am telling you that the hacks better be ready for some serious blowback if they come to the doors of the union tradesmen, business people and other private sector workers who have been terribly impacted by liberal policies of Cunningham, Maloney, Quinn and Obama...
Alderman Matt O'Shea is also Democrat Committeeman for the 19th Ward, a job that does have to do with gay marriage, abortion, and birth control. It is his responsibility as Democrat committeeman to support pro-abortion candidates like his hand-picked candidate for the 35th District, Fran Hurley, as well as Pat Quinn, Rahm Emanuel, and other pro-abortion/pro-gay marriage candidates he has supported and continues to support.
These people are all hacks. I don't care who is connected to whomever. I to see crumbling streets and sidewalks. I see the endless appointments to different offices and am sick of it also. Look at Sutherland school. One administrator is destroying this wonderful Beverly facility. Where is the LSC and the alderman. Almost half of the staff is leaving.School for an extra hour or whatever means they must feed the students dinner. The democrats of today are not my fathers party. One party rule is what is ruining this state. I can't deny that most of these people are nice people BUT there inability to stop the crap that's going on IS the issue.
Is this a question of who is the nicest person here? These people are not our friends. They will glad hand you until they get in office ,once in there only job is to stay in office. Sidewalks, streets and vacant stores are of serious concern.
Matt Oshea has been putting his own style on the 19th Ward Dems. His first priority was to rid the ward office of Tom Hynes and all his people. Harmening Maloney Lowery Heffernan all chased away, never to show their mugs at a 19th ward event again. Whoever is left is now drinking the kool aid. You know who they are. Next time you see them, ask "Didn't you used to be with Tom Hynes?" Their reply will be something like, "He was a bad man".
ReplyDeleteThis whole "legislative scholarship" program needs to go away. I do not approve of my taxes going to pay for someone elses kid to play at college. Parents need to take on the responsibility of paying for thier kids education themselves or the adult child should pay for their own education. This is where tax dollars could be saved. This is nothing more than educational welfare for bums who want tax payers to support their kids. Tony Martin is taking care of his kids and I am sure it would be a cold day in hell that he would allow any one else to support his children in any way.
DeleteI read somewhere that Fran Hurleys kis got one of those scholarships from Senator Maloney. Is there somwhere to go to find out who Maloney has given those scholarships to over the years. that would be interesting.
DeleteI don't think the 19th Ward Dems are liberal or conservative.
ReplyDeleteThey're about taking whatever they can for themselves and their organization. To them, it's all about the perks.
The 19th ward dem party has lost all interest in trying to get ward residents hired, transfered or promoted unless its one of their relatives. Face if you ain't related your kid ain't getting into the Ag school, your wife will not be teaching in the neighborhood and you certainly will not be working for the sheriff's office. By the way look for Bill Cunningham to go back to the Sheriff's office unless his wife gets a big political job as promised.
ReplyDeleteYou will also NOT be receiving any legislative scholarship for your kid unless you are currently on the Ward's city payroll.
ReplyDeleteAlderman O'Shea said we were incapable of returning the parade to its family-centric, nieghborhood friendly roots. In his letter to Mayor Emmanuel, O'Shea demonstrated his total lack of confidence in our community's ability to successfully host this event.
ReplyDeleteWith his selection of such an inferior, ultra-liberal candidate for State Rep., Committeeman O'Shea displayed a complete disregard for the intelligence of his constituents who recognize the qualities and values which are required of a good candidate.
Let this be the first publicly recorded vote of "No Confidence" in Matt O'Shea.
19th Ward Pay Attention! Make the Change Now! Tic - Toc / Tic-Toc. The Housing Industry , Market, and Banking Crash is only the tip of the iceberg. With 77 million (Baby Boomers) out of 310 million Americans now eligible for retirement brings a whole new problem that will dwarf the current financial crisis. The last three months of a person’s life is the most expensive. The problem is this: In less than 8 years there will be less than one working American for everyone retired. The Insurance Companies will be paying out more than they are brining in and the Markets Will Crash and the Uninsured 401K's will be Lost. Now added to this is the "Illegal Alien" non-tax paying population, which will increase, to almost 1/4 of our Countries Total Population. The only Fix that I see is to bring back our manufacturing jobs from oversees, eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. Improve our Schools to support Manufacturing Vocations. There will be small communities that will weather the inevitable storm to come. They will survive because they are preparing and taking action now. The 19th Ward needs to prepare by electing some-one who knows the value of a Job and will work toward making sure all 19th Ward Families are ready to weather the storm. Like General Patton said " A Good Plan Executed Today Is More Valuable Than A Perfect Plan That Gets Executed At Some Indefinite Time. " As we learned from our "Gangster Era" or "Dark Past" Gambling, Casinos, Brothels, and Abortion Clinics are not the answer. To survive this "WE” will need a person of Integrity, Strength, Vision and the Know-How to Lead and secure the investments required to modernize the South Side of Chicago to meet the Global market demands of tomorrow. Go Tony Martin!
