Sunday, September 24, 2017



Let them stay in England


  1. Anonymous9/24/2017

    Any human who watches and buys the products of the Neel-down football league is an idiot. Also the NBA. But, half of the country voted for that criminal bitch. Not good for America.

  2. Anonymous9/24/2017

    Stop sanctioning sports where "the community" imposes its ghetto lifestyle on you. Find something constructive to do.

  3. Anonymous9/24/2017

    While I know a lot of Democrats watch and are into sports in my experience the people associated with sports, even local youth teams do tend to be more traditionalists. So more conservative in their outlook. Hard work, discipline, be the best, try hard, never give up, teamwork and school spirit, those who honour our military and police, are more likely values that conservatives embrace. Whereas participation trophy, "don't play football because you could get hurt" and shying away from mono y mono competition are more likely embraced by "liberal" minded people. So since most of your fans and ticketholders are regular Democrats and conservative traditionalists, and Republicans then you are pissing off a huge demographic. I promise to buy zero fan gear jerseys and such until the NFL shuts down this garbage. I remember when Tim Tebow would take a knee (out of respect and gratitude for God) - the same America, Christian hating bigots endlessly mocked and denigrated the guy and celebrated when he was no longer in the league. But now that a bunch of whining phony rich minority athletes who are showered with praise from this country, start to dishonor our flag - they are treated like people who are altruistic. Makes me sick.

    1. Anonymous9/25/2017

      I find it peculiar that the players took a knew for the US anthem yet they stood in reverence for the British anthem. Yet, wasn't it the British slave traders that captured their ancestors in Africa and brought them to America?

      These players are not men of letters. They need to get informed and stop this misplaced aggression.

  4. Anonymous9/25/2017

    "Not men of letters" - Awesome !! They are not men of knowledge that is for sure. They are brainwashed like so many people are today. To be black in America today means there are all types of govt programs aimed at you and for you just because you are black. The majority of students in the cafeteria at St Xaviers is almost always black. White people go well overboard (unfairly) to kiss black peoples arses and to prove to them that they don't discriminate against them. And in doing they discriminate FOR them. Saw that at 19th Ward Catholic Grammar school, when one of only two black kids in the class - this kid came there in SEVENTH grade....he got a scholarship to a Catholic High School while other kids whose parents were struggling and were parishioners, got squat. By the way that kid didn't last at the Catholic High School and has been charged with serious crimes since graduation. We should not just NOT attend, we should go to the games and stand outside and boycott. Do not watch NFL.

  5. Anonymous9/25/2017

  6. Anonymous9/26/2017

