Saturday, October 26, 2013



SPRINGFIELD - There will be no praying the rosary for gay marriage this Sunday where Bishop Thomas Paprocki pastors. Anyone attempting to enter the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception wearing "rainbow sashes" will be denied entrance, and anyone praying out loud for same-sex marriage will be asked to leave. 
The Bishop issued this warning: “It is blasphemy to show disrespect or irreverence to God or to something holy…Since Jesus clearly taught that marriage as created by God is a sacred institution between a man and a woman, praying for same-sex marriage should be seen as blasphemous and as such will not be permitted in the cathedral.”


  1. Anonymous10/26/2013

    Just once I would love to hear a sermon at a local Catholic Church that actually addresses the homosexual marriage issue. And perhaps takes to task those so called Catholics in our Ward and our state who represent us in the Democratic Party. I am talking about Fran Hurley, Cunningham, Quinn, Kelly Burke, etc...etc... We who oppose these people for their stances on abortion and homosexual marriage need to speak up....Bishop Fulton Sheen said it best.....
    "Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong. And right is right even if nobody is right. "
    I compare someone like him to our mealy mouthed, almost effeminate priests in our area today and hang my head in shame. God is love. That is basically ALL they talk about. But as Sheen explains so plainly...God is also TRUTH. Every western society has considered homosexual BEHAVIOR to be wrong from so many dimensions....even Barack opposed "Gay" marriage til just about 200 days ago.....NOW anyone who opposes these people are considered hateful rubes....I don't see groups of traditional marriage proponents planning on storming a Unitarian Church to pray to God for people to see the truth about the homosexual movement and for their conversion... It is the Christian hating left who are doing so.....and using the "useful idiots" of liberal Christians to help attack the church that they really do HATE.

  2. Anonymous10/26/2013

    Amen,Amen to the Ist responder. So eloquent. God help us that the ward leaders support this madness for personal reasons. Once again go on the record in the BR or ST you reps. and defend your views.

  3. Anonymous10/26/2013

    "Christian-hating left" . . . "Effeminate priests" . . . "[M]ealy mouthed" . . . this is your spokesperson for the crowd opposed to gay marriage.

    Reasonable, levelheaded, and even eloquent. Keep in mind these folks are fight of His Holiness Pope Francis.

    Speaking of which, what do you think of the Catholic church's position on the death penalty? How about poverty? . . . crickets. Gay marriage is not impacting straight marriage, but poverty is. Joblessness is. Homelessness is.

    On another note, I really admire the Pope for suspending that Bishop living like some opulent member of a monarchy . . . well, he is a Prince . . . nevermind. Being somewhat facetious, but this Pope is really very encouraging, and I am waiting for the right to attack him any day now.

    1. Anonymous10/27/2013

      Yes there are many on the left who do HATE Christians (especially TRADITIONAL) Christians. A perfect example is when you listen to WCPT ...or as I like to call it Communist Party Talk. On their station and on places like the HuffPo....THAT is where people like the guy who has a book about how Jesus was a made up fable...and actually argues that "The Jesus Story" was just that.....(despite tons of actual hard evidence including citations in Roman govt documents of Jesus) ADVERTISES. The point is THEY thought that this would be the best demographic audience to sell their books to...(not to mention endless "I was raised Catholic" actors, etc....who bash the Church)...If you do not see that then you are probably not a Christian so do not notice...or you are on of the "useful idiot" liberal Catholics I spoke of. Once they have the "civil right" to marry they will come after Christian Churches and basically every other religion which almost universally condemns homosexual PRACTICE. We will by practicing the SACRAMENT of marriage will be violating gay rights. I just watched Parks and Recreation last night on Netflix and the story centered around elderly people contracting sexually transmitted diseases...And of course the weirdo people who oppose the town having an informational seminar on safe sex are of course those vile bible thumping couple spouting silly slogans...oh and the "husband" was played as a closet gay....(hee hee) They can make fun of gays when it suits their agenda....This stuff is so ingrained in our pop culture which is dominated almost entirely by the left it is a joke....Amy Poehler of Parks and of course a liberal Obama worshipper... She is on public service announcements for Obamacare at the present time....Also, death penalty and poverty were not the subject of this was about homosexual marriage proponents trying to use the Church as a publicity stunt. And if you are going to correct some other post grammar check your own. "Keep in mind these folks are fight of His Holiness Pope Francis". Huh ?

  4. Anonymous10/27/2013

    be on look out 2 gun robberies yesterday 7-11 103 western and 115 pulaski 5pm

  5. Anonymous10/27/2013

    Same sex marriage, free drugs, welfare, group hook-ups, beastiality, no responsiibilities, no God, Sex change/transvestites, whenever you want abortions, You have to admit, we democrats do have more fun.

    1. Anonymous10/28/2013

      Sex changes fun ? The fun you are talking about is if not outright perversion - at least the signs of a mental illness. If you want to have your penis surgically removed to try to create a vagina, then you have some serious mental and emotional issues that need to be dealt with. I feel sorry for those people....but do not want my govt (and therefore my taxes) to be spent on the reconstructive surgery of the mutilated genitalia of someone who thinks by removing his penis he is now a woman......

  6. Anonymous10/28/2013

    our local elected leaders; Hurley Cunningham and Burke placed an add in the CHURCH bulletin with their pictures prominently displayed . calling for the support of Obama care???
    first off: why would our churches allow for such a thing?
    second: these "moral-less" local leaders have no souls and are not CATHOLICS@

    1. Anonymous10/29/2013

      What church did this? When?