DeleteWow i am so sick of this negativity and doomsday rah rah tony martin and bashing of fran. I am voting for the finance guy who hasn't engaged in this bs. i have read about fran and her background and i have looked into martins record. both are the same and we need leaders not whiners. we have serious issues that need to be solved in Springfield.
DeleteTo the Last Uniformed Blogger, The current 19th Ward Democrats Machine Does Have A Plan. Fran is preparing for the hard times to come. She is pushing for more cheep Illegal Labor, Opening Casinos and Promoting Free Abortion to all 19th Ward peasants. Fran, don't forget to study films like American Gangster and learn how to to throw Turkeys off the truck each Thanksgiving to the disenFRANchised Peasants while at the same time continuing the age-old 19th Ward Insider tradition of handing out scholarships to friends and family.
DeleteThe truth is that ALOT of us doubted whether the parade could take place without a huge drunken teenager, public urination puke fest taking place alongside it. From that angle Matt O'Shea was taking the side of the local families, many of whom could no longer take their kids to watch the parade due to these drunken hedonists - MANY of whom came from outside the neighborhood, and even from outside Cook County... outside revelers looking for the next party to crash....so Matt was not necessarily showing a lack of comfidence in US so much as the outsiders...that being said, O'Shea was out there trying to tie Dr. Scheible to Pres. Bush, who is the Dr. Evil to the liberal Democrats... Matt is a big liberal Obama supporter, as is Fran and Eddie Maloney, Bill Cunningham....etc....they try to HIDE their leftist philosophies from us, but you watch...they will make a huge mistake this fall when they try to hand out their flyers with Obama/Hurley or Obama/Lipinski....I have had many discussions with my union neighbors regarding Obama, with a jobless recovery, especially in construction! Obama is very unpopular, despite the media blowing smoke up our arses, and he is very unpopular right here in the 19th Ward !!
DeleteEasy does it Francis. The election is for state representative not to cure the world's promise. Although, I will grant you that Tony Martin is the man for the job.
DeleteRod? Did you get computer privileges so fast?
Deleteleft the cpd 11 yrs ago and lived in beverly. no way shape or form do we want this hurley 19th ward trash out here in tinley representing us.
ReplyDeleteTo the Anonymous voter who stated they are voting for The Finance Guy who hasn't been engaged in this bs. I understand the desire for a little more Civility. I believe the Candidates for the most part have both been civil, and its the passionate candidate supporters "like me" that are trying to shake it up. Thats because the reality is all is not well in our 19th Ward. Election day is fast approaching and I hope you reconsider and take a good look at all the candidates one more time, keeping in-mind what the 19th Ward needs most is "Real Change In Direction" not just a slight course correction. I look forward to a little Post election Kum Ba Yah. Your fellow 19th Ward Neighbor
ReplyDeleteNow that the Old Democratic Machine has been replaced by the LEFTY version,19th Warders need to leave the Democratic Party that has already left them,and create a strong 19th Ward Republican Organization,whose Ward Committeeman has,BY LAW, all the same legal rights and powers of the Democratic Committeeman.
ReplyDeleteAnd before any Lefties start with the "Race" BS,Race has NOTHING to do with it.
It's about the Left-Wing Democratic Party's WAR on America and its effects on our everyday lives.
Besides, O'Shea & his brood aren't giving away free garbage cans and if they were,it wouldn't nor shouldn't affect your vote on the CRITICAL ISSUES of our times.
The democratic party is at war with America. The locals are no different. They have chosen to embrace abortion, gay marriage, mandatory birth control. You dont't hear Matt Oshea objecting to any of that do you. All you hear from him is silence. Sorry Matt but leaders need to take positions and lead us.
DeleteSounds fine. First O'sheas secretary and the elites need to defeated in the primary democratic race. They only hope that we of the angry masses vote republican in primary. Then they can save face and likely win in November. Lets hand them their asses in primary and get behind the guy who didn't get a legislative scholarship for his kid because of his ties with 19th ward.
DeleteIn her interview with the Sun Times Fran Hurley counts volunteering at Marist's concession stand as community service and part of her qualifications for being state rep. The truth is that working the concession stands is mandatory at Catholic schools or additional fees get tacked on to your tuition bill. Everybody knows that Fran is opposed to paying for tuition out of her own pocket. Elevating Fran to a higher position for which she is not qualified is an INSULT to ALL WORKING SINGLE MOTHERS who do work 2 and 3 jobs to pay for the education of their children.
ReplyDeleteMatt doesn't need to comment on abortion, gay marriage, or birth control. Those aren't ward issues. I don't want my alderman messing around in those areas.
ReplyDeleteNever have so many unhappy people assembled in one place. This forum could do many things, but it seems to be very appealing to the negative windbags in this ward who have to rant on here because their friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers can't listen to it anymore. Try advancing some valid points and topics instead of using this to tear everyone else down.
