Friday, June 12, 2020

Shouldn't we be licensing the politicians?

Maybe it's time we start testing people for basic competence before we let them run for public office.
We could test for:

  • knowledge of basic english 
  • knowledge of basic math particularly multiplication 
  • ability to tell the truth
  • ability to tell directions
  • ability to read a map
  • do they have a drivers license (you can tell allot about someone if they don't have a drivers license)
  • are they current on their tax returns
  • any criminal record?
All I am talking about is basic competence to run the government. If you ask me there are too many people with below marginal abilities, running around telling us what to do. 


  1. Anonymous6/12/2020

    All elected officials should be required to wear body cameras with audio at all times.

  2. Jay Bob and Lori never held elective office before, neither Richard Phelan, Brucie Rauner, Jimmy Robby Thompson and Janie Margaret Burke Byrne McMullen. ☹️

    1. Janie Margie Burke Byrne McMullen :-|

  3. The minimum requirements are usually age, residency and no felonies. :-\
