Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Local Debate

What? Candidates for State Senate District 18, State House District 35, State House District 36, will discuss the current issues. 
When? 7:00 PM October 29, 2012. 
Where? Parkwood Baptist Church 11333 S. Central Park Chicago.

The event will be moderated by Pastor Thorin Anderson of Parkwood Baptist Church and will be broadcast live on cable TV.


  1. Anonymous10/24/2012

    This is good news.

  2. Anonymous10/24/2012

    It's not a scheduled debate, it's a Republican candidates forum. Will the fake nun, fake American DR. Bellar be there?

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      She was part of the order as a postulate that never completed her vows. She is a Doctor. She is a lawyer.
      Nobody went wild when Fran claimed to be a teacher even though she never was. Nobody went goofy with Fran calling herself a single mother which she isn't (She is divorced from a man who is very caring and involved with his children who supports them). The real issue everyone should care about are where we go from here with a massive state deficit that doesn't seem to affect the state's spending money it doesn't have. Fran wants to cut taxes after pushing the tax increase. If she is serious rather than just being a blowhard, how does she do that and balance the budget. Given the size of Illinois hole, it cannot be done. Not no how, not no way!

    2. Anonymous10/24/2012

      Bill Cunningham, Fran Hurley, and Kelly Burke are the fake Catholics. A person cannot support abortion, gay marriage, and religious persecution and be Catholic.

    3. Anonymous10/24/2012

      Notice how the death penalty, not to mention the issues of poverty, class warfare, and even—gasp!—the environment, are not mentioned.

      I have heard the expression "cafeteria Catholic" before, but you are just taking this much too far.

      Look, the Constitution requires a separation of Church and State. Even more, under your thesis, I would have to vote—notwithstanding the above-mentioned liberal issues—Republican in order to avoid being a "fake" Catholic. THAT is some of the biggest B.S. I have heard in a long time.

    4. Anonymous10/24/2012

      Abortion is the death penalty for innocent children.

  3. Anonymous10/24/2012

    Bellar was NEVER a nun........She did her medical training in Mexico......She says she received her law degree from Loyola, but when Phil Kadner spoke with Loyloa they could not confirm that. Kadner asked her about all of these issues and she would not comment. This woman is a crazy TeaBag ultra right wing nut.

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      Hey Li* Kads article. Noone "called him back in time" for his article from Loyola. He could not confirm that in the same way I could not confirm if you are home or not if I call you and you do not answer your phone. Get your facts straight.

      Of course Kad could not hold back his article to find out the facts as he was itching to administer the hatchet job.
      As traditionalists, we have realized for decades now the vile hatred the left in the media have for us and could care less what they say or think. Calling people "tea baggers" is a disgusting slur to people and refers to a sexual act in case you were not aware. Or maybe you are just ignorant in your interactions with others.
      Many of us are tea party patriots who love America and are fighting the sleazy socialists of the Democrat Pary of high taxes and low morals. I would trust Barb Bellar with my wallet - and the purse strings of our state before I would trust Bill Cunningham or Fran Hurley. They are looking to score their own coveted pensions....dollar signs in their eyes.... and by the way those dollars - are OURS !

    2. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I would love to put up a Barb sign on my lawn but fear the retailiation from these out of control Democrat hacks. There is big money at stake (we have it and they want it) - and they will do just about anything to maintain power. Thanks Kadner for helping these greedy power hungry control freaks keep power. Couldnt have a nice lady who devoted several years of service to others represent us. We need a County Sheriff tag along and a former Ward office receptionist to represent us in Springfield.

    3. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I was undecided until I read that Bellar is a Tea-Bagger. Now, I will definitely vote for her!

  4. Anonymous10/24/2012

    Alot of people did their medical schooling outside the country - after all, we have to let people from everywhere else come here for our training. She has more education, training, experience, self sacrificing service in one molecule of her body than Fran The Man has in her entire body. Fran is an empty shell to be filled with the votes and the actions of the puppet master Madigan. I dont care if Barb Bellar ever took full vows, she served for five years longer than any of the fake Irish Catholic zombies currently representingus...I mean representing Madigan. Guarantee you they are salivating at the chance to spend our money come January.

  5. Anonymous10/24/2012

    Fran is in the final stages of accepting Holy Orders in the church of Liberalism....their high sacrament is abortion. Frank Hurley, Richie Cunningham and Eddie OBaloney are all altar servers and their masses are held at midnight as they worship The Almighty State. All Hail Obama friend of abortionists everywhere.

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I am very surprised at the conduct of Ed Maloney toward Hurley. He is endorsing her?

