Friday, February 2, 2018



I wonder has anybody done a study of how many recipients of Narcan are alive one year later? I am thinking that one dose of Narcan is enough to save a life but what can be done to transform a life? Are we doing enough?


  1. Anonymous2/02/2018

    Its a band aid approach. Its big pharma pushing opiates(legal heroin) and this is ALL about money.

  2. Anonymous2/02/2018

    What would happen if a policy change and an educational program were initiated that informed potential drug users that emergency rooms would no longer treat overdose victims, that taking a potentially fatal drug would put you in a position where the consequences are your own, that their mortality would no longer be a taxpayer burden and that they were basically participating in a self assisted suicide?

    1. Anonymous2/03/2018

      You speak too much of the way things should be. You have directly confronted a major problem and found the solution. America should pay attention to clear thinking.

  3. Anonymous2/06/2018

    Leave'm alone. It's called the thinning of the herd.
