Sunday, November 8, 2020

The whole story is not being reported in the media


Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 4.12.02 PMPEORIA - Illinois' Republican National Committeewoman Demetra DeMonte reached out to Illinois Review Saturday afternoon with an urgent message for Trump supporters in Illinois. After talking to her RNC contacts, DeMonte says the information Illinois Trump supporters are getting is not sufficient. The media will not help - even Fox News. 

DeMonte's message to Trump supporters:  Keep the faith.  We are going to win!

A Return to Reality

by Demetra DeMonte

As many of you have seen, the fake media is  attempting to prematurely coronate Joe Biden as winner.

Here are the facts where we stand right now.

We are basically in the second inning of a nine inning game.


  1. Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona still have hundreds of thousands of ballots that are uncounted.
  2. Once these ballots have been counted there will be a canvas in each of these states with a certification which will be sent to the main election official. At that point there will be either mandatory or requested recounts by either campaign
  3. The Bill Stephien of the Trump campaign indicated because of the closeness there will be legal recounts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin. We may request a recount in Arizona. After the recount is finalized there may very well be legal action that will end up in the US Supreme Court to determine the ultimate winner.
  4. In light of the tremendous corruption that has taken place in Pennsylvania, it is a distinct possibility that the Pennsylvania decision will be made by the US Supreme Court.
  5. I also want to refer you to Article 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution. As you will note, the Constitution empowers the state legislature to decide what slate of electors they will send to the Electoral College. If a final decision in a state is not clear the state legislature could decide not to send an approved slate of electors.
  6. I know that you didn’t receive any of these facts by watching FOX but I thought I would share them with you.

Keep the faith. We are going to win.

Demetra DeMonte

Republican National Committeewoman for Illinois

RNC Secretary 2011-2015


  1. Anonymous11/08/2020

    Fox news is DEAD:

  2. Anonymous11/09/2020

    I'll bet that Trump won Illinois. This state is red with the exception of the Chicago area. Chicago re-elected Kim Fox or did they?
