Thursday, October 5, 2017

Irish Mob is trying to help

ILLINOIS: Reportedly Mob-Connected IL Rep Introduces Gun Ban, Trigger Mod Ban

October 5, 2017
Back when Rod Blagojevich busied himself introducing all manner of radical gun control schemes, Progressive Democrat Marty Moylan worked as an Electrical Union enforcer.  His job, among other things, involved getting Electrical Union workers "out of jams" and his work as a "scab buster".  Nice guy, right?  Well, that's not all.  He's also got ties to the Chicago mob, per the "Chicago Clout" blog.  
Earlier this year, this guy introduced a bill to require expensive "Live Scan" fingerprints for FOID card applicants, along with concealed carry license applicants.  Live Scan fingerprints go for about $75 to $100 per set.  Of course, his proposal went nowhere. 
He's back today, introducing House Bill 4107.  Obviously in direct response to the Mandalay Bay terror attack.  Because a criminal terrorist commits an atrocity, Marty Moylan thinks the law abiding should surrender their guns.  Yeah, he's a political hack.
His latest work of art includes everything but the kitchen sink:
Gun Ban
  • Semi-auto gun bans:  Basically any semi-auto firearm that accepts a magazine would be banned. 
  • .50 caliber rifle bans:  All .50 caliber firearms would be banned.
  • Ammo ban:  All .50 ammo would be banned.  Got a souvenir round you bought at a gun store?  That's good for up to a year in county jail.
  • Magazine ban:  All magazines over 10 rounds banned.  Have a nice day.  Possess two or more, a mandatory three year prison sentence, with an option of up to seven years.
  • Trigger modification ban:  This would including any parts or modifications to make a trigger lighter.  Say goodbye to your custom trigger modifications.  A three year mandatory minimum sentence upon conviction.  Pretty steep considering armed robbers in Chicago get probation.
Given the hysteria right now at the national level, the vote on this bill may be uncomfortably close.  Especially if Michael Madigan wants it to pass.  Madigan might twist some arms and move this bill to the Illinois Senate, where further arm twisting might pass it on to the Governor to put him in a trickbox.  Sort of like Madigan and Cullerton did with the SB1 school funding bill and more recently with the state-funded abortion bill that Rauner just signed.
The Illinois General Assembly returns to "work" on October 24th.  It's going to be hairy. 

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