Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Failure of Leadership

Most of our problems can be traced to a failure of leadership, across the board. National, state and local governments are wanting for people that can lead. This failure of leadership can also be found in business, unions, media and in the churches. It's like a whole generation has begun to tolerate mediocrity or worse. Why?


  1. Anonymous5/18/2014

    Where do you start?

    1. Anonymous5/19/2014

      All politics is local.

    2. Anonymous5/19/2014

      104th an Western

  2. Anonymous5/18/2014

    This post sums up our problems very succinctly. And more importantly this BLOG and the determination to get involved, spark a debate and point out the real culprits and problems is ...THE ANSWER !!!!! Welcome back Murph.

  3. Anonymous5/18/2014

    Do we have to fix our own potholes now?

  4. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Did you see the cover on Sunday's Tribune.

    Photo Enforcement Big Business + Corrupt Politicians (Madigan) = corruption, more costs, and less services.

    Believe it or not, even I am shocked by the level of dirty politics and business here. Utter shame.

    I do not know, Murph, I have been encouraged somewhat. I think we have good local politicians (our state cong. and senate and Sheriff). However, I think the people at the top of Illinois are utter dirty. It seems that all corruption from Metra to Photo Enforcement leads to Mike Madigan. Should our State Attorney General (Lisa Madigan) investigate? YES!

    1. Anonymous5/20/2014

      The above was written by a T. Dart flunky.

    2. Anonymous5/20/2014

      I cannot agree that we have the best representation locally and statewide. We have reps who are very liberal and pretend not to be. Believe me I have seen and HEARD them talk. They are big time Obama Kool-Aid drinkers. They are just more rubber stamp Democrat votes for all the policies destroying our city and state....and country

  5. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Notwithstanding the hidden agenda or arrieres-pensees, Pope Frank is a great leader
    -- addressed and continuing to deal with financial profligacy among the Curia and establishment
    -- raised the issue of economic injustice and wealth inequality (Canada has taken over the USA for middle)
    -- started the process to bring more women into leadership positions
    -- welcoming comments on gays and even atheists; they are saved too
    -- brought down the Bishop of Bling

    Illinois politics is in the doldrums, but I think there is great leadership in the Church.

  6. Anonymous5/20/2014

    The current leadership in the church is great. The church is being saved from the satanic attack.

  7. Anonymous5/20/2014

    I agree about the new Pope. He is a breath of fresh air. I am more conservative politically and I find it funny when the media tries to paint him as a liberal or conservative....he is a good Catholic leader....he is leading by example. We can learn much from each other when we actually listen. Conservatives have some good logic (brain) and liberals have compassion (hearts).

  8. Anonymous5/22/2014

