Monday, December 23, 2013

Is Liberalism Evil?

by Robert Arvay 
The flaws in modern liberalism are so huge, and so obvious, that one wonders how anyone could possibly be fooled by it. Perhaps liberals are not fooled. Perhaps they are not victims of shoddy thinking, but rather, opportunists hoping to cash in on a perceived train wreck. 
The current liberal policy dominating our national economy is breath-taking in its absurdity. It rests on three obvious blunders:
1. Spend more money than you have
2. Borrow more money than you can repay
3. Print more money to cheapen the value of what little you have left
No intelligent person can reasonably think that any of these are good ideas. Taking all three together, they are not a program of anything except national destruction. One need not be an economist to understand this. 
I would rather believe that liberals are stupid, than to believe that they are greedy, but with few exceptions, the evidence is growing that greed, not naïve altruism, guides liberal thinking. They have twisted the noble principle enunciated by John F. Kennedy into its opposite, which is this:  ask only what your country can do for you. 
The liberal talking heads on television seem always to be smiling, polished in their delivery, and well informed as to the facts, but their facts are cherry-picked. Their arguments, however polished they are, are as nonsensical as that of the accused bank robber in court, who, when told that 10 witnesses saw him commit the robbery, replied that he had a hundred witnesses who would testify in his favor – that they had not seen him do it. A gullible public nods in agreement. 
Conservative spokesmen, on the other hand, often appear unsmiling, and clumsy in their delivery. They present the facts, but somehow manage to understate them, as if “everybody knows that.” Only a few erudite conservatives, mostly women, hammer home the points that need to be made. 
Why? Why would seemingly intelligent people defend liberal policies that are so obviously destructive to the nation? Alas, many of them are expecting to survive the crash, to not only survive it, but to prosper from it. As evil as that is, at least one can recognize a perverse sense of reason in that expectation. 
More mysterious, however, is the fact that intelligent people can actually ignore the facts, and remain loyal to a personal ideology, even when those facts are counter-productive to their stated ideology. For liberals, this ideology is called, “fairness.” Barack Obama expressed it best during his first national campaign. He was asked by a reporter why he would raise taxes, when history demonstrates that raising tax rates results in less money to the government, whereas prudent tax cuts have always increased money to the government. Obama’s response was typical of the liberal attitude: lowering taxes is unfair, because it benefits taxpayers (duh), especially the rich ones. People who never pay taxes do not get tax cuts. In other words, Obama considers it more fair to sink the ship for everyone, than to keep it afloat, because some people reside in the expensive cabins, while the rest live in second class quarters. That way of thinking is an error of (pun intended) titanic proportions. 
It is not only the insanity of it, but more so, the moral bankruptcy of liberalism that is destroying America. A so-called abortionist who literally murdered innocent babies, born alive, is ignored or downplayed by most major news media, while the killing of a baby seal for its fur is considered little short of a war crime. The killing of a seventeen year old black youth by a “white Hispanic,” during a struggle, is denounced by liberals as murder, while the blatantly obvious murders of thousands of black youth by black people receives little or no coverage at all. 
A Christian wedding photographer, citing his religious beliefs, refuses to accept as customers two homosexuals, and he is held up as an example of Christian bigotry. Meanwhile, the policy of countries governed by Islam is to kill homosexuals, but you would never know that based on liberal news sources, because Moslems are portrayed by the press as “peaceful.” It seems the ultimate irony:  liberals condemn the very Christians who practice forgiveness, while applauding the very Moslems whose eventual aim is to kill or forcibly subjugate liberals and homosexuals. 
How can we understand this? Is there any explanation? There is none, at least not in the physical world. None. It is physically impossible for seemingly sane, rational people to adopt insane, irrational beliefs to the degree which liberals have done. The only possible explanation is spiritual. 


  1. Anonymous12/23/2013

    Its the work of the Devil.
    No we are a country of useful idiots.

  2. Anonymous12/23/2013

    of course its evil. What else could something so illogical be?

  3. Anonymous12/23/2013

    I find it very dangerous when the other side attempts to define the opposing view. Liberals are not all gay loving, baby killing, tax and spend nut cases. Nor are all conservatives homophobes, anti union, squash the little guy tea bagger.

    I think if we really come together and talk about what we all can agree on, this country would be much better off. I call myself a fiscal liberal (pro union, pro middle class and do what it takes to sustain that class) with a slant towards conservative personal life (pro-life, pro-family, etc).

    Neither side has all the answers. Can't we all agree on that point?

    1. Anonymous12/24/2013

      The Democrats are trying to usher in a Socialist utopia - despite the endless examples of countries where socialism was implemented - and failed. Socialism does not work. Obamacare is just another of the endless examples where it has been tried and has failed. So there must be some other reason at the root of Liberalism. I would say control.

    2. I like it, Anonymous #1. Neither "side" has all the answers. On the other hand, Anonymous #2, Obamacare has nothing to do with Socialism. You know why it will not only survive, but flourish? Because it was cobbled together by insurance companies with the blessing of major employers. Calling it a Socialist program is like calling tax breaks to major corporations Socialist. As Michael Corleone said, "it's just business."

  4. Anonymous12/23/2013

    its all BUSHS fault

  5. Anonymous12/24/2013

    as long as we keep 51 % of the population working hard to pay the taxes to support the rest of us we are fine!

  6. Anonymous12/24/2013


    Well, I agree that our friends and neighbors fail to understand the corrupt mindset that currently exists within the beltway. it is astonishing to see the precinct results in 08 and 12 for Obama. One can only assume that the ward organization largely responsible because Obama's minions pretty much assured these lightweights that they would remain in the fold as it were and truth be told our ward leaders were never told that immigration reform and same sex marriage part of the deal.Witness the pathetic support support for protection of criminal aliens and homosexuality.
    The real absurdity is that the ward electorate supports these people in spite of their
    personal views so they all line up for fund raisers and sign petitions and maybe they can get heavily indebted junior a job shoveling shit on some patronage payroll.

  7. Anonymous12/24/2013

    Send a strong message. Dump all incumbents.

  8. Anonymous12/27/2013

    No republicans are running against Cunningham?
