Sunday, December 21, 2014

This is leadership?

Our extreme liberal leaders should be acknowledged for their role inciting all these attacks on the police. Sad to say, there is more to come. 

It is time for the public to hold those bastards accountable. 


  1. Anonymous12/21/2014


    You are mostly right this time. I agree with Scarborough, when he said this:

    A sorry cloud of deception, yellow journalism has descended upon these incidents. I think they are inspiring violence.

    I am not sure that is "liberal leaders," though. I think that just adds to the deception of this mess. It's getting ugly.

    1. Please note I used the word "extreme" to describe the type of liberal that is the cause of this discourse. Extremism of any type tends to result in chaos.

  2. Anonymous12/22/2014

    There's a certain amount of responsibility that none of the protest advocates want to step up and accept. Its the old running into a theatre and screaming fire scenario. Last week, protesters in New York walked the streets chanting "what do we want?" "Dead Cops". You didn't hear Sharpton or DeBlasio or Obama get up and request a cease and desist. Now two ambushed New York City officers are gone and all the instigators are pushing themselves away from the table of culpability. The whole thing is sickening. But the media gives them the platform and over and over again. How Sharpton is given national radio and television time is beyond me. Obviously MSNBC and his syndicated radio programs are making money at the expense of human lives. And there's no rock any of these people can crawl under to hide form that.

    1. Anonymous12/22/2014

      At some point, 1st amendment rights must take a back seat to the need for a peaceful and orderly society.

  3. Anonymous12/26/2014

    Who are the liberal leaders ? Let's see:
    Our Alderman, State Rep, State Senator, Sherriff, U.S. Congressman and Senator. How's that for a start?
    There masquerading as human beings.

  4. Anonymous12/28/2014

    your smart people get wise.this is noy your granpa Murphys democratic has gone socialistic,
