Monday, September 9, 2013

Making war in Syria is a crazy idea!


Headshot-smallBy Teri O'Brien - 
Last week our glorious Dear Reader traveled overseas to put on a fascinating, albeit a bit frightening, display of his narcissistic personality disorder in two separate news conferences. Responding to questions about Syria, he made the bizarre claim that his credibility isn’t on the line, and that the “red line” that has been crossed is not his. By Friday, I realized that he is so delusional that he probably believes these bizarre claims, which makes it even scarier. Barack Obama has achieved what seemed impossible; that is, he’s turned the Middle East into an even bigger disaster than it was before he was able to apply the power of his magnificent charm and intelligence to the situation. Libya, Egypt and now Syria. Heckuva of job, Barry! 
Speaking of narcissism, Michelle “First Klingon” Obama has decided that her “Let’s Move” initiative has created a “cultural shift.” Seriously? 
The American people are burning up telephone wires expressing their extreme unwillingness to go along with this war designed to rescue Obama from the consequences of his own ineptness. This is not the time to give up. If you haven’t called your member of Congress, you need to do so tomorrow, or Tuesday. For inspiration, here’s the script that I used for my call last Friday. 
As stated here, this boneheaded proposal for a Syrian misadventure is the stupidest idea in the world. Even I didn’t think that a liberal could come up with a more ridiculous foreign policy idea, even an unqualified empty suit, radical leftist/former “community organizer,” doing so for obvious political reasons.


  1. Anonymous9/09/2013

    (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could avoid a military strike by turning over all his chemical weapons within a week but immediately made clear he was sure that would never happen.

    When asked by a reporter whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop any attack, Kerry said:

    "Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting (of it) but he isn't about to do it and it can't be done."

  2. Anonymous9/09/2013

    Obama is trying real hard to back peddle on this one. Empty suit.

  3. Anonymous9/09/2013

    WASHINGTON – A top terrorism expert says that recent findings on the chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21 in a region on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, was “indeed a self-inflicted attack” by the Syrian opposition to provoke U.S. and military intervention in Syria.

    At the same time, however, Dr. Yossef Bodansky, former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, conceded that only a detailed chemical analysis by the United Nations of the agents used in the poison gas attack can provide the “guidelines” as to the “guilty party.”

    He conceded that the paucity of facts to date highlights how little is known of the actual attack.

    For example, he said, there remain unverified claims as to just the number of fatalities, ranging from a U.S. assertion of 1,429 fatalities, while the French say that there were only 281. The Syrian opposition and Doctors Without Borders says the number is up to 355.

    “Either way, this is too huge a gap not to be explained and substantiated,” Bodansky said.

    “It is still not clear what type of agent killed the victims,” although there are separate reports that the agent used ranged from the deadly nerve agent Sarin to a high concentration of fluoride, which is used to clear impurities out of drinking water.

    Bodansky said that various tests suggest the nerve agent Sarin was used, reinforcing the conclusion that “kitchen Sarin” was used, although much will depend on the U.N.’s findings once all tests are completed.


  4. Anonymous9/09/2013

    LITTLE GIRL TERRI the author of this piece better wake up, shes preaching to the choir,the area she lives in were all for OBONGO in both elections in order to keep their clout happy,little girl dont you know if you want the mass transit unit, dist tact units. the marine units, the mounted units you have to have a chinaman, a rabbi, a hook, a go to see guy, its not legit never was, never will be,wanna be a sgt? gotta go see the man or woman in Gingers case,wanna be lieutenant?same thing.some guys even had clout through NYC with the 5 families in order to get on and then be sgts and lts.know of one capt on the job now rtd, who drove his squad car into lake michigan while a ptlmn and later became a capt and then dist comm in 022 all because he married into right family,when you see a grey haired older copper working a car stop and think he dosent know anyone or his clouts dead,it may as well be in the 19th ward as they only looked at their books to see how much you contributed to the ward coffers and if you knew Fran or GINGER,forget this halloween meat head thats running it now,like Dart Hynes and Joyce put him in for comic releif.....

  5. Anonymous9/10/2013

    Did Pres. Obama (really) win the Nobel Peace Prize? War is the political measure when other measures---social, diplomatic, economic---have failed. However, there is no (political) objective: neither supplant Assad nor support his enemies.

    In response to Teri O'Brien's comment that she "didn't think that a liberal could come up with a more ridiculous foreign policy idea." Is this lady kidding me? Have you heard the comments from my favorite clown Senator Lindsay Graham? What about John McCain? The fact that Lindsay Graham could be a U.S. Senator literally makes me lose faith in this great country, but then we have Elizabeth Warren and Chris Murphy from Connecticut and my confidence is restored.

    By the way, the religion of peace, the one Muslim member of Cong., Keith Ellison, seems to support bombing. Unfortunately, bad policy making is not limited to liberals, conservatives, or even any religion. The people we elect matter. Let's elect people who want to rebuild Detroit, Chicago. Build infrastructure here instead of destroying it elsewhere. Create jobs here instead of sanctioning them elsewhere. The country is suffering, and we seem to pretend otherwise; it is leading to really bad policy choices, foreign and domestic.

    1. Anonymous9/10/2013

      You make some great points however we need to elect people who will stop spending our children and grandchildren's money by deficit spending. And stop with the insane regulations which have strangled businesses to the degree that very few will hire. We need to work WITH business to see what they need to succeed. Then they will hire....but government jobs are not true jobs in ONE sense...what I mean is we need private sector jobs...those jobs have paychecks that are taxed...those taxes are used to fund the government...including paying the salaries of the people with jobs IN the government. We need private sector jobs.

    2. Anonymous9/10/2013

      Elizabeth Warren invented a fake lineage to include falsely, that she had American Indian blood. From that lie she was given admittance to Harvard as a "minority". She is as much a clown as Lindsay Lohan Graham. Not my idea of a modern day female George Washington.
