Wednesday, August 21, 2019

This is nothing, they should have seen the 19th Ward back in the day.

Report finds that snowflakes are especially sensitive to bullying, intimidation in Speaker Madigan's office 

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Power in Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan's office has been too centralized and its environment has fostered an atmosphere that condones bullying, intimidation, hazing and long work hours with inconsistent direction, according to an investigative report released Tuesday.

The review by Maggie Hickey, a former state executive inspector general, said Madigan's former chief of staff, Timothy Mapes, had too much authority, serving also as clerk of the House and executive director of the Democratic Party of Illinois. Therefore, the report said, he discouraged complaints while
creating a climate in which some staffers constantly believed their jobs were in jeopardy.

20 or 30 years ago, the air in the 19th Ward Democratic Organization was so toxic, it could cause a snowflake to forget why they were there. There was constant bullying by certain people empowered by the leadership, several instances of physical violence, constant sexual harassment, jobs and promotions (and who knows what else) for sale and ghost pay-rolling all wrapped in an atmosphere of alcohol abuse. All that is over now. 

To the best of my knowledge, nothing like that existed for long under Madigan. 


  1. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Blogger is absolutely correct. There was a constant threat of economic ruination hanging over everyones head. "Do this or else". The culprits that are still alive do their very best to avoid the spotlight lest someone may have something in for them.

    1. Anonymous8/21/2019

      Give us some names.

    2. Anonymous8/22/2019

      The worst 19th ward offenders were this band of woman that used to hang around there. I dont know what they did but they sure had power. I witnessed one of them tell a cook county employee he was done, the poor guy took early retirement a few weeks later. It was all about nothing.

  2. Anonymous8/21/2019

    These assholes still operating 2 years ago. The old regime still had a spy ring operating. A SPY RING. Watching certain people.

  3. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Feds would have a field day.

    1. Anonymous8/21/2019

      Actually, US Attorney Burns did make a move on the operation. They started shutting it down right away.

    2. Anonymous8/21/2019

      Some crazy lady who has pissed off all of Redeemer says she is working with Feds to take the 19th Ward down. Not sure why she cares so much about O’Sheas

    3. Anonymous8/21/2019

      Not sure what this means. If someone has something to post then give us the details! I am chomping at the bit to hear some!

    4. Anonymous8/22/2019

      Nobody has anything on O'Shea. The place is clean.

    5. Anonymous8/22/2019

      Tell that to the nutjob from Redeemer.

  4. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Must have been the Jerry senior since Hynes never ran his own show.

    1. This did not involve Jerry or Mike.

  5. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Not sure what most of these posts are talking about. A "spy" ring? Spying on whom? People supporting other candidates? A "lady who has pissed off all of Redeemer"? WTH are you talking about?

  6. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Not sure what most of these posts are talking about. A "spy" ring? Spying on whom? People supporting other candidates? A "lady who has pissed off all of Redeemer"? WTH are you talking about?

  7. Anonymous8/21/2019

    Write a book.

  8. Anonymous8/22/2019

    Of course their jobs were in jeopardy.... These are job bullies.... Real tough guys because they control your livelihood. Anybody that has worked in the public sector have seen and have dealt with job bullies. These so called job bullies are usually politically connected little worms. This is nothing new...
