Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Sad......I just hope they don't make it into a church

From another group: 9/18/17
The Beverly Woods Restaurant has closed its doors after 63 years. Our family wants to thank everyone in our great neighborhood for a great run. In a business where longevity and continuity is very difficult and extremely rare; we are very proud to have been of service to multiple generations. So many friends have passed through our doors over the years. It is bittersweet to finally close our second home and move on to new ventures. We want to bid a heartfelt fond farewell to all of our great customers, neighbors and friends. Our iconic landmark building and property are now for sale. 


  1. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Matt should have the park district buy it for the much needed parking lot

    1. Anonymous9/20/2017

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Another victim of White flight. Look at Evergreen Plaza

  3. Currency exchange- braids and fades hair salon- church's chicken and an a perfect place to relocate the Chuck E. Cheese once it leaves oak lawn.

  4. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Where the mudman goes-nothing grows.

  5. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Who in their right mind would want to own and operate a business in chicago with the bureaucratic red tape and regulations involved. City inspectors who go around issuing 500 dollar tickets to businesses for things like weeds growing on the alley side of a chain link fence or a dumpster with a piece of trash sitting next to it because of a delayed holiday pickup. Lets not forget high property taxes, water bills and license and permit fees that add to the cost of doing business in the city. Soon the city will be a ghost town as even more businesses close up and they have no one to blame but themselves as they keep reelecting the same democrats responsible for this unfriendly business environment.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2017

      No kidding. But then all the liberals in Beverly who have their stupid "Hate has no home here" signs on their lawn often bypass the local stores because other people might frequent those stores - ie minorities. Hypocrites.

    2. Anonymous9/20/2017

      How much did Beverly Woods taxes have to do with it?

  6. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Perfect for a Chuck E Cheese

  7. Anonymous9/20/2017

    I once heard from an otherwise normal South Side Beverly Irish guy who was educated. He told me "corporations are the enemy". How can educated people be so moronic and simplistic. Just like with the Buono Beef I saw a lot of FB postings by educated people in Beverly saying ridiculous stuff. People I know and had respect for. Blew my mind. New business ventures in our area are few and far between (with the exception of ghetto looking hair salons open at weird hours) right on Western. So lets all posture and show how politically correct we are. If I was Buono I would pull out of this ungrateful community and go to the Western Suburbs. Far less red tape, you can charge more, and no over the hill useless union goons acting like idiots with stupid blow up rats and other nonsense. There is a real world out there beyond the 19th Ward back slapping union guys who have rigged the system.

  8. Anonymous9/20/2017

    Beverly / Morgan Park has been on life-support for 40 years.

    1. Anonymous9/20/2017

      And the liberals will deny that.