      Ed, you have a duty as a Catholic leader to repudiate her and all that she stands for. Keeping silent is not good enough.

  6. Anonymous10/24/2012

    She joined the order as a postulate to become a nun but did not take her final vows. I bet she went to Church too! The fact that she did medical training in Mexico (probably because is a caucasion)doesn't mean she didn't pass her boards and isn't a doctor or she would not be allowed to practice medicine. I won't vote for the goofs coming out of the 19th ward voting for gay marriage or abortion, requiring teachers to get 75% vote to go on strike and also put forward a constitutional amendment against policemen, paramedics, firefighters, laborers, pipefitters, etc. Hurry up and vote for da dems sheep. You think they are on your side, think about how they loved the teachers so hard.

  7. Anonymous10/24/2012

    These fake Catholics are making sick to my stomach. If they only knew how many of us really feel about their wretched behavior in office. To think that these people have the nerve to promote the abortion industry - and then walk into Church like there is no hypocrisy. I guess you have to be really delusional or really not care about your faith to hold two diametrically opposed positions and behavior. I say it is time to act - (and time to pray the rosary that we might have a change from these people who support this sickening act so brazenly and still feel justified in calling themselves Catholics).

  8. Anonymous10/24/2012

    OK. Someone help me understand this. I am sincere in this request for assistance on this.

    Some of these people were attacking me raising the issue of Mitt Romney's religion/cult. Yet, they want me to vote Republican on because of the Catholic Church's position on (some) issues.

    So, it is OK to make religion an issue for these candidates but not for Mitt Romney's?

    Did you know that Mormonism is polytheistic?
    Source: Catholic Answers.

    Here is the response regarding the question of cultism.

    Look, Mitt Romney is a Bishop in his church. An elder whose parents were Mexican from a Mexican polygamist colony. He always claims to hail from a terrorist separatist, Brigham Young. I say all of this tongue-in-cheek, but wow! Mormomism is freaky. Dig a little deep yourself, and you will be shocked by what you find.

    Legitimately, Mormonism should be an issue but the leftist, "lamestream" media is protecting Romney. Religion is, and ought to be, irrelevant in the above-mentioned campaigns.

    1. Anonymous10/25/2012

      I posted about the Catholic church because of the hypocrisy of those politicians, Hurley, Cunningham, Maloney, Dart and all the other Irish politicians from our neighborhood. OUr problem is that we feel that they are using the church when it is convenient for them. This blog is a 19th Ward blog, not a national blog. We are a heavily Catholic Ward. It is not that we are saying these candidates need to reflect OUR church, but if they hold themselves out to be members of the church and accept all the positives that go with that in OUR area, then the least we can expect is that their public conduct be in general conformity with what our beliefs are - IF YOU WANT OUR VOTE. Big difference from slurring and denigrating someone's faith like you do regarding MOrmonism. I would rather have a practicing Mormon represent me than a pro abortion fake Catholic any day.

  9. James O10/25/2012

    Sounds like the Democrat part of the local ticket races are going to NOT SGHOW UP monday night to debate Bellar, Shelstrom and fernandez.
    i guess you do not have to face the voters, you just demand that they vote you into fools who were long time Dems...(NOT ANYMORE) created this mess, no one to blame but ourselves, I will show up Monday night, and when the democrat candidates do not show up, that will only further signal to me that i don’t matter to their fat cat, money grabbing, pissing away all of my pension payments over 26 years jerks, that I do in fact need to permanently change my political party to the Republicans.
    i do know who caused my problems and whether bellar is a DR a NUN a Plummer i don’t care, i want someone new.

    1. Anonymous10/25/2012

      Who's says they arent showing up?

  10. Anonymous10/25/2012

    The Democrats don't seem to care about middle class moderate white voters anymore. They would rather pander to the non working urban underclass just as the anciet Roman Plebians used to pander to the mobs of Rome. Free bread annd circuses helped to control the rabble. Today it is Link Cards, Obamaphones, WWF Wrestling etc...Now add the promotion of homosexual marriage and we are slowly but surely sliding down the slimy moral slope and are beginning to decay from within.

  11. Anonymous10/25/2012

    I believe it is true, I have heard from Oshea and Maloney that they do not want Burke, Hurley or Cunningham to show up, don’t want the ability to make comparisons between the candidates I guess???
    From a purely political point I understand the angst, why take any chance, some of the 19th warders could become swayed, politically speaking good safe tactic.
    Let’s face it we are going to clean all of their Republican clocks in the election, sorry Murph..i can tell you are die hard right winger, but who are kidding here, we are going to win ALL of the local races in two weeks.
