Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tom Dart (repost)

Is Tom Dart getting in position to make a big announcement? "Leaks" from high up in his administration indicate that something big is coming. 

During the past 6 months, he has purged his cabinet of everyone that had the slightest hint of disloyalty and he has stepped up the fundraising. The source says he has also cut his hair and has begun taking daily showers. 

Expect something in September. 


  1. Anonymous8/25/2014

    Too much baggage.

  2. Anonymous8/25/2014

    And what about the Mt. Carmel fleece????

  3. Anonymous8/25/2014

    he has my support. good man.

  4. Anonymous8/25/2014

    maybe he will annonuce he will hire some of the nice kids from the ward that are in need of a job,that would be nice.

  5. Anonymous8/26/2014

    He better hurry because if he doesn't Dan Hynes will run.

  6. Anonymous8/26/2014

    Tom Dart us no Mike Sheehan. He even brags about not hiring from the 19th ward.

  7. Anonymous8/26/2014

    He has no loyalty to anyone but himself. Anyone who knows him well will tell you he is narcissistic to a very high degree.

    1. Anonymous8/27/2014

      Its really too bad. I wanted to like him and give him a chance.

  8. Anonymous8/26/2014

    Sounds to me like a repeat of dumb dumb Daleys first run. He split the white vote with Byrne and we got Harold. Rahm will get a lot of votes despite the fake polls. But dumb 19th Warders will jump on the Dart bandwagon and split the white vote again and we will have an unstable far left looney bird as mayor....don't think it can happen....look at our history plus look at New York...

    1. Anonymous8/27/2014

      Who put this guy in office? I mean where did he come from?

  9. Anonymous8/26/2014

    perhaps his ego tells him to add sheep to his animal farm at 26th and california or his narrow back narrcisim tells him to run for mayor and that would be something as a mayor never came out of the 19th ward,this kid is a dick of the 1st water,not to be trusted and is own people in the dept hate him,yep he has all the qualifications,hope Rauner defeats Quinn has most of the cpd votes already from what we can see,,

  10. Colin Mc8/26/2014

    no way will he run, he knows better not to go up against Rahm,
    and he knows the 19th ward democrat organization will screw him again like 8 years ago. Dart is well aware that Matt Oshea and the 19th ward are the solid backers of Rahm and Quinn and they basically deliver the vote Rahm tells them to.

    1. Anonymous8/27/2014

      These points you make are ok with me. The 19th Ward didn't screw Tommy. Obama did. You know Obama....he was Darts old roommate in Springfield. The big O put Rahmbo in the mayors chair and screwed Dart just like he has screwed all of us. Also no one delivers my vote.

    2. Anonymous8/29/2014

      Tommy Terrific Hynes did screw Dart BIG TIME. Back when it was slating time he slated Princess Lisa for Attorney General on orders of her father. Then he slated Prince Daniel of Ridge Country Club to be comptroller. Both were shoe ins. Then Tom Terrific Hynes slated Dart for treasurer against Judy Barr Topinka. This assured Dart of a loss. This was all done because Hynes Sr. perceives Dart as a political threat to Prince Daniel. and still does. The Hynes Family has no loyalty.

  11. Anonymous8/27/2014

    What is this November Surprise, Mr. 19th Ward Blogger? I thought it was a shoe-in that Preckwinkle was going to run, with the backing of the Daleys? Inquiring minds want to know. And no, O'Shea and the rest of the 19th won't be backing Rahm. O'Shea probably will publicly, but it's pretty ridiculous to think that the 19th won't pull another Chico.

    1. Anonymous8/28/2014

      Preckwinkle is going to hang back til Nov then make a very last minute decision to get in. Why catch unnecessary heat before then. Rahm and Lewis will kill each other until then. Neither Dart or Hynes will run.

    2. Anonymous8/29/2014

      Hynes can't run because he doesn't have the Bilecki brain trust anymore. They work for Dart now.

  12. Anonymous8/28/2014

    preckwinkle is backed by the biggest political families, Daley, Joyce, Sheahan. They can control her with ease. Even the Hynes family will sign on with her after Rahm launched Matt a few weeks ago. They are working the controls creating controlled chaos to make sure she gets elected.

    None of these families will back Dart. although they created him they now view him as a looney. Dan Hynes, although the most qualified, will not run this time. Family tradition dictates that they don't do well in contested situations.

    1. Anonymous8/29/2014

      It was Matt Hynes that was launched a few weeks ago. It was Rahm that did it. Strapped him to a rocket, lit the fuse and said get the ---- out of here.

    2. Anonymous8/30/2014

      No member of the Joyce Sheehan or O'Shea families would ever do anything that hurts this neighborhood. Everything they do is calculated to help.

  13. Anonymous8/29/2014

    I'll help him pack his shit from the Sheriff's Dept. Hell I'll even buy him shampoo and a hair brush, And a bar of soap. I'm sure we could even get him some clothes from the poor box at the jail.

  14. Anonymous8/29/2014


  15. Anonymous8/29/2014

    I took a course at MIT on urban planning, and a significant portion of the course was devoted to Chicago.

    My God how Chicago has fallen from grace and glory. From Daniel Burnham's plan to Rich Daleys plan for himself and his inner circle. Chicago should not have political nobility. These families are the problem, not the solution. Since when can they pick and choose OUR leaders?

  16. Anonymous8/30/2014

    Jesus, I don't think I could handle another election season of this narcissic self promoting lout touting his goodness and deservedness for higher office. The Burr Oak thing yesterday was enough to last me another few elections.

    1. Anonymous8/30/2014

      Pretty nasty stuff… ME ME ME ME ME ME ME

  17. Anonymous9/05/2014

    He will punt. Scared shitless of Rahm.

  18. Anonymous9/06/2014

    One of the Sheahan clan is suing the Sheriffs dept.

  19. Anonymous9/07/2014

    He is the only politician that I would support against these fing slobs.

  20. Anonymous9/07/2014

    Tom has been posing for a statue of himself to be unveiled sometime in 2016 in Burr Oak Cemetery

  21. Anonymous9/07/2014

    Hope Sheahan's attorney grills him on the boast he made on this radio broadcast that pertains to screwing with his employees by assigning them as far away from their homes as possible
    What an A-hole

  22. Anonymous9/07/2014

    Did you guys ever see the you tube video where he brags about firing and harassing his employees. The guy is a total nut job. A high ranking States Attorney in Civil Division told me Dart has over 150 employees suing him in federal court while Mike Sheehan had 4 when he left office. He said each suit costs the tax payers over 100,000 just to defend.

  23. Anonymous9/08/2014

    Funny part is Dart is not going anywhere where are the candidates willing to challenge him?? You would think some of the suburban Police Chiefs or other high ranking Chicago Officers would give it a shot.
