Saturday, October 6, 2012

$6.00 a gallon for gas!

Gasoline is hitting $6.00 a gallon in Los Angeles today. Things are just fine. Vote Obama and watch the economy just shut down.


  1. Anonymous10/06/2012

    GW Bush's last day in office, gasoline was $1.68 / gallon.

    I really miss the Texan.

  2. Anonymous10/06/2012

    So Mitt Romney will lower gas prices?

  3. Anonymous10/06/2012

    This is in part caused by the failure of the Energy Dept to plan. There is no reason why gas prices should have tripled in the past 4 years.

  4. Anonymous10/06/2012

    Some republicans that point their finger at Obama and say, "you are President and are responsible for high gas prices" are literally a pawn in this game known as politics. The biggest oil speculators are the Koch brothers and Goldman Sachs.

    Here is the Koch Industries, and guess who they support:

    Here is Goldman Sachs, and guess who they support:

    Literally, this is not a joke, the Bailout King and Derivative Trader, who also received bailouts from the insurance industry bailouts that insured the derivatives, is Romney's biggest campaign contributor:
    Mitt Romney (R)
    1 Goldman Sachs $891,140
    2 Bank of America $668,139
    3 JPMorgan Chase & Co $663,219
    4 Morgan Stanley $649,847
    5 Credit Suisse Group $554,066

    Oil speculation is considered "welfare for the rich." Ever since Bush deregulated commodity speculation, oil prices have surged.

    Today, no new legislation can pass the House---except for offense spending increases and bailouts---due to Boehner and Cantor. Legislation cannot pass the Senate due to filibuster.

    Unfortunately, Obama cannot do much as President with respect to oil prices. And legislation to reduce prices cannot pass because the biggest Republican campaign contributors get the welfare.

    This is the republican version of the "free market". We pay more.And we bail them out when their speculations are wrong. THAT is the very definition of socialism.

    1. Anonymous10/06/2012

      Why don't you just give us the link to your conspiracy theory America hating, Capitalist hating web sites rather than cutting and pasting their humorous musings here. That way we can blow right past it to hear from the people we came here to listen to. It always kills me how these leftists think they have found "the truth" and need to convert us. We have been spoon fed this knee jerk, traditional America hating crap from our local school teachers, left slanted schoolbooks, local and national media "newscasts", liberal TV, liberal Hollyweird and the Hollyweirdos who HATE people like us. Non stop leftism yet we have not bent the knee to the will of the left wing brainwashing. All the same stuff you mentioned above was in place under Bush (but I guarantee you you were not posting this stuff anywhere back then).

    2. Anonymous10/06/2012

      Crude oil prices are the lowest they've been in months, even with the turmoil in the mideast. Prices are falling with demand as the global economy contracts further.
      California law requires that cars use a "summer blend" gasoline, which Illinois required until just last week. Summer blend was forced on California and Illinois by politicians pandering to environmentalists. Its not required in Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, or most other states.
      In order to produce "summer blend" gas, refiners must shut down and retool, which is an expensive process, and of course, passed onto the consumers in California and Illinois. Only a few refiners bother producing the more expensive blend and only for a short period of time. As the blend runs out, the price goes even higher. Well, California has run out of "summer blend". BTW, this special blend does little to protect the environment more than regular blends, but it makes politicians, like Bag O'Durbin look like they care, and puts money into their political coffers.
      Your speculators theory is one of ignorance.

    3. Anonymous10/06/2012

      That is just disorganized rabble, but I will attempt to respond to some points that you made in the spirit of fairness and discussion.

      1) "[G]ive us the link to your conspiracy theory...." Conspiracy theory? What theory? And I did: The Center for Responsive Politics tracks campaign contributions to our politicians and lobbying groups.

      2) "Capitalist hating web sites." Not sure what capitalist-hating websites you are talking about. My point is that the bailout banks funding Mitt Romney's campaign hate capitalism; that is the irony.

      3) "convert us." Convert you to what? I do not know what you are talking about. I post because I care. I think you ought to be informed about your politicians. Not trying to convert you. It might be worse, in a sense, if you voted for Obama rather than Romney. I do not know. Believe me, not trying to "convert" a soul to any religion or any politician.

      September 17 is a special date. It was the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. The date passed with little fanfare or celebration. I post in that legacy and in that spirit. Trust me, I am not trying to convert a single person to another party's or person's cause.

      4) "Hollyweirdos who HATE people like us." Clinton Eastwood? If someone in Hollywood/weird hates me, tell me who they are. I honestly do not follow Hollywood, so I am interested to know who hates me.

      5) "left slanted schoolbooks." Where? Which ones? I thought the textbook controversy was to make them religious or even right-slanted, believe it or not. I thought they wanted to "teach" creationism in scientific textbooks. This, again, is one issue that I am not THAT familiar with. Therefore, as I supplied the link, please provide me the textbooks that are left-slanted. I honestly want to see them, and I am not joking.

      6) "I guarantee you you were not posting this stuff anywhere back then." Will not tell you where I was or what I was doing, particularly since I am apparently "hating" my country by posting here. Nevertheless, you are somewhat right: I left the Republican Party during Bush's second term. I doubt you were referring to that, but I suppose you are somewhat correct on this point. Bush turned out to be the most outrageously corporatist (like Romney) president that I could have imagined.

      Disclaimer: I probably should not have spent the time that I did responding to so much disorganized . . . whatever it is. In the interest of disclosure, notwithstanding the 225th anniversary of our U.S. Const. and the spirit of political debate, I want to see this textbook; and I want to know who hates me in Hollywood. I will leave the teacher-hating thing (and the other hating stuff) alone.

  5. Anonymous10/06/2012

    It's George Bushe's fault of course !!!

  6. Anonymous10/06/2012

    of course we are in a global market for all energy products.BUT, with all the restrictions on our own right and will to drill here ,obumer just gets in the way . drilling miles off shore and miles underwater what the hell do you think will happen. I know these are the evil,evil oil companies but who else will drill ? development of our resources will take us out of this. think about this one, china is in contract with Cuba to drill in the gulf of Mexico but our government won't allow any.

  7. Anonymous10/06/2012

    No DemocRATS! Their used to be honorable democrats here in 19 until the likes of Maloney, Hurley, O'Shea took over. Pathetic shills. If their is a D in your party affiliation then note vote for you!

  8. Anonymous10/06/2012

    Just wait until Israel and Iran bump heads $8 bucks a gal.
