Saturday, July 11, 2015

His way or the highway?

Extreme approach to government. No compromise will be entertained. 


  1. Anonymous7/11/2015

    The poor people that are truly dependent on the state have become his pawns. He is a bad man.

    1. Anonymous7/11/2015

      With the budget impasse at hand you have to recognize that Madigan and the Democrats are using you as a pawn. I also believe that it was Mike Madigans daughter Lisa....whos is the Attorney General of the State who took it upon herself to determine that it is illegal to pay workers without a budget. If Madigan had wanted State Workers to get paid....and not be made pawns.....he would have made sure Lisa would interpret the State Constitution the way old Mikey wanted....Mikey always gets his way....with those he can control....and he controls many....including those who receive state checks...

    2. Do you really think I am a pawn of anybody's?

  2. Anonymous7/11/2015

    4 billion out of wack, you don't compromise with fairy tales.

    1. I'm just calling it the way I see it.

  3. Anonymous7/11/2015

    Rauner to going to find out what a loser he is.

  4. Anonymous7/11/2015

    Madigan is the one who has stubbornly controlled the entire state for nearly twenty years. He is responsible for the terrible fiscal situation we are in. He is the one who has hand picked our horrible State Rep Hurley and horrible liberal State Sen Bill Cunningham. He controls the reins of power in Illinois and has for a long time. During this time we keep spending and borrowing, spending and borrowing year after year. We are in a fiscal disaster of HIS making. We are at or near junk status for our bonds. That is a ridiculous failure. The borrowing and spending cannot continue forever. Somewhere, at some point, it will have to stop. I would rather go through this now, then later when huge cuts will be forced on everyone.

    1. Anonymous7/12/2015

      Madigan is not the problem. weak and corrupt governors are the cause.

    2. I like Hurley but admit Cunningham is a bit much.

  5. Anonymous7/11/2015

    Hey, Rauner "f'd" up running all those commercials pointing the finger at Madigan. If someone ran a month or better of commercials pointing a negative finger at you, how eager would you be to accommodate them? Politics is the art of compromise. You'd think Rauner could check a little governor history and see how successful that last governor who believed his own bullshit ended up.
    At any rate, this ball busting contest between Rauner and Madigan is a stalemate with the end result being more finger pointing at each other. Frankly, I was hoping Rauner had more up his sleeve than running a smear campaign. Its almost as if he's pissed somebody besides himself has any money or influence. He knows how the game's played, remember he bullshitted on his residency to get his kid into one of those selective enrollment schools in the city?
