Wednesday, August 12, 2015

John Kerry is full of it.

Of course his emails are secure. There is much more to this. This BS story was aimed right at Hillary Clinton.
It was breaking news on Tuesday and today the story can hardly be found.
Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry said that Chinese and Russian hackers are probably reading his emails -- and he writes messages assuming they are.
"It is very likely," Kerry said during an interview on the "CBS Evening News" Tuesday night when asked by host Scott Pelley if he thinks either nation is reading his email.


  1. Anonymous8/12/2015

    I love how these refineries always have problems as soon as oil prices crash. Did you hear about the BP refinery in Indiana?


    1. Anonymous8/13/2015

      they already used the change over to "summer blends". But how come they're allowed to pass their fuckups on to the consumer?

    2. Anonymous8/14/2015


      I really think they think we are THIS stupid.

      Oops. We are. Anyone in Gov on our side?

    3. Anonymous8/14/2015

      Nobody in the government cares.........except Pickle.

  2. Anonymous8/12/2015

    John Kerry is a career gas bag. Lets also remember it was the Kerry-Edwards team that invited Obama to speak at the Democratic National Convention back in 2004. You remember the speech, "not the red state, not the blue state but the United States"...blah blah blah which 11 years later should be rephrased at the extreme left socialist states of America.

    Sometimes I wonder where we'd all be if the Chicago Tribune hadn't filed the freedom of information request to have Jack Ryan's divorce records unsealed. Had the Tribune backed off, Ryan would have been the Republican United States Senator, and Obama would still be in Hyde Park espousing the leanings of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn.

  3. Anonymous8/12/2015

    Kerry is preparing to run. Still won't win.

    1. Anonymous8/13/2015

      Maybe he could get that "toady" looking thing that sat next to him during the Iran nuclear negotiations to be his running mate. I still think he looks like one of those old geezers sitting in the balcony on the Muppets show.

  4. Anonymous8/14/2015

    An "unplanned" outage.

    "Repairs to take a month. Maybe longer." Just in enough time for the prices to rise again.
