Sunday, October 7, 2012

Latest presidential polling shows Obama slipping.

Political insiders saw this trend 2 weeks ago.

Ohio: Romney 47%, Obama 46% (source: We Ask America)
Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 49% (source: Rasmussen)
Florida: Romney 49%, Obama 46% (source: We Ask America)
Virginia: Romney 49%, Obama 48% (source: Rasmussen)
Virginia: Romney 48%, Obama 45% (source: We Ask America)


  1. Anonymous10/07/2012

    The numbers are wrong. Now - that is what the republicans did: deny the accuracy of the polls. Actually, I agree with Jack Welch, though, on the employment numbers.

    It puzzles me that anyone would vote for Bishop Romney. Who are these 47% or so? And 47% is a magic number for Bishop Willard, but he has since changed his position on that like everything else.

    It is not that I like his opposition, it is that it surprises me anyone would support him. Sure. Romney is a Saint. A Latter Day Saint.

    My suspicion is that the 47% or so are a combination of individuals would vote for Romney anyway, individuals voting against Obama, and then low-information voters.

    The combination of enormous tax decreases and increases in offense spending will devastate the U.S. budget and credit rating. Yet, they describe themselves as "fiscal hawks" - astonishing. I understand it is politics, but it is astonishing that they can get away with it.

    Romney's biggest supporters are the too-big-to-fail banks. The institutions of social security and the U.S. Treasury are going to be skinned alive to fund the Romney/Ryan policies.

    If people would look a little deeper into Romney/Ryan's policies and who their backers are, I suspect the polls would be different. And once the polls changed, Romney would etch a sketch and change public positions. Astonishing that he gets away with it.

    1. Anonymous10/07/2012

      Why do you bring up his religion? Sounds like a little bigotry to me. We are not voting for Pastor or Bishop of America - we are voting for President. Basically the CEO of America. So far you have said nothing about why we should RE elect Obama. Why? Instead the liberal left (personified by one of the creepiest looking and acting men i have ever seen David AxelROD) are busy defaming Mitt Romney and trying to trash his reputation. That has been the DemocRATS whole strategy. (Not very hope and changey feeling is it?). I LIKE business people - especially a turn around King like Mitt - his resume so far outshines Barack Obama it is ridiculous. Obama was a LECTURER at UC - not even a tenured Prof. He was a community organizer as well as a truly "back bencher" State Senator....ALL of his opponents were summarily DESTROYED by a willing media. He was a US Senator for two years (most of which was spent campaigning for Pres) Take a look at Obama's supporters from another creepy figure and convicted criminal George Soros down to Bill "Let's blow up a police station" Ayers. He was and remains a radical - just like Barack Hussein Obama...
      Romney was one of a select few who began a JOINT MBA and Juris Doctorate degree program at HARVARD. I like Mitt because he is interested in fixing things, like he fixed countless businesses, fixed Mass. withOUT raising taxes, cleaned up the Olympics right after Sept 11th and just as he cleaned Obama's clock in the first debate. If Obummer has another lame performance he can kiss the WH goodbye ! I hope - and yes i PRAY !

    2. Anonymous10/07/2012

      The election is between Obama and Anybody but Obanma.

    3. Anonymous10/08/2012

      I vacillated on this one. I wasn't sure if I should ignore it or respond to the reply.

      "Why do you bring up his religion? Sounds like a little bigotry to me."

      A. Character Is the Presidency
      This did honestly make me laugh. Bigotry—really? It has often been said that the office of President is predominantly about character. Character. Bishop Willard is a Mormon and attained the highest office in his religion. This has shaped, some may same formed, his character. Raising this issue "[s]ounds like a little bigotry." LOL.

      B. Polygamy v. United States
      His family fled the United States—abandoned it—when given the choice between polygamy and the U.S. His family chose, voluntarily, to move to Mexico to engage in polygamy. In my view, though "a little bigotry" from your perspective, polygamy is a barbaric practice. Barbaric.

      His family returned to the United States when Pancho Villa began to raise hell in Mexico.

      C. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (Bishop Willard's Other Ancestors)

      Bishop Willard Romney claims a direct line to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

      1. Brigham Young
      Brigham Young, like Romney's grandfather, George S. Romney, sought to create his own country within the United States. I guess bringing this up is a little bigotry too.

      It gets worse. Young engaged in treason against the U.S. and took up arms against federal troops. Brigham Young even wanted to burn (terrorist?) Salt Lake City.

      This dictator . . . well, this is too bigoted now, but please see Mountain Meadows Massacre.

      2. Joseph Smith
      Just read one of his books such as the Book of Abraham and read about Planet Kolob.

      D. Magic Garments (Underwear)
      Now I did not even go here—this is just too easy.

    4. Anonymous10/08/2012

      Just as I thought - a bigot.

