Friday, October 2, 2015

Failure to lead.

Rauner closes state museums, shooting range in budget standoff as he tries to inflict pain.


Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner closed state museums and a sport-shooting complex on Wednesday because of Illinois’ budget crisis, even though most staffers will still report to work and the museums’ board chairman said the savings will amount to “peanuts.”
By museum officials’ calculations, the closing of the 138-year-old museum in Springfield and its four satellite facilities will initially save the state less than $400,000, a tiny fraction of Illinois’ projected $5 billion budget gap.

The Republican governor targeted the museums and the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in the southern Illinois
community of Sparta for closure effective Wednesday. He said it’s part of his efforts to manage state finances while a budget deal with Democrats who control the Legislature remains Critics say the closings are another sign of how intractable the situation has become, as both sides dig in and the state enters its fourth month without a spending plan.
“We’re part of the political football,” said Guerry Suggs, chairman of the state museum board of directors.
Rauner’s office initially sent layoff notices to more than 100 workers at the sites earlier this year. He said closing the museums and recreational complex would save Illinois about $6.3 million.

But labor unions sued, arguing the move violated their contracts with the state. Rauner agreed to postpone the layoffs for union workers pending a court ruling but said he would go ahead with the closings.
The decision has left supporters of the facilities scratching their heads. They note that workers will be collecting paychecks and the facilities still will have to be maintained, but the public — including school groups that frequent the museums — will be shut out.
Suggs said researchers and scientists will continue their work, but it’s unclear what tour guides, security officers and other staff will do.
“Maybe somebody will get a good card game going,” he said.
Rauner spokeswoman Lyndsey Walters said in addition to scientific research, curators will maintain collections and educators will plan future programming. Other employees will be put in “temporary roles.” Workers at the Sparta complex will prepare the site for winter and then be reassigned to other sites.
“Closing the Illinois State Museum and Sparta Shooting Complex will save Illinois taxpayers millions of dollars,” Walters said in an emailed statement.
Walters would not address how the savings could be that high if almost all the employees are still being paid and the facilities still have to be maintained.
Suggs estimated the savings from laying off a small number of nonunion museum employees would be less than $400,000 annually — minuscule compared with the state’s multibillion-dollar deficit or the tax revenue generated by tourists, he said.
The museum’s branch locations are the Dickson Mounds archaeological site in Lewistown and art galleries in Chicago, Lockport and Whittington.
The mayor of Lockport told the Joliet Herald-News that he’s trying to keep the art gallery located in the Chicago suburb open by using local funds.
Events scheduled at the shooting complex beginning Thursday will not be held, state officials said.


  1. Anonymous10/02/2015

    Rich fucking goof, excuse me, in his parlance "Rich fuckin goof"

  2. Anonymous10/02/2015

    Look: you "conservatives" got Rauner. How is that working out?

    No practical skills. No knowledge of government.

    Go elect Trump. My God.

    1. Anonymous10/02/2015

      Still better than Quinn, but not by much.

    2. Anonymous10/06/2015

      You liberals elected Obummer ....twice...doubling down on failure because he had the capital D in front of his name. How is that working out for me ?, the local union shops? the area economy and jobs? I will have to say not so good despite what my little colorful square talking box tells me.

    3. Anonymous10/06/2015

      We are going from a pitiful recovery back into recession....and the magic President will not be blamed. No- he can never be blamed. The next recession will be Bush's fault too. No, actually the media lying machine is already starting the subliminal brainwashing of the Dumocrats by hinting that it is China that is causing our crappy economy...and while I am at it..I saw most jobs in America last month were filled by immigrants...not by native born Americans...thanks Obama...I thought the unions were for the workers...guess they take that Karl Marx slogan pretty know "workers of the world - unite!"

  3. Anonymous10/02/2015

    just a mean spirited asshole.

  4. Anonymous10/03/2015

    One and done

    1. Anonymous10/06/2015

      Yeah lets get this over with so we can elect Lisa Madigan or some other far left liberal who will tax us back to the prosperity we enjoyed when Quinn was in office.....oh wait never mind. The exodus from this State has been mind boggling.

    2. Anonymous10/06/2015

      Government workers should not be unionized....period !!!

    3. Anonymous10/06/2015

      Oh dear Lord ! I will not be able to go to these museums I never heard of for the next few weeks or so! Someone must pay !!

  5. Anonymous10/06/2015

    I love it how the 19th Warders who have been sucking on the teet of government for decades...who pushed for, voted for, elected, and backed every single Democrat liberal taxaholic spendaholic for it is Rauner's fault ? These are the same brain dead Unionites who have been excusing Obama and voting for him AGAIN after the worst "recovery" in modern times year after year....and well into his second term .....blaming Bush...So let me get this straight - Democrats rule the IL House, the IL Senate, the IL Supreme Ct, and most of the local courts....and have done so for close to two decades 100 PERCENT !!!! Obama for seven years with a crap economy and it is Bush's fault ....STILL !! But Rauner is in office for less than one year and it is Rauner who is to blame for the fiscal meltdown we face in ILLinois? You people remind me of those castaways on the Southeast side who thought the Steel Companies were coming back....keep believing your Union Reps....and blame those mean Republicans.....and watch your State dissolve....what part of we cant afford it anymore don't you understand?

  6. Anonymous10/06/2015

    America hating Obama is flooding the country with illegal immigrants in order to use them to destroy the middle class...and the 19th Ward is leading the way. It is pathetic when people do not even know who their enemies are.