Have do you have in mind? I have tried talking about other things. Local government issues seem to attract the most interest.
DeleteMatt DOES need to comment on these issues even though they are not ward issues. Matt is also the Democratic Committeemen and he is attempting to force these unqualified extremely liberal candidates down our throat. Matt O'Shea certainly has forgotten where he came from. Somewhere along the way he turned from being a public servant into a politician. His negative attacks on the other two candidates in this race will not be soon forgotten by the families, friends and relatives of these candidates who live in our ward.
DeleteThis is probably written by one of the Warders feeding at the public trough. You just don't get it. WE are sick of our tax dollars going as rewards for people who dont work, link cards, welfare, free breakfast and lunches for school kids. You are right that we are unhappy and the truth is the ONLY reason many people vote for the Democrats in this area is that they control the JOBS for many folks here. Being snotty and insulting is the only arguments you have - who can actually defend giving 200 per month to people for food, and FREE CELL phones !! Democrats are pandering to illegals who are taking jobs ! Try pushing this crap at the bars on Western. You will find out how out of touch you are !
DeleteMany valid points have been made here. I'd like to point out that this blog likes to blast Matt Oshea while praising his father-in-law, Skinny Sheahan. Don't be fooled, they are one in the same. Yes, the parade was a hit, but my sidewalks are crumbling, my water bill just tripled, my income taxes keep going up and Illinois' deficit is on par with Greece. Don't tell me there isn't a problem with the public school system and that lengthening the school day is the answer, because its not. I don't get to run up my pension with overtime the last couple years before retiring at 50 but many of my neighbors do, while I keep working to pay for it with my taxes that should be repairing my sidewalks and cleaning up my schools instead. I'm paying my own kid's college tuition, why are political hacks getting scholarships for their kids? How is it our last two governors are in jail, but nothing happens to the guy who really runs things here in Madiganistan?
ReplyDeleteUntil we replace all these political cronies with new representation, term limits, and NO PENSIONS for ELECTED OFFICIALS, we can expect more of the same political shenanigans, higher taxes, and no relief.
I hold all elected officials to a high standard. I see no reason why Skinny Sheahan should be held to that standard. He is retired and spends most of his time in helpful pursuits, the SS Irish Parade being one of them. That parade will pay dividends to our neighborhood for years to come. The people that tried to kill it or failed to support it, are shortsighted.
DeleteRegarding Matt, he didn't work against the parade. He is the alderman. He could have stopped it with one phone call. He merely attempted to walk both sides. He needs to start standing up for what he thinks is best for the neighborhood. He may be surprised as to how much support he will generate.
Matthew needs to grow some balls.
DeleteUm, Skinny Sheahan isn't Matt O'Shea's father-in-law.
DeleteThe alderman still doesn't have anything to do with gay marriage, abortion or birth control, regardless of how disgruntled you are with the world.
Maybe not directly, but as a few posts above point out, he is the Committeeman for the Democratic 19th Ward Organization. He DOES have an impact on these issues when it comes to his support for candidates for the State House and Senate....that is our point! And we KNOW how liberal the local party has become and they have awakened a sleeping giant of Reagan Democrats and traditional minded people who are not in favor of the far left. I will be voting Democrat in the primary just to vote against the obviously Resume challenged Fran Hurley. By the way disgruntled does not begin to tell you how ticked off many of us are with these liberal hacks being picked to represent us.
DeleteWhen we see ticket cameras going up everywhere, ticket drones walking down our streets in the middle of the night looking for any ticketable infraction, massive hikes in our fees and a huge 67% income tax hike foisted on us by Democrats - being disgruntled and angry are natural and respectable emotions to express. I am telling you that the hacks better be ready for some serious blowback if they come to the doors of the union tradesmen, business people and other private sector workers who have been terribly impacted by liberal policies of Cunningham, Maloney, Quinn and Obama...
Alderman Matt O'Shea is also Democrat Committeeman for the 19th Ward, a job that does have to do with gay marriage, abortion, and birth control. It is his responsibility as Democrat committeeman to support pro-abortion candidates like his hand-picked candidate for the 35th District, Fran Hurley, as well as Pat Quinn, Rahm Emanuel, and other pro-abortion/pro-gay marriage candidates he has supported and continues to support.
ReplyDeleteThese people are all hacks. I don't care who is connected to whomever. I to see crumbling streets and sidewalks. I see the endless appointments to different offices and am sick of it also. Look at Sutherland school. One administrator is destroying this wonderful Beverly facility. Where is the LSC and the alderman. Almost half of the staff is leaving.School for an extra hour or whatever means they must feed the students dinner. The democrats of today are not my fathers party. One party rule is what is ruining this state. I can't deny that most of these people are nice people BUT there inability to stop the crap that's going on IS the issue.
ReplyDeleteIs this a question of who is the nicest person here? These people are not our friends. They will glad hand you until they get in office ,once in there only job is to stay in office. Sidewalks, streets and vacant stores are of serious concern.