      I do not subscribe to his religion or many of the other mainlines religions out there. I do know that virtually every practicing Mormon I have ever met was an exemplary person (granted they have been only a handful). Bigot to bring up religion and ridicule someone else's beliefs.
      p.s. pretty sure they outlawed polygamy a long time ago too. p.s.s. - why don't you tell us Catholics how you feel about the religion of ours and our forefather's who withstood the outstanding pressure of the British Monarchy to convert - to the point of death. I guess we're just Papists to you too huh?

    5. Anonymous10/08/2012

      Keep talking about Romney and his religion. Never heard him or his mentors say the crazy things Rev Wright said. He is a real piece of work - and Obama sat in that guy's pews for 20 years ! (but he says he had never heard anything radical). You believe that too right,, or maybe you just agree that the US Government caused AIDS and some of the other conspiracy theories Obama must have heard as he was Wright's good buddy! Maybe they should ask Obama that at the debate. One of the two autobiographies Obama wrote about his life - the amazing life he had lived by his early thirties..was taken from a sermon by the Rev. Wright.

    6. Anonymous10/08/2012

      I guess noone who is a Mormon should be elected to public office right? No Mormons need apply?

    7. Anonymous10/08/2012

      Yes it is easy to ridicule someone's faith. I find that when someone does so it is usually because they have none of their own. They do not understand the utter insult such statements make to the individual who has faith - whatever faith that may be. If a right wing nut job Republican Congressional candidate said things like you have said about say, the Muslim faith I am sure you would just shake your head, sure in your own self righteousness and maybe say to yourself...."bigot" !

    8. Anonymous10/08/2012

      I personally could care less what Romney's grand father did supposedly....i know he is not Obama, and that is good enough for me !

    9. Anonymous10/08/2012

      Wait a second, LOL. You asked me why I am bringing up Romney's religion, and I provided you an answer. You are (almost) clever with this reverse-bigot stuff.

      His religion has a very barbaric (recent) history of treason, polygamy, and organized crime. You go and refer to "Barack 'Hussein' Obama," which is more implicitly bigoted. Everything from Muslim to alien has been thrown at Obama, and you know that you implicitly raised that. In fact, Obama's religion and where he worshiped was excoriated in the media. Even his preacher. Again, I appreciate that you are trying to be clever. Even I have never seen reverse bigotry taken to this level.

      If elected, Bishop Willard Romney will be the most R.E.L.I.G.I.O.U.S. President in U.S. history. No other President would have been as religious (emphasis on religious). Presidents of deep faith such as Lincoln and Reagan were not religious—not even churchgoers. Same for my favorite President, Washington. But this person is a bishop; he is an elder. This is different. The discussion of his religion and its history in the United States is and ought to be fair game.

      When I look to Romney's family history, I see:
      1) Polygamy
      2) Insurrection
      3) Planet Kolob

      That is what I see; this is what I found. Not sure how finding this makes me a bigot. I would be a bigot if I prejudged Romney. Instead, I decided to look a little bit into his religion that I knew little about. I mean, his own father was born in the Mormon colonies in Mexico. That fascinated me: Mitt Romney's father was a Mexican.

      The whole history of fleeing the U.S., attacking U.S. soldiers, polygamy, inter alia, seems goofy to me. Had no idea that this would make me a bigot.

  2. Anonymous10/07/2012

    Its 1980 all over ...Sorry libs

  3. Anonymous10/07/2012

    I read this as part of an article explaining why obama may lose to Romney

    "By running ads painting such an unappealing, monstrous portrait of Romney — callous, uncaring, incompetent, selfish — they set the lowest of bars for the Republican nominee when he walked onto the debate stage Wednesday night.

    Once Romney came across as knowledgeable, clear and deeply concerned about the state of the country, the entire vilification campaign of summer and early fall looked shaky and less convincing. The man standing before the country didn’t match the Gordon-Gekko-meets-Thurston-Howell-III caricature at all.

    Read more:

  4. Anonymous10/07/2012

    spoken like a true dumocrat

  5. Anonymous10/07/2012

    why are people so stuck on voting democratic??? Haven't we seen / had enough??......time for changes...lets get back on track...2 term limit for all politicians!!!!..whether they are democrat or republican!!!

  6. Do me a favor. Go to Rasmussen's latest electoral college accounting. You know that Rasmussen is the most conservative of pollsters. See who leads in the electoral college. They're even saying Ohio leans to Romney.

    1. Anonymous10/08/2012

      If by "conservative" you mean accurate - then yes you are right. He was the MOST accurate of the pollsters last time. Left or right. The liberal pollsters try to sway public opinion early in the season but suddenly nearer the election they suddenly "tighten up". By any measure this is a close election - but in my opinion it is only so because the media is so sickeningly supportive of Obama... i think it is so bad now that the American people are realizing it and they sure saw someone totally outclassed. Wait til next time - we will see the "aggressive" Obama....too late. When that doesnt work we will see the "earnest" Obama in the last debate...too late.
