An heir to his great-grandfather Joseph Kennedy’s fortune, Joe #3  holds substantial investments in trusts and is estimated to be worth between $20 million and $60 million.
On January 30, 2018, a drooling Joe #3 gave the Democrat Party’s response to President Trump’s State of the Union address.
A practicing Catholic with a sweet tooth, in 2017 Joe #3 gave up sugary snacksfor Lent. But he and his wife, health policy lawyer Lauren Birchfield, are stridently pro-abort, never mind the fact that the Catholic Church calls abortion an intrinsic — i.e., non-negotiable — evil.
Below is a pic of the couple at a pro-abort rally, garbed in pussy-pink T-shirts that say: “I stand with Planned Parenthood” — the same Planned Parenthood abortion mills that harvest and sell aborted babies’ body parts and organs, including the brain of a baby whose heart was still beating when his brain was “harvested”.
By the way, there are claims on the net that Joe Kennedy III lives in a mansion surrounded by a wall (see below) — evidence of his hypocrisy when he grandly proclaimed in his Democrat Party response: “Build a wall and my generation will tear it down.”
However, Snopes says:
  1. The house is not Joe’s but was purchased in 1933 by great grandfather Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., which was sold by the Kennedy family in 1995.
  2. The house is located in Palm Beach, just a few feet from the ocean. The wall is a seawall designed to keep the ocean from damaging the property.
Joe Kennedy III is pro-gun control, pro-gay marriage, pro-illegal migrants, and calls the Republican health care reform “an act of malice,” while supporting Planned Parenthood’s acts of true malice and evil — the abortion killing of little, innocent, defenseless human beings and harvesting their organs